How did you react?

^ Hahahaha, that's awesome :D Why would she think that you killed her off on purpose? Do you not like Selphie?
There was the initial blatantly loud "F**K!!" when it happened and I flashed back to my screaming episode in the FF7 death, but when I regained my composure I rationalized that they couldn't possibly just kill off a chunk of the cast, especially when I picked two of the characters.

So that was that.
I didn't think they were gonna die at all. I knew that somewhere in the story they were going to eventually come back in. Very rarely does Square kill off characters. And not to mention the whole point of picking who was going with Selphie... It couldn't happen with a game for the PS because it would have too many scenerios in the end and it would involve way too many discs. The graphics made it 4 discs already!
I thought I failed the mission XD. I threw the pad (luckily at the couch so it didn't break) and walked away. Next thing I know it's back to Squall, lol.
^ lol.

In the back of my mind I was seriously contemplating a game with 2 of my best characters (Zell and Selphie) in the party, but it was kind of a shock to find out that they actually didn't die.
I was scared. I didn't know what to do. My hairs were standing up, I had a moment of clarity, should I continue wasting my life playing Video Games over and over again just to get emotionally attached to characters to see them die? Should I put my mind through such mental anguish? They've DIED goddamit, I junctioned all my best magic in them goddammit...

Oh, squall's still there. PLAY ON MATE.
I worried, I was really confused, I didn't understand why the entire base just exploded and the characters names were still there, I assumed they survived as I had previously read up about the game and Selphie is right at the end in the final battle with Ultimecia, so I didn't think they had died.
when it exploded at first i thought dam i done something rong but the my bro pointed out sarcasticly that my team were still alive, it left me wondering did they get out in time or were they stuck, but i ffound out they got out in time :P
i thought they were dead after that lol, but they came back afterwards. But it would suck to kill off half the cast over there
When that happened, I was like WTF NO!!! I haven't saved in ever, as I thought it was going to bring up the game over screen>_<
I was certainly concerned for a moment or little brother was watching me at the time...we just kind of looked at each other and said "No, it isn't possible..." Then I brought up the menu and saw their names. My brother then hopped online to confirm it.
Lol, I was just sitting there waiting for either the screen to come up with the game over or it to continue. It felt like forever as I hadn't saved my game in FOREVER!!!
I wasn't surprised since I knew that they where lived though.

That bit about the missile base blowing was only one of the few bits of the story I actually liked, most of the other stuff being Laguna's flashback bits and the parts with Seifer.
lol I Was kinda like OMFG!!!! for a second and then i was like nah they wouldn't kill Selphie, Irvine and Zell lol
I was worried for a little while. I thought Selphie was going to die, and personally, I really don't think it would've surprised me if it turned out to be true. Remember Aeris? :sad:
LOL, yeah one awesome moment in my memory. Since I didn't really save but it was more, ohhh no!!! I messed up???

And since the screen moved on I realized that it was all good. Made me love VIII even more. *nods*
I literally shouted "FUCK OFF!" and went ranting on at the screen about how i'de got quite far and would have to beat that robot thing again, then the screen moves on, where i then start shouting at the screen "You bastard" and then my mum comes into the room and gives me into a row for swearing....lawl