How do you start off in FF 11?


Sep 20, 2008
hi guys ive just started playing final fantasy 11.. and i dont know what to do besides kill monsters.. any tips? please.
You can check near the gates, those NPC's will give you quest. As you do more quest they will tell you where to go for the next.

You should level to 15 alone and after that start looking for groups. Once you get into groups you can ask players what new to do and if they are just starting to play you can go do them together. Also, try to find a linkshell as soon as possible so you can have friends to ask questions and do events with.

Nice to see a name like Solid Snake :)
That was my mules name.
I'm going to put some basic info I thought you might need to know up here.

-to "stack" items into stacks of 12, enter your item invo and click on the sort option

-Macros are sets of commands you can assign to the keyboard keys 0-9 (not on the keypad). To do so, open the menu and select macros there will be two rows. The top row is for macros activated by holding ctrl and the bottom is activated by holding alt. Anyway, click the top row box marked 1. The first blank is to title your macro. I'm going to use warrior's "provoke" ability as an example. Type "Provoke" in the title area. Below the title line is a longer text area. In this one type /ja "Provoke" <t> Now, whenever you want to use provoke on a monster, you can do so by simply holding ctrl and pressing 1.

If you're looking to really understand what you just did...
/ja is what lets the game know you're preforming an ability under the "Job ability" menu. "Provoke" is the name of the ability. It must be in quotation marks, capatilized, and spelled correctly. <t> specifies that you're preforming the job ability: provoke on whatever you have targeted.

Now if you're a white mage and you just learned protectga you'd want to use /ma "Protectga" <me>. /ma specifies an ability under the magic menu. Protectga is the spell you're casting, and <me> tells the game that you want to cast the spell on yourself.

-When fighting monsters alone, make sure you check them before you engage them. Depending on your job and level, you should be ok to fight a easy pray and decent challenge. Even Match monsters can be difficult for some jobs more than others. Anything "Tough" and higher you should avoid. Especially beastmen type mobs, because they'll attack you first (Yagudo, orcs, quadav.)

I'd say killing monsters for exp is the best thing you can be doing until level 12-15 depending on the job you chose to start the game as. At 15, you're going to want to take some time out to "Farm" as the FFXI community likes to call it, so you can fund some spiffy new gear because from this point on, killing monsters for exp by yourself tends to become slow and tedious.

If you dont already know, there's place called an Auction House (AH). The AH is a place where players can sell items they find, or gear they've outleveled. Likewise, you can buy new gear and items here. Just make sure the gear you buy matches your job and current level. ~_^


If your from windurst, Target crawlers. They occasionally drop an item called Silk Thread. If you farm up 12 of them, you can sell the "Stack" of 12 for a varying price. 8,000-10,000 gil was there going price before I quit. You also might find yourself some crawler calous and smooth stones. There is an NPC in Windurst Woods that will take 3 crawler calous for 300g, which will give you a little windurst fame... She will also take silk threads for the quest, but do NOT give her the silk threads. You can make much more gil by selling them on the AH, than by using them on this quest, and gill is more important. The smooth stone is for another NPC in windurst waters. She'll give you gill for a smooth stone. I'd check some of the FFXI info sites for specific information on these quests that I no longer remember.

If your from Bastok- I'd suggest targeting the Bees in the area for an item called Bee Hive Chips. 12 of them should sell for... I dont quite remember. 4,000-6,000? Also, if you have enough gill to put into it, you can buy yourself a stack of pick axes and go through bastok mines where there is a zone that leads to the... wtfevertheyarecalled mines. ^.^; Run in and take a left (I think it was) until you come to the "Cave" textured walls. Now make a macro like I explained above. Name it Pick Axe or something, then below the title type /item "Pickaxe" <t> (I cant remember if the pick axe item is one word or two... to be save, check the item in your invo to see ho they spelled it. lol) Ok, now run along the perimater of this zone, including all of the tunnels sprouting off the central room (except the one you come in from) while spamming the tab key. This will toggle anything you can target. Occasionally, you will target a random spot on the wall, which will come up as "Mining Point" Hurry over to it and press your Pickaxe macro. You'll stop and swing a pick axe at the wall. You might get a chunk of various ores, you might get nothing, or your pick axe will break. Regardless of what happens, keep retargeting the mine point and swinging your pick axe. Eventually, the mining point will dissapear, and you'll have to go back to searching for another. Keep this up until all of your pickaxes break or until your invo is full. When you're done you can sell all of your ore at the Auction house.

