How does each characters theme make you feel?


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Yeah all the characters of FFVII have thier own themes - except cloud - so what does each theme make you feel/make you think of?

Clouds (non-existant one) - by simply not having a theme it just adds to Clouds Mystique

Tifa - it makes me think about the past and stuff, and of a night sky...the piano versions realy nice too ^_^

Barret - makes me think of miners - like the 7 dwarfs - dont ask why :lol: it just does XD

Nanaki - Cosmo canyons music just makes me happy ^_^ makes me think of a campfire

Cid - Like tifas, makes me think of the past, but all the bad stuff, but it really is a powerful piece.

Yuffie - this makes me very happy ^_^ it also makes me imagine people skipping :lol:

I cant remember Vincents theme that clearly at the moment (its 2:30am and im ill :P) so ill add that in when i listen to it next XD And i cant remember cait siths theme at all...unless its the gold saucer music?

Meh i still need to download both anyway...

And finally

Aeriths theme - each time i hear this piece of music it really gets to me - especially the orchestral version (which is magical btw) - and it just makes me feel sad...but happy...

Ok so what about you? feel free to include Sephiroths and Jenovas theme XD i just cant be bothered to listen to them right now XD
It could be argued that Cloud's theme is the main theme. So if that is the case then it makes me feel sad.

Yuffie's theme is odd. It makes me feel kind of bouncy.

Aeris's theme is very sad. so it makes me feel sad

Tifa's theme has a calming effect on me.

Barret's theme is fun, it fits his attitude. Don't know if it has an effect on me though

Vincents theme is kind of sad and errie at the same time. Kind of a weird feeling.

Red XIII, well I don't know what to say about this one. It kind of makes me want to bounce my head

Cait Sith, His theme sound sleezy so....

Cid, It's one that tells you something exciting is about to happen. lol
Mrh, can't remember all their themes, but Vincent's is most definitly of a sadder tone.
Aerith's theme (while I'm not bashing it) gets to be annoying when heard over and over and over. That flute solo just gets to me, and I don't know why. (cancel that. My brother used to play the flute, and i'm tired of having my eardrums being perforated. the sound got old. quick.) Setting that aside, it makes me feel sleepy/relaxed.

Reds theme makes me think of ........... I dunno. But it's a cool song.

What about the Turks theme? XD, makes me think of muggings.

Theme of every character

Really i dont recall the themes but i do remember 1 thing about them...they all suited each character to a tee.....such as Vincents sad music suited him....Aeriths music suited her......clouds especially suited him.........The Turks even had their own music and it really suited them. There are so many characters on this game that had its own unique music. Sephiroth had the best though lol :P
Aeri's theme always makes me cry. It drives me mad. I love the piece yet I cant help but shed a tear when I listen, it just pulls up old sad memories from my past.

Cids theme on the other hand cheers me right up because its so dramatic and powerful.
Cloud's theme makes me feel kind of lost, like an insignificant speck compared to the rest of the universe.

Aeris's theme of course makes me sad, but it also makes me hopeful. It makes me think about sacrifice and makes me feel touched.

Tifa's theme makes me feel somewhat mysterious. It reminds me of how getting into one situation can lead to a huge chain of events.... it makes me feel almost regretful as well.

Barret's theme makes me feel like I'm being rushed and getting directions thrown at me.

Red XIII's theme makes me feel hopeful but inferior.

Cait Sith's theme makes me feel bouncy and fun.

Cid's theme actually has a very dramatic affect on me. I feel optimistic and hopeful when I hear it, almost like I can do anything.

Vincent's theme makes me feel mysterious, isolated, and forgotten.

Yuffie's theme makes me feel bouncy and fun like Cait Sith's.
I cant find Cloud's theme, so I guess he doesnt have one?

Tifa's theme makes me feel like talking to a childhood crush. Holding hands with someone, its very friendly.

Barrets theme, I didnt like much. It fits his character, it just sounded too generic for me. But it makes me feel busy, like Im working. Which is what its supposed to do, I guess.

Aeris' theme is probably the most powerful. It is very sad, yet mystical at the same time. It makes me feel depressed actually.

Cait Sith's theme reminds me very much of a casino. It also sounds very sneaky, like a spy (which is what he is.) It makes me feel like catching a theif, lol.

Cid's theme is my favorite. Its the only one that I actually remember. Its very epic and makes you want to go out and have an adventure.

Red XIII theme is very animalistic. It makes me feel tribal and instinctual.

Vincent's theme is dark and mysteriouse. It makes me feel isolated and alone.

Yuffies theme just makes me wanna bitch slap someone, lol. No, Im just playing. Her theme is very playful, and makes me feel childish.
Cloud's theme - makes me feel like i want him to do well because of what he's going through

Yuffie's theme - I question her theme. In my opinion, i feel like Yuffie was there as another character to rival Aeris for Clouds love and affection, plus she was put there to get introduced to that chinese looking town (i forget the name) I felt confused..

Aeris's theme is the 2nd best theme apart from the main theme involving cloud, very sad and very well done. had some of the most emotional music ever.

Tifa's theme - can't remember much of it to be completely honest.

Barret's theme - the struggle for his kids safety. plus getting back to his wife. Was emotional but the game didn't really show that much of Barrets theme.

Vincents theme - didn't really take much of an interest in Vincent...

Red XIII - great theme. Happy and sad emotions, because Red XIII had a mysterious past but was always happy.

Cait Sith theme - one of the weaker themes, when you find out he's not real, it kinda throws you. Its a strange feeling!

Cid's theme - he didn't have much of a theme but his character was great.
Cloud's theme - makes me feel like i want him to do well because of what he's going through

Yuffie's theme - I question her theme. In my opinion, i feel like Yuffie was there as another character to rival Aeris for Clouds love and affection, plus she was put there to get introduced to that chinese looking town (i forget the name) I felt confused..

Aeris's theme is the 2nd best theme apart from the main theme involving cloud, very sad and very well done. had some of the most emotional music ever.

Tifa's theme - can't remember much of it to be completely honest.

Barret's theme - the struggle for his kids safety. plus getting back to his wife. Was emotional but the game didn't really show that much of Barrets theme.

Vincents theme - didn't really take much of an interest in Vincent...

Red XIII - great theme. Happy and sad emotions, because Red XIII had a mysterious past but was always happy.

Cait Sith theme - one of the weaker themes, when you find out he's not real, it kinda throws you. Its a strange feeling!

Cid's theme - he didn't have much of a theme but his character was great.

Cid didnt have much of a theme? He had one of the most uplifting themes in the game.

Also, I think you have Barrets theme confused with someone elses. It was in no way emotional, more like a bouncy kinda song.
Cloud's Theme - I didn't know Cloud had a theme ^^; Is there one? What is it?

Vincent's Theme - Unless it's from Dirge of Cerberus, I didn't know one existed. Or could The Nightmare's Beginning (song played in the ShinRa basement when you find him) be considered his theme? If so, it's a very cool song. Subtle, quiet, and mysterious, with also some lingering sorrow...definitely one of my favs, along with One Winged Angel and Aerith's Theme.

Yuffie's Theme - Makes me think of people skipping too XD Or penguins dancing O_O You know, with the top hats and canes? It's a chipper kind of song -- it always makes me feel cheerful.

Tifa's Theme - Always makes me feel at peace. It's very soothing and relaxing, and I like to play it on the piano when I'm feeling mellow.

Barrett's Theme - Bouncy is a pretty fitting word. Good tune, makes me feel brisk and like there's work to be done, but with a certain good-humouredness to it.

Red XIII's Theme - I love how this song is a rearranged version of Cosmo Canyon. The drums in this song are great, and I always think of campfires and Native American story-telling when listening.

Cait Sith's Theme - Hehe, this one makes me chuckle. I always feel a little mischiveous, sly, and playful when I listen to this song.

JENOVA's Theme - This one always makes me feel edgy, hyperactive, and a bit paranoid.

Sephiroth's Theme - Pretty much indescribable to me (it's that good), but it always gives me a thrill, as well as a sort of oncoming 'dun dun' feeling. Awesome song--I play it on my radio show all the time X3

Cid's Theme - Not one of my favs, but I still like this one. It makes me feel determined, like I have a purpose to fulfill.

Aerith's Theme - Words can't describe how much I love this song, especially the orchestra version. It makes me feel hopeful and extremely happy, like there's something to live for and that I'm not alone. But it also makes me feel a little sad because you can hear the losses and sacrifices that are imbued into the song.

And don't forget the...

Turk's Theme! - Although there isn't too much to it, it gives off a sort of feel that it's the definition of cool :cool: Too cool. Hehe.
Vincent Valentines theme makes me feel like i have sum1 to luv and to look up to and it also makes me feel confident and strong and makes me feel i have a good future:) :) :)
Vincent Valentines theme makes me feel like i have sum1 to luv and to look up to and it also makes me feel confident and strong and makes me feel i have a good future:) :) :)

how very...informative and striking XD

Vincents theme - the one you hear in the nibelhelm mansion basement (thanks to the person who mentioned that i remembered the song XD) its dark and mysterious - it makes me feel mysterious too XD and it makes me think of an old scooby doo episode for some reason XD

Cloud's Theme - I didn't know Cloud had a theme ^^; Is there one? What is it?.

Nope Cloud doesn't have a theme - which - in my opinion - just adds to his mystique ^_^
Aeris' theme stands out as being extremely sad. The battle following her death is more powerful because her theme is the battle music instead of the normal boss theme. It makes me feel slightly down, I guess.

As for other themes, I can't say they make me feel a certain way. Maybe I've just forgotten.
My two favorite themes are Sephiroth's theme and Vincent's theme.
Sephiroth's theme just gave me that "OMG, IT'S BEHIND YOU!" Sort of feeling you see in the movies^^ Excuse me for my example, but that's what comes to mind.
Has anyone heard the metal version of Sephiroth's theme? Super Trippy :]
Aeris' theme stands out as being extremely sad. The battle following her death is more powerful because her theme is the battle music instead of the normal boss theme. It makes me feel slightly down, I guess.

As for other themes, I can't say they make me feel a certain way. Maybe I've just forgotten.

do you know if there's a video on youtube where i can watch the battle that plays her music? I faintly remember it, but it's been a little while since i played FF7
My two favorite themes are Sephiroth's theme and Vincent's theme.
Sephiroth's theme just gave me that "OMG, IT'S BEHIND YOU!" Sort of feeling you see in the movies^^ Excuse me for my example, but that's what comes to mind.
Has anyone heard the metal version of Sephiroth's theme? Super Trippy :]

I get that same feeling. Kind of 'dun dun' almost, you know? ^^

And yeah, I have the metal version, and although I usually am not one for metal, I LOVE that rendition of Sephiroth's theme. X3
Where can I download these themes? I wasn't able to keep track of the different songs distinctly while playing the game...
Where can I download these themes? I wasn't able to keep track of the different songs distinctly while playing the game...

You can just download them on a filesharing program like Limewire.

OR google search character themes and they have midi files you can listen to that sound basically just like the real game version, and should let you know what the song is.
Cloud-Lonely and isolated
Yuffie-Sly and deceptive
Vincent-Darkness -_-....
Cait Sith-Hmmmm.....
Barrett-Fighting for his beliefs
Sephiroth-Power and destruction
Jenova-Mystery and controlling