How could XII have been better?

The only things I think would have made it better if Vaan was a secondary character. I really think it was kinda weird to have him as a main character when the most of the focus was on Ashe, IMO.
And maybe the music could have been bit better, not that it was bad or anything. I have to admit that I like a few songs from the game. It's just that most of the songs weren't very memorable. I also found the License Board annoying sometimes.
But I don't hate the game. I thought it was alright.
Some things that I think that FF12 could have improved on includes numerous things; some of which include the Battle System, Character involvement&development, and story.

The battle system first off, was something different, and it was a good approach; so I'll give SE that much. However, that is all that is has going for it. This was the first final fantasy excluding XIII that didn't have the turn-based system, and alike many fans(like myself) I didn't at all like it. Even though change is good for some people, I believe that the turn-based battle system should of stayed with FFXII. the new battle system didn't work for me at all.

Character development and involvement, this was something tricky, and took a lot paying close attention to. I did like how the characters were involved, but their development wasn't really all that great to tell the truth. I personally believe that there should of been more focus on their development, as the involvement would be irrelevant if their development wasn't great, or at the very least, moderately decent.

The story was the worst I've ever seen, and in my times of playing RPGs, I've seen some really bad ones, and FF12 is one of those really bad ones. To start off, the story made no sense one bit. Very different from their usual approach of things. When you think final fantasy, you would suspect a love story somewhere in that storyline, and while there was some elements of romance in this story, i didn't see much of it that i would of liked to. That was the main concern I had for the story of this game. The political elements were not all that great either.
I wholehartedly disagree with the fellow above.

1- There should be no way of getting better weapons than the ones sold in shops at any given time, outside of rewards for sidequests. Especially hunts. The availability of powerful weapons early makes the game very easy.

2- The spells should have received a shorter load time.

3- The damage limit need not be there. This game gives you very strong weapons and magic, but limits their usefulness by capping damage. That makes weapons with attack 100+ more novelty than anything else.

4- Some scenes should be given their own tracks, instead of rehashing area music for important plot events.
thats easy, get rid of vaan:ban:. Square enix can make better characters then him
well, im not terribly picky, so I like this game....
but if I could change some things, I definitely would-

the thing with the battle system, for me at first i really really HATED it.
and the gambits are stupid, although I had them programed I always selected each of my characters commands, it seemed kind of stupid that i could just put the controller down and the characters would fight for me. that's not playing a game.
but i got used to the battle system and selecting every command its not difficult to me anymore and I enjoy it in its own way.

So I would get rid of gambits

also, (quite possibly the most) I hated the wierd murky overlay they put over the characters of all the cutscenes that made everyone look mushy and blurry and made Vaan look like he was wearing an undershirt with abs drawn on it. XD
its like srsly? guys, I know you can do better than that.

and I would make the characters be closer and more friendly with each other


politics. bleah