San O'rdaia- wtf do sandy people do for gill? I'm not sure. lol There arn't really any monsters of interest there that I know of. Oh! Unless you can get sheep skins off of the sheep there. I think they sell for 2,000-3,000 a piece.


Ok, Now that you're around level 15 and you've farmed up enough gill to get yourself some new top of the line gear, you're going to need to make your way to the dreadful Valkrum Dunes. First, I'd suggest shouting around which ever town you started in for someone to help you find the Map Vendor. You're going to want to buy the Zulkhiem region map.

-From windurst, Head out through windurst woods into East Saru. and head north. If you're unfamiliar with the area still, a good rule of thumb is to follow the river north when you come it it. This will keep you from having to sircumnavigate the cliff face that you're trying to get on top of. Anyhow, At the top of the zone, head to the far east and continue north to Tahrongi Canyon. Continue northeast here Though you shouldnt have any big run ins here, the goblins here might be strong enough to own you. After you exit the maze of valleys through southern portion of this zone, head east and hug the eastern border of this zone until you come to another zone called Buburimu Peninsula. Proceed with caution here as most of the stuff is way beyond your level, though unfortunately to get to the Dunes, you have to make it through here. Head east after enterning the zone. You can set your home point at the outpost here to be safe, that way if you do get your face handed back to you by a goblin on the way, you wont respawn all of the way back in windurst. Make your way east as safely as possible, taking extra care to avoid goblins. When the zone widens out, and you start to find dhamal or wtf ever they're called. Head South East until you come to a town called Mhaura. There is a boat here that costs like 200g to ride. Get on this boat and take it to Selebina, which is connected to Valkrum Dunes. TADA. Now get yourself a party. You'll be good here until level 20... then you're on your own.

-From Bastok, exit to South Gustaburg, and travel to the far west zone to North Gustaburg. Follow North Gustaburg north, cross the bridge and stand at awe at the waterfal, before continuing on to Konschtat Highlands. Here, head north with caution as some of the gobs and quadav may be able to own you. Continue northwestish through this zone and you'll eventually find yourself in the Dunes. It might be a safe bet to go ahead and find Selbina for a safe place to wait for a party.

-From San O'rdia Exit to West Ronfrone then head south west to La Thiene Plateau. La Thiene Plateau is !@#$%^& massive, but none the less, head south east. A good rule of thumb is to follow the dirt path in the zone. Follow it south east. It's possible to take a short cut, squeezing in between the mountains and the giant hole near the southern end of the zone, continuing south to Valkrum Dunes.

Now that you're here. You're going to want to turn on your party flag. Open your menu and find Party, then click on the option that says Seek. Now you can either wait for someone to ask you to party or you can venture back out to the highlands of the plateau and kill some EP-DC mobs for some exp while you wait. Just stay near the dunes zone incase someone asks you to join their group. More than likely, you'll run into someone who knows what they're doing. Suck up to them and hopefully they'll be nice enough to help you out in the future with your subjob quest and journey to jeuno, chocobo quest, RSE, and all of that fun beginners stuff.
Try to get used to game and its controls, then the most important thing is to find friends :D I found some friends and got the easiest and still the best starting time in mmorp I have ever had ;) until lvl 3-5 you wont understand a thing... about lvl 7-10 you start getting into the game.At least it was so for me. ( Not the lvls count but the time that you most-likely spend in game for get these levels will be enough to learn about game).
i also am thinking of starting FFXI and i want to know what the best vlass is to use im thinking either going with a warrior or redmage..
Both are good :D Still redmage is pretty expensive to keep for first job, so I think warrior is easier, but redmage should be more fun ;) But still, it's totally your choice... hope you get the one that fits you most.
Just like to point out that the easiest best two jobs to start with will be Warrior and Whm. The only reason I say this, is because these (when you learn about them) will give you a great starting basis for a subjob.

If you intend to melee with any of the starting jobs: Monk or Thief well at lvl 18 you will have the option to have a subjob. So one of the best subjobs would be warrior. Also not to mention Warrior is one of the easiest jobs to find a party for past lvl 10. Also getting to 10 is a joke as well, take you 2 hours of solid grinding. If you take warrior even further, well as soon as you hit lvl 30, you can start on the following Melee Advanced jobs: Dragoon, samurai, Darknight, Bluemage. So Warrior would be the best subjob for the above.

