How has 2010 been for you?

2010 has been one of the best years ever for me. :awesome: Well, at least in my adult life anyways. :lew: Honestly, I can't think of any cons from this year. I mean, naturally we all have bad days, but there was little to no drama and nothing that was even an intermediate problem. But the pros, well, they were grand! Lets just say I'm a really happy guy. :griin:
Well, without getting into a whole bunch of unpleasant details, it has been...eventful. I suppose I do need to say something of it though to add something to this post...I'll just keep it short.

Mother ran out on the family in April, moved back to Ontario at the start of August, Ottawa specifically, the city I was born in, and more recently my brother had to declare bankruptcy, having gotten to being in debt into five figures.

But the moving back to Ontario was great, I'd spent most of my life here, and by far preferred living there as opposed to Nova Scotia.

So it is not all bad, and I am really excited about Christmas, going to be getting 19 or 20 presents it sounds like (I didn't ask, my dad tends to tell me whether I want him to or not. :jtc:), so I am very excited about Christmas, which is very close.

To help emphasize it, I've figured out precisely how long there is left until Christmas Day in the Eastern Time Zone (my time zone) at the moment I make this post: 5 Days (120 Hours), 9 Hours (129 Total) and 2