How good are you with your money?


ღWhite Roséღ ♀
Nov 15, 2008
ღAustraliaღ ღQueenslandღღGold Coastღ
I was just thinking the other day about how I really need to make things last if I want to buy a house anytime soon. <_<

I need to budget and such. =/

I need to stop spending money on things just because I want them, or because it's something new and everyone has one etc. Although I can't say I've ever done the latter.

I haven't been too bad since I left home. I've watched how much I spend on take-away and how much I spend on clothes.

It used to be, I would walk into my favourite clothing store and buy what I liked, no questions asked.

These days however, I will wonder around. I'll see something I like and think I need. However, in the end I go, "NO. Next week that shirt will be considered old and I'll think I need something new again. >_<"

So how about you?

Do you buy things because you really desperately need them?

Or do you buy them because the phone you bought two weeks ago is old and there's a better one on the market now?

Also, does anyone here actually budget? Could you give a brief idea on how you budget?

Thanks! Discuss please. XD
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I'm pretty good with my money, I know when to save and need money and when I can spend what I have, so I guess I budget. I just like the nice little treat now again, but I don't buy things that I know will go out of fashion the following week >.>
Then again, I'm still a teenage so the my essentials such as food, house, bills etc. are paid for by my dad. :awesome:
It depends, really.

At certain points I'm quite the miser, and I pinch my pennies like nobody's business. :wacky: I normally get this way when my funds start to run low, and I buy cheap food and just don't leave my apartment whenever possible to save money.

However, sometimes I spend impulsively. I've gotten better at controlling this as I've gotten older, but here and again I still buy some things that I probably shouldn't. When I'm not keeping a close eye on my check ledger, it gets worse, too. -_-

It doesn't help that I love food, and the best foods cost money. :awesome:
All I can say is.. relationships/marriages = money. Before when I lived alone it was cake to afford whatever even while dating. I could even afford building computers on the side and selling them to top bidders, but these days.. holy crap man! Women and their tangent spending, I love em to death but like I said if its shiny they'll jump at it! Whether it be shoes, panties, bras, nail products, a nice shirt, a new pair of jeans, .. my god.

I'm pretty good at budgeting though overall. From gas to food to necessities I can make due for the both of us, but sometimes we do get crunched, and then I have to make the changes necessary to accomodate. But during those days.. I have some hella fun with the Ms. - ugh =).

I mean 5 animals, myself and her, a house mortgage, 1 car payment and credit card debt and 1 outstanding loan.. so I'm not doing too bad.
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Im terrible, Im such a spender. As soon as I get paid, Im gone lol. I pay my rent, get bus fare sorted, then its all mine lol. If I see something, I want it. Its not need, its want. Sometimes I can behave and not get the item, but then it bugs me and I go and get it lol.
Hmmm im not great with money. Im going on holiday in 4 weeks and lets just say ive constantly been dipping into savings so i could go on nights out at the weekend. Im way short of what i should have saved by now, which leaves me having to put every penny of mt pay each week into savings pretty much >< so in im crap with my money.
LOL^^ XD Sounds like me sometimes. >_<

Yeah when I see that my account has a fair bit in it I tend to not worry about being so cautious with what I spend my money on. =/

I think: Oh yeah, I've got plenty more in the bank. I'll be right if I spend a bit more today.

When really I should continue to save like I had been doing before, in case something like an unwanted bill pops up. Or my car decides to break down. Or my boyfriend loses his job!

That way I always have back-up!

It sucks when you're trying to save for a particular reason and then something else decides to ruin it.

i.e: A couple of years ago I was about to buy a brand new bed and then someone stole my car. <_<

I had to spend what I had saved on a new car instead and I was back to square one. =(
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sometimes, if i really want something, i need to buy it so to make me happy, but mostg of the time i dont need to buy anything because i already have most of the things i need. if im going out shopping i nned to plan what to buy and stuff.
Ummm Im ok with my money but My parents always fight over Money. Seriously they fight every weeek and its making me kinda sad. I dont spend all of it but I do buy things that I want with it. My dad however is terrible with money. I am a rich person but My dad spends all his money the first day.
Oooo, give me money and it'll go within a blink of an eye. I'm terrible at saving up money when I need too. I usually end up spending it all within a few hours - on average....around £50.
I would be okay with money if i didnt Bet I usually spend half off my money on betting it Sometimes pays off mostly doesnt. If i need to go somewhere i will keep money behind though so i can go there. I could get things much cheaper if i could find my student card :(
im okay with money becasue i don't really go out and buy everything i want or don't really need. but when it something i need, i just go out and buy it, not really caring how much it cost of if i could get it cheaper somewhere else. it just where is most convineint for me and ill go there to get it
Sometimes I will buy things if I think I really need them. Although most of the time I think about it and debate about it before I buy it.

