How far are you willing to go for friends?


Apr 15, 2007
Like the title suggests, how far are you willing to go, how much are you willing to do, for friends?

Basically, friends are what they are, they're supposed to stick up for you when you're in trouble, help you when you're down, but at the same time they're also human and can't help you at all times. Then there are the 'friends' who are not really friends at all ---- but I'm talking about you being oblivious to the fact that they are not true friends. ;)

Anyways, would you help your friends, even though they rarely ever help you in times of trouble, or would you refrain and leave them to the dust. ;)

It deppends on the friend in question...

I don´t think i have a really big friend that i can always count on except my parents and for them i would do pretty much anything.

As for the regular friend, well i usually help out whenever i can!
I'd help my friends no matter what and so would they. if they have an argument with someone ill back them up. if they need help id offer it. I have a handful of friends in RL id do anything for (except break the law)
il always help out my m8s no matter what, of course there are only a small few who i would do almost anything for because i know theyd do it for me.

Im always willing to help someone who will help in return, mate or not.
I dont have time for someone who is all take take take
Yeah, but that's the thing, unless you really know that the other person is going to have your back, you can't really expect them to help you just because you helped them out some time before.

Sometimes people with take take take are also really good people, of course.
I'm willing to help them because not doing so is like not helping someone in need, if that makes sense. I don't really look for take take take people, I just help whoever whenever however. :D
yes u cant really say no to someone in need, if its serious. Im willing to help at least once, then if that person throws it back at me later on when im in trouble, i know not to help them again. But like i said if it was life or death i could probadly manage something
Oh okay, I get that now. :lol:

If it's a life or death situation, I'd say I'm programmed to help someone out.
There's no way I'd stand by when someone is near death, I just have to do what I can if it doesn't work out, then who's to say that it's my fault.
I'm not living like a coward, introverted, and tending to my own needs.

Well if it's one of those "Will you take a bullet for a friend?" scenario...I honestly don't have the guts to block a friend in order to take the bullet instead. :blink: I'll probably just shove them out of the way or something. Anything.

But as far as helping out with problems, of course I'd help out. I always have, I'm guessing. I don't like leaving friends hangin'.

However, I must admit's kinda hard for me to approach a friend when I know they're crying or having major crisis going on in their lives. I guess I understand that sometimes, it's best to give them space for awhile...and when they're ready to talk, they'll come to me and I'll try my best to be there for them.

It really depends. I used to have a few close friends that I stuck with for a long time, supporting them through thick and through thin, and they did the same for me until they either changed into an arse or just abandoned me.

I still have two people in my life that I have a very good connection with. The rest of the potential friends I barely know. Only time will tell if anything deeper comes out of it.

I'm not living like a coward, introverted, and tending to my own needs.

You're talking as if that's a bad thing... I'm introverted and somewhat retreated...does that mean I'm a coward or an uncaring jerk? Not at all, I really do care for those close to me. And besides, it's healthy to tend to your own needs from time to time. Not all the time, but don't forget yourself in the process. You won't be of much help to your friends if you don't take care of yourself as well. :)
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I am a very big believer that individually we are nothing. I am nothing, you are nothing, alone we all are completely worthless.

If I die right now, it won't affect anyone. Some people may be sad but the world will keep rotating without hesitation. Busta may talk about that friend he once had and poor some wine out for his dead homies now and again... but it won't matter that I died.

Don't be confused, the same goes for everyone. It's not a "woe is me" type argument. If President Bush dies tomorrow (Rhea, quit drooling at the prospect), it won't affect anything. He is arguably the most powerful man in the world right now and this country will "mourn" his passing but he'll be replaced and everything will continue on as normal within less than a week's time. Some political policies may change... but pretty much it won't affect anyone at all. Hitler, one of the most powerful men EVER, did not change jack shit with his death. No one's death means anything. No one alone means anything. Because this world is made of life and death... and if everything you did during your life doesn't carry on some impact at your death, then death is the perfect measurement of how influential you were in life. And as we talked about in another Warb topic, you won't ever be remembered.

So after saying all that, what's my point? My point is that friends, loved ones, and other people are the only thing that matter. Individually they still won't change the world. If you go out and get piss ass drunk, drive a car through a school, and punch out a cop when he comes to arrest you, it won't matter. What matters is if you have people in your life that care about you enough to be there for you when you fall down. They're not false hope. They're real hope in spite of everything else being hopeless. Doing the right thing for other people is the only thing that matters in this world. Doing anything to feel connected to other people is the only thing you can do to make your life worth living.
Depends on the friend. First of all I would always try to help out one of my friends even if we're not that close. But if you talk behind and do all that drama crap I won't do much for you. But We're really close like me and best friend is than, I would almost anything.
well i always help my friends, well if they want me to help that is
sometimes they just need someone to listen, and ill listen, but when the problem is between two of my friends then i just wont butt in

what i wont do is help them fight someone, talk crap bout someone else, or stupid stuff like that

ill help my friends if they need advice or someone to listen, in the end i think thats really what a good friend is for ^_^
Pretty far actually, although some friends usually don’t want the help, but if a good friend in need asked for help, I’d pretty much do anything within my power to help them. As long as they haven’t done something illegal or want me to participate in something illegal of course. ;)
Last year in English class we had to do something where we wrote what we would remember about every person in class.
I read mine and it said they would Remember My Sense of Humor and how I was always in a good mood.

I'd say that's how I want to be remembered.
My really close friends, I'd take a bullet for or give them my heart if they really need it, oh yeah I'd really go that far. Though in a situation I might take a bullet for anyone if the situation ever occured but lets just hope it doesn't. I'd basically do anything for my friends as long as it doesn't go against what I believe in, and as long as it doesn't hurt others.