How do I optimise FF12 for an LCD TV


Chocobo Breeder
Jul 3, 2008
Hi guys. I just bought FF12 and unfortunatly Im playing it on a newer HD LCD television so Im having visual problems.

My question is, what settings should I select in order to get the most out of FF12 on this newer TV.
  • Should I turn the 'Flicker Filter' option ON or OFF?
  • Should I set it to widescreen? When I changed my PS2's settings and this games settings to widescreen it still maintained the original 4:3 aspect ratio anyway. Personally I dont mind playing it at 4:3 aspect ratio but I want to know if theres any difference.
Is there anything else I should do?
I'd say just keep flicker filter on and widescreen settings on for an HDTV. Can't think of any other way to optimize it's graphical appearance, though.

But I guess it's just a matter of whether you like widescreen or standard settings, since the flicker filter is always a good thing.
I'd say just keep flicker filter on and widescreen settings on for an HDTV. Can't think of any other way to optimize it's graphical appearance, though.

But I guess it's just a matter of whether you like widescreen or standard settings, since the flicker filter is always a good thing.

Im not sure about the flicker filter though:confused:I read somewhere that its actually meant to be used to scale down HD footage. But Im still not sure if I should use it when playing FF12 on a HD TV.
Well, I'm not too sure about that... o.o

But it didn't seem to mess with anything besides making text grainy/more of a hassle to read when I turned it off.
What cables to you use? If you don't use the Component cables, I recommend so now; the 480p is really noticeable on a HDTV, and this works for all games. Flicker Filter just adds a slight grainy effect which isn't noticeable on a normal TV. As for widescreen.....well, the characters will be a little more squashed, but it'll fill up the entire screen of your TV.
What cables to you use? If you don't use the Component cables, I recommend so now; the 480p is really noticeable on a HDTV, and this works for all games. Flicker Filter just adds a slight grainy effect which isn't noticeable on a normal TV. As for widescreen.....well, the characters will be a little more squashed, but it'll fill up the entire screen of your TV.

Is it possible to use component cables? Because Ive looked all over the internet and I dont think Sony sell component cables for the ps2.
Of course they do - I just typed in 'Sony component cable ps2' in Google, and here's one of the results:

Actually yes your right. I found several cables online. Unfortunatly I only have 2 Compenent outputs on my TV and Im using both of them for my Xbox and Xbox 360:unsure:.

I think Ill just settle for what I have until I can get HDMI cable for my 360 and free up the component output. Im not going to get the HDMI anytime soon because its costs like $60 Australian for just that cable which is ridiculous. M$ are the greediest company in the world.

Well thanx for the help guys
Ive changed my mind. I think I will buy a compenent cable for my PS2 after all. I cant find any official Sony PS2 ones within Australia however there are some 3rd party one's but Im not sure I should get them. Has anyone ever used a third party compenet cable and did it work well?
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Okay I just got the component cable. It seems to have made the colours look alot better and more vibrant and has made the image sharper and its a noticable differnce on Final Fantasy. But overall everything now just looks aliased which I dont mind but I was wondering if there was some additional setting I had to adjust on my PS2 to actually get the most out of this cable?

Using widescreen doesnt seem to have improved anything because when I set both my PS2 and the FInal Fantasy settings on widescreen all it does is warp the screen and make everything look narrower. And its the same situation when I set my PS2 to normal 4:3 and the games settings to widescreen. I think its better to stick to 4:3.

I also think its looks better with flicker filter on now.