Im pretty good about saving my money, and I've gotten my husband to be pretty good about saving his money too. Most of the time our money goes toward buying diapers for our son,food, and other such things. I do randomly buy presents for my parents or my son and husband. My husband,on the other hand, is usually always getting me and my son presents. So we've had to talk about how we need to save if we want to purchase a house sometime in the future. We were originally going to try to do that by next year,but a few things have changed that and we probably won't.

So yeah,I think we are pretty good savers. My dad,though, is the best money saving person that I know.
I usually can't hold on to money for too long. I usually have a job in the summer time and make lots of money.. but then i always end up buying games and movies and then one really expensive thing (one year it was a laptop, the next it was a xbox). Then i'll have about 500$ left and end up buying random things i don't need. I'm really quite bad with holding money. If i ever have 5-10$ itll be gone in a day.
I never used to spend a penny, really. I'd always con my dad out of buying me things by somehow getting him to offer me them and, when I get it, say "but I didn't ask for it, I thought it was a gift!" He described be as being 'tigher than a duck's arse' at one point because I refused to part with money. As I'm getting older, I'm becoming increasingly flippant with my money, probably because I'm working and I assume that I'll always top up my funds. Sometimes, however, I compare the price of what I'm buying to a day's wages and think...I've worked 8 hours for that, like FUCK am I going to spend that much money on a t-shirt. <<
Money burns a hole in my pocket. I cant save for shit, although Im abit more sensible these days, if Im running low on funds I'll blow off a night out and stay in instead whereas I used to just think fuck it, Im going out!

I'm still not great with money though, but I try. Once Ive paid of the credit card got a job etc, Il start throwing some dosh into my savings....dunno what id be saving FOR mind.....but the thoughts there D:
Haha me and money... aren't good friends XD. I am horrible at saving money because I'm so tempted by everything around me. Maybe if it wasn't that much and I put it in a lock and hide it somewhere :jess: but when I have enough money to get something I want I get it without questions asked. But... lately I've been a Lil' bit more conservative with the economy and everything which is bad cos now I cant always get all the things I want :gonk:I usually spend over budget which is a VERY bad thing but like I said, im getting better :)
I'm very tight with my money. I'm so tight with it, I've been contemplating going to Foxwoods and playing some live poker, but just don't want to pony up the money to do it, even though I can afford it. I guess I feel like overall it's a waste of money, not that having fun and gaining poker experience isn't worth the money, but I guess I always feel like I can put that money to better use (yes, I am an old man at heart).

Basically I tend to gather money so if problems in life occur, I'll have money to fall back on. I'm very fortunate that I think this way because I've stumbled onto the situations where I needed to dunk into it, I even dunked pretty deep into it at some point in time. You never know what life will throw at you, so it's best to be prepared.

But admittedly, if there is something I really want to buy, I will spend the money on it, even if it is pricey and impractical, relatively speaking. Sadly enough, I won't even bargain hunt for it, I'll just go to where I know I can buy it and do so.

So I do get my moments of weakness to buy something, but I generally keep raising money in case life decides to throw me a curveball.
I still can't save for shit, but Im so much better with my money recently than I ever have been..though there was that splurge on the PS3 recently...however, in my defense, BECAUSE Ive been doing well with my money, it just means Im having to deal with being skint in January, come next week, Il be straight again. I jsut dont go out and waste all my money on nights out anymore, I still DO go out, but I totally have to justify the spending to myself these days, Id rather just hoard my money for summat I really wanna do rather than just a random night out for the sake of it

I budget buy on my shopping as well. And Ive quit smoking... save save save. Il allow myself wine at weekends for a treat 8F

I almost always have money left over at the end of the month.. i still havent paid off my credit card though, but Ive not had to use it eiother

So yeah, I may not be the best with money, but Im doing better than I was my last post xD
Haha gimme a hundred quid and it'll be gone within a day. I can only save up money if it involves it being spent on someone else...if not, it's gone. I got a few hundred quid for my birthday, and three nights in a row around 90 quid was spent. xD.