For mages as a starting job, whm makes one of the best due to utility (meaning you can take of poison, you can take of curses, can take off any status effects basically, also you can buff, and you can heal) Also whm past 10 is to easy to lvl up. Everyone wants a whm, so getting to 18 is a joke. The only part that is hard is getting to 10, because you are a wuss when it comes to soloing. So if a Blm wants to sub white, he will have a larger mp pool, he will also have the job traits/abilities (conserve mp, divine seal [makes a whm heal for more]). Same goes for Summoner, redmage and scholar.
i also am thinking of starting FFXI and i want to know what the best vlass is to use im thinking either going with a warrior or redmage..

In the long run, warrior might prove to be your better choice, if you like melee jobs over mage jobs. Most of the melee jobs... Monk, Thief, Samurai, Ninja, Paladin, Dark Knight, ect. utilize warrior as a sub job at LEAST till level 30, at which point Samurai and Dark Night will begin to lean more toward thief. By starting the game as warrior, you can get your sub job to level 37 (30 being the level needed to unlock advanced jobs)... so you're killing two birds with 1 stone as it is. Anyway, let me make you a list of jobs and common subjobs to help you plan your path.

1) Warrior: (personally, my first job to 75)
-ninja- Most common sub for warrior. Ninja allows warrior to use two single handed axes for good damage, decent TP gain, and the Utsusemi: Ichi makes warrior a hell of a tank from the level 22-37 range, at which ninja takes the stage with better evasion bonus options and Utsusemi: Ni, which warrior doesn't get until level 75 with ninja sub.
-Thief- Not very common at all, but not a bad option to have available in the event you are souless enough IRL to level theif up as a sub job AND great axe skilled as well. This combo reaches it's peek in potential after level 60, as it can combine theif's sneek attack and trick attack with a weapon skill to insure your weapon skill inflicts critical hit damage, and the tank gets all the hate.
-Samurai- Only useful after you metatate is available, for large quantaties of weapon skills.
-monk- not very practical at all... I could see how it could be helpful from level 1 to level 22... as the ability: "boost" can be applied to a weapon skill, and it offers some hp and str stats, but if you're just starting out. You'll have to get a job to 18 for a sub job anyay... so by then you wont really need monk as a sub anymore, over ninja.

2) Monk:
-Warrior- Warrior is the most popular that I've seen in my days. Warriors abilities allow monk to truely excel in pummling the crap out of mobs.
-Theif- occasionally, you'll want a monk theif for Sneak Attack + Trick Attack + Dragon Kick to close a light skill chain in a medocar level 65ish party.

3) White Mage:
-Summoner- Summoner is the most magical inclined job in the game stat wise, therefor it offers the best boost of MP, MND (boosts healing magic effect) and INT (boosts damaging magic effects)
-Black mage- Summoner is a pain to get and even more of a pain to level. Out of all the jobs in the game, summoner requires the most work, as getting avatars can either be a challenge in itself, or costly if you want to go the level 60 route... and then you'll need friends to help you... so black mage is your next best bet as for MP, MND, INT boosts.

4 Black Mage
-White Mage- People tend to prefer white mage sub to summoner, because in a pinch, you can assist in healing.
-Summoner- If you want to be a dick and strickly nuke, you can go this route... but people might not invite you for it.

5) Red Mage:
-White Mage- To assist in healing, white mage is your best bet.
-Black Mage- The INT bonus from blm is helpful if you're trying to land damage spells, Damage over time Spells, and general debuffing spells
-ninja- rdm/ninjas out there have done some amazing things. Arguably the best soloing combo depending situationally on the room a summoner has to run back and forth without getting links and aggro and what not... or how many mosnters a beastmaster has to charm... just don't bring it to a party with you or no one will like you. Dispite what the brandy guide says, RDMs are NOT melee jobs, and should NOT engage the enemy with melee attacks.

6) Thief:
-ninja- this job offers theifs the ability to use 2 daggers, which really becomes helpful after theif get's their job trait "Triple Attack" which allows for the potential of attacking up to 6 times in one turn. Also, Utsusemi is nice for long, "iffy" pulls.
-Warrior- The stat boosts are a good starter sub job for new thiefs, but not very practical in the long run.
-Monk- LOL... yeah. I haven't seen this done often, but a friend told me to try it when I leveled my theif to 37. It's funny as hell. From level 1-25ish, using Hand to Hand weapons, theif is a bonified bad ass suicide bomber with this combo. The hp and defense bonus is a plus... but the fun comes at level 15 when you get sneak attack. Fight around in party or solo until you get 100 tp. While resting or in between fights, boost as many time as possible (I think 10 is the max amount possible before the effect wears off and you lose them). Every time you use boost, it adds X amount to your attack. Before long, you can seriously have close to 200+ attack built up which is an insane amount for a level 15 job to have.... granted it's only good for one hit. Now the fun part comes when the mob gets to your party. Get behind the mob and use sneak attack. Then JUST as soon as you engage the mob, start spaming your weapon skill macro to make DAMN sure it's the first attack you use. Sneak attack will stack with that 200 some odd attack you've built up by boosting, and obliterate the monster.... The down side is that it's going to turn around and eat your face.... I hope you have good gear. ^.^;

