How could FFVII be better?

What what I would change about FFVII?

Let's start simple. The graphics. Being cutting edge over ten years ago is no longer a bragging point. Make them realistic, and less legoy. And actual 3D backgrounds. That's a step to make any older FF better.

Storyline. Feel in the holes, explain some stuff. Establish actual connections between all the money grubbing sequels prequels and toilet paper that they've been releasing off the game that only make more holes in a game that had quite enough.

Battle system. FFS correct the magic names. They bug me to no end. I understand they may have been needed at the time, but now it's quite possible to have full names.

The last thing that could make FF7 better is if it was more game than hype. I remember playing it and being so disappointed with it despite the fact that it's a solid game because I'd heard her was the best fucking game ever. It's not. It doesn't even start to be. It's a lot more like your typical JRPG than anything cutting edge.

It wasn't the best game ever then and it isn't now, if you accept than even the PS version of FFVII is much better.
Aside from the obvious things already pointed out (better graphics etc.), I would've liked some more backstory on things which could be found out through sidequests (where is Jenova from? More about the ancients). Also the whole seph-clone bit could be made clearer.

Also I really prefer the 4 group party games to the 3.
I wouldn't change a single thing about the game. I think Final Fantasy VII is perfect just the way it is regardless of all it's flaws. Like someone else said, I even like the translation errors made to the English version of the game because it gives me a good chuckle.
Mainly the graphics; the low-qualty, pre-rendered environments are pretty ugly by today's standards.
Honestly I like the graphics the way they are, because different scenes (like, say, the Honeybee Inn) look better in their bad graphic form. (Lol, imagine Mukki on Cloud in good quality! That would give the game an M rating :P)

I would say to change the materia names from "Fire2 and Ice3" and give them actual names. Idk but that really bothered me.

Also, fix some of the random battles timing, because in some places there were no battles and in some places after a few steps BAM, another battle.
I can't say the graphics really bothered me, nor do they bother me now. We've seen countless games that spend so much time focused on cutting edge visuals that the rest of the content invariably suffers. For it's time FFVII had a great blend of good graphics for it's time, and an engrossing storyline.

Whilst the storyline was good, I felt it could have elaborated on certain parts i.e Jenova. I also felt that a couple of the characters were weak (not physically) Cait Sith for example felt like a character added for the hell of it.

All in all, I would say a majority of the game is fine the way it is. A few tweaks in storyline depth wouldn't go a miss though.
I think the game is brilliant. I guess if they were to remake it, they could add more depth to the materia system, perhaps add 3 jointed slots and new kinds of magic for deeper customization and ingenuity.
That would be epic. I don't understand why they have not made a remake. Like it wouldn't be awesome.
Damn you Square :spaz:
I think this game was pretty good as it was, tbh :hmmm: Maybe the only thing I would change is explaining more about Sephiroth ended up being in the ice (can't remember the name of the place) towards the end, because somewhere along the line I just got completely confused about that part of the story:ness: I'm probably missing something somewhere, but I refuse to look up all the background Wiki info or series add-on stories to figure it out, because I think a game should be self-explanatory by itself, so I'll see if maybe it will make more sense on the second playthrough :hmmm:

(Also maybe I would add a bit more to the story on the 3rd disk, because it kind of irritated me how short it was, it's like "Oh boy a new disk--hey wait, it's over already?! :rage:")
It's amazing the way it is.

But better gfx wouldn't hurt... come to think of it, good voice acting would be epic, as well. That's mainly what would really make the game better cuz that's really all it's missing. :ryan: