How do you pronounce Zidane's name?

I've only ever thought of one way to pronounce Zidane's name and that's exactly how it's spelled: "Zi-dane". Not really that difficult. The "i" has a short sound to it, and the "a" has a long sound to it.
I think that zidane is how you accually pronounce it. At least it looks like it
Well with me I pronounced it Zee-Dain, and what I think with the FF series is unless they speak it in the game you pronounce it however you think it should be, cause at the end of the day you take the role of the main character so in a way its your story.
Well with me I pronounced it Zee-Dain, and what I think with the FF series is unless they speak it in the game you pronounce it however you think it should be, cause at the end of the day you take the role of the main character so in a way its your story.

Even if I know the right pronounciation sometimes I still don't pronounce it properly. Despite me knowing the pronounciations of Yuffie and Tidus, I still pronounces Yuffie as like Yuff-ay (Pronounce "Yuff" similar to "Huff") and Tidus like Tid-us (Pronounce "Tid" similar to "Cid"). Some people would probably adapt and pronounce it the proper way but I stick with my pronounciations since it sounds best to me. :)
Aye, I still use "Juf-fee" instead of KH's "Yoofie", as well as "Tai-dus" instead of KH's "Tee-dus". For Zidane, I say "Zee-dane". Simple.
I say it Zih-dein. I think it's pronounced zee-dah-nay, but that just sounds silly. And i always say yuff-ee instead of yoof-ee and tai-duhs, the real pronunciations sound silly as well.
I've always called him zih-DAYNE. "Zih" as in "zip". Ah, but I hate when the real pronunciation is not obvious.
I didn't know we had so many threads that were lulz worthy. xD

I think that it's pronounc Zih-dane. :monster:
i pronounced it ZI-DAN, mainly because of zinedine zidane. I think that 'e' on the end would of made me pronounce it different if it wasn't for football.....
ZI-DAN, just because otherwise it makes him sound like a 'Dane' or something. (You know, the godamn huge frikkin' dogs) Plus, I know of one other real life person with the same name which is pronounced in that way, so I guess it's only logical.

Plus, if Zidane were able to headbutt as an in-game attack...