Paladin: (My third job to 75)
-warrior- Paladin is stricktly a tanking job which does NOT come with the most important ability for drawing the monster's attention; Provoke. Therefor, you pretty much HAVE to sub warrior to be effective as Paladin. Yes, I'm aware that there are people in FFXI who are bad ass enough to dare CLAIM they can pull it off (like some idiot I know who tried to go pld/nin to Fenrir and got eaten alive) but the gill and energy it takes just isnt worth it.

Dark Knight:
-Warrior- Warrior is great for beginning dark nights, from level 1-30ish. Any level higher begins to get dangerous as the emnity and hate grabbing abilitys provided by warrior will more times than not, make you a suicide bomber.
-Samurai- Samurai is another good low level sub choice as the tp bonus will prove helpful for throwing weapon skills at will.
-Theif- Ultimately, at level 60 you WILL have theif as a sub job or no one will want to play with you. Dark Knight's main purpose becomes closing a light skill chain with Sneak Attack + Trick Attack + wtf ever they use to close light... it's been about a year since I quit now and I dont remember. lol

Beastmaster: (4th and final job to 75)
-White Mage: The light healing magic provided by white mage allows you to regenerate hp faster, and heal for mp, which takes a lot quicker to regenerate, as you have very little of it.

-Ninja- Rangers tend to piss monsters off so the evasion bonus and utsusemi can be a life saver. It also helps in the pulling process
-samurai- This combination is a good way to get yourself killed if your tank sucks. This offers a good TP bonus which allows for more weapon skills. After you aquire medatate, you can fire off even more weapon skills at that. But you will piss the monster off and most likely die if you show everyone how bad ass you think you are.

-White mage- White mage is the only real choice bards get for sub jobs, as the only other thing you might want them to cater to besides making your party over twice as awesome with their support songs; is emergency healing in an "Oh snap, we're screwed" event where your tank is about to get canned and the whm is screwing around our out of mp.

Summoner: (3rd job to 75)
-White mage- as summoner, you are a gimp white mage from level 11 to 75. If you dare summon in experience point parties, the god of popularity will come down and cruse you, damning you to lonelyness for the rest of your FFXI life.
-Thief- LOL yeah. This is just me bragging about my old FFXI days but at level 75 you can do pull off some interesting farming in Quicksand caves. I used to run laps around that place where Centurio X-I spawned, killing all the ants I could find for raw gill drops. The trick to this is with staff skill capped and theif sub, you can establish a psudo Free Fenrir by fighting with fenrir, getting 100 TP, and finishing the mob off with Sneak Attack + Spirit Taker... which generally does 300+ damage AND restores 300+mp at the same time. Also, stealing mithral beastcoins proved to be profitable as well.

-Theif- This is the MAIN sub job for Samurai. Sneak Attack is a great contributer to the damage your many weapon skills do when you throw them into a fight. After 60+ you're going to be a Sneak attack/Trick attack tool, keeping hate on the tanks
-Warrior- This is a good starting sub because of it's strangth and defensive bonuses
-Ranger- This is only really useful in level 60+ ballistas.... as samurai can pummle mage types by building up 300 tp, hiding yourself with camoflage, then sniping them with a fully charged sidewinder weapon skill... other than that. I dont know if this choice is really worth it.

-Warrior- Ninjas are tanks, and therefor require provoke. End of story

-Samurai- Samurai is a favorite subjob among many dragoons for the TP boost provided, along with Medatate for even more TP
-Theif- This is commonly used for the damage boost when Sneak attack is used to boost a weapon skill's damage
-warrior- for damage and defensive attribute warrior offers

Blue Mage-
-Ninja- Ninja is ok for blue mage lower levels... 1-30
-Theif- A lot of Blue Mages spells count as physical damage that can be used with Sneak attack to inhance their damage to "critical hit" status... making some of the more brutal spells like Death Scissors, hurt like hell... Naturally, this will get you killed. But at 60+ you'll have Trick Attack to put the damage on someone else

As for pup I know some higher level pups I've pted with liked monk as their sub corsiers where either thf or rng... sch, and dnc.... become available just a few months after I quit so.... I never got to see them through.
Overall the above poster did a good job, but I do feel I should add more common sub jobs that they should keep in mind to have leveled for once they get to end game.

Thief -
~Warrior~ Yes while leveling up Ninja is for the most part the most popular Sub job. But as you get to end game content you want to make sure you have warrior open as a sub job so make sure to level this as well. For many end game mobs warrior is better to use then Nin and I've known countless THF's that have been kicked out of events for thinking nin was an acceptable sub job.

Also for most melee jobs such as this you will want to have a mage job open for option as well. Thing's such as stoneskin and blink come in handy.

Warrior is the must have sub for leveling this to end game. But as you get to end game content, warrior is one of the lamest subs to use. Some of the popular subs you will need are
~Red Mage~
Not much to add as to why. They can gain hate just as well as provoke and can sustain dmg a lot better via magic. Red Mage is becoming a lot more popular now days then anything. So make sure to keep your red mage leveled if you intend to tank.

~Warrior~ ~Warrior~ ~Warrior~
Ninja is a thing of the past. Was mostly used at the start of the game when Rng was over powered. We loved ninja so we could spam the mob and kill it before it could chew through our shadows. Now days Warrior is a great sub for it. If you are getting enough hate that you need shadows then you are not doing your job right. Being a rng is much like being a sam. You have to moderate your damage output, you don't spam weapon skill after weapon skill.

A lot of Linkshells love a bard tank over a pld tank. Bards are great at it, plain and simple.

~White Mage~
~Red Mage~
~Blue Mage~
You name it, any mage is great for Drg, Red and Blue are the most common. Drgs are some of the best solo jobs out there. As a mage sub it is rather hard to lose. You will find most Dragoon's have their mage jobs leveled.

~Red Mage~
Just like Paladin. Warrior is a great sub but these days it is becoming a thing of the past. People are starting to realize how utterly useless provoke is. Flash is just as great, you can maintain hate just as well with a mage sub and protect yourself ten folds better.
oh right... I forgot that dragoon's little wyverns could cast decent magic spells based on your sub job. It's been a while..... god I miss beastmaster. ;-;
They are great, casting cure III and stuff on you when you cast magic. You can cast a small cure I on yourself and it will cure the rest of you with a huge cure. You can also have them tank for you if you know how to play the job right. Is how I used to solo things. Mine would take a lot of damage for me until I got enough for a WS.
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DRG was the first job I took to 75. You should've seen it for the first few months after SAM was released as a job. Dragoon was by far and away the most powerful job this game had ever seen. Back then when you subbed Sam and used Penta thrust you always got back 100tp, which meant you could just use Penta Thrust over and over until the mob died. You could solo your way to from 50-75 better then you could with a party.

Of course it was quick to be nerfed but they over nerfed it and for years the job was a joke. Only recently did they make it a great job again.

After that RNG became the ultimate job, it seems like I was following suit on a list of jobs to be nerfed. Back then I always felt like I was the first to take up the "good" ones but of course after many people realized their true potential they quickly got nerfed. Now RNG isn't even a shadow of it's former self.

For people starting out I think the best first jobs are as follow, regarding race.

~Warrior~ Overall it is balanced best for Elvaan. With THF you tend to miss more if you don't have a subjob.
~Monk~ You will miss more on Monk but it is decent. The job doesn't become great until later in, but it is still decent. I think you'd be best subbing Mnk on Warrior until you unlock better jobs at 30.

~Monk~ I'd say Monk is the best starting job for Galka. Overall Galka's tend to make some of the best Monks. You have a ton of HP with this job. Sub Warrior.
~Warrior~ Still very good option, can't go wrong with it but I'd pick Monk.

~Thief~ All jobs seem to be decent for Mithra at the start, but their stats are basiclly based around Thief. You can't go wrong with Mithra.
~Red Mage~ Mithra makes a very good Balanace for Red Mages. Them and Humes are the most common red mages you will find.

~Anything~ Not much to say really. Humes are all around balanced. Pick what you want, but in all honesty when starting out I would stay away from White Mage and Black Mage until you get a sub job. I'm not a big fan of mages though so that may account for me saying that. I just think you will be better off to wait until you can get a sub which means more MP.

Taru Such cute critters
~Black Mage~ I leveled a friends taru to help him start out. Black Mage was my job and I got from level 1-30 within a week. You have a lot of MP and are much wanted for the lower levels.
~White Mage~ Every Party needs a white mage. Every Party wants a taru's mp pool. This is a no brainer.
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Paladin: (My third job to 75)
-warrior- Paladin is stricktly a tanking job which does NOT come with the most important ability for drawing the monster's attention; Provoke. Therefor, you pretty much HAVE to sub warrior to be effective as Paladin. Yes, I'm aware that there are people in FFXI who are bad ass enough to dare CLAIM they can pull it off (like some idiot I know who tried to go pld/nin to Fenrir and got eaten alive) but the gill and energy it takes just isnt worth it.
EXP, yes, PLD/WAR is the way to go, but PLD/RDM is like a brick wall, PLD/WHM is also an exellent choice, PLD/DNC and PLD/NIN are also very good in certain situations, but only WAR in EXP

-Theif- This is the MAIN sub job for Samurai. Sneak Attack is a great contributer to the damage your many weapon skills do when you throw them into a fight. After 60+ you're going to be a Sneak attack/Trick attack tool, keeping hate on the tanks
-Warrior- This is a good starting sub because of it's strangth and defensive bonuses
-Ranger- This is only really useful in level 60+ ballistas.... as samurai can pummle mage types by building up 300 tp, hiding yourself with camoflage, then sniping them with a fully charged sidewinder weapon skill... other than that. I dont know if this choice is really worth it.
As a career Samurai, I can say right now, I completely disagree with you; Sneak Attack/Trick Attack, while unblockable, are totally useless when THF is not the main, they don't multiply the damage like theydo when THF IS the main.

Ranger is a pretty bad sub for SAM in most situations, ANY respectable Samurai is gonna take WS's over Ranged Attack WS's.

Dancer is also a very viable sub for Samurai solo.

Once in places like Caedarva Mire, it's good manners to go /NIN, so everything goes more....smoothly.

-Warrior- Ninjas are tanks, and therefor require provoke. End of story
I also hate this idea of Ninjas being good for nothing except tanks, they were not designed as tank jobs, they are NOT just tanks.

Subbing Dancer will give you a very nice set of Sambas, Waltzes and Steps, which can benefit the party or you solo extremely well.

~Warrior~ Overall it is balanced best for Elvaan. With THF you tend to miss more if you don't have a subjob.
~Monk~ You will miss more on Monk but it is decent. The job doesn't become great until later in, but it is still decent. I think you'd be best subbing Mnk on Warrior until you unlock better jobs at 30.

~Monk~ I'd say Monk is the best starting job for Galka. Overall Galka's tend to make some of the best Monks. You have a ton of HP with this job. Sub Warrior.
~Warrior~ Still very good option, can't go wrong with it but I'd pick Monk.

~Thief~ All jobs seem to be decent for Mithra at the start, but their stats are basiclly based around Thief. You can't go wrong with Mithra.
~Red Mage~ Mithra makes a very good Balanace for Red Mages. Them and Humes are the most common red mages you will find.

~Anything~ Not much to say really. Humes are all around balanced. Pick what you want, but in all honesty when starting out I would stay away from White Mage and Black Mage until you get a sub job. I'm not a big fan of mages though so that may account for me saying that. I just think you will be better off to wait until you can get a sub which means more MP.

Taru Such cute critters
~Black Mage~ I leveled a friends taru to help him start out. Black Mage was my job and I got from level 1-30 within a week. You have a lot of MP and are much wanted for the lower levels.
~White Mage~ Every Party needs a white mage. Every Party wants a taru's mp pool. This is a no brainer.

I'd take a Hume White Mage over a Taru white Mage, ANY DAY, apart from having the lowest MND, they also have the lowest Vitality, meaning their stoneskin is gonna be utter shit compared to the other races.

I'd say Warrior is a Galka's best job, especially later on, Monk can become a little TOO powerful :/.
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I'd take a Hume White Mage over a Taru white Mage, ANY DAY, apart from having the lowest MND, they also have the lowest Vitality, meaning their stoneskin is gonna be utter shit compared to the other races.

For parties and lower level events, yeah Hume White mages are good. For end game content, I'd only seen like two hume white mages. White mages stoneskin and anything of that sort really doesn't matter. They are not the jobs casting them. They are there for the larger cures mostly. Other then that you will find white mage to not be one of the more useful jobs at end game. That is why Taru is one of the few you will see just because of their pool. Its pool or just find a better job to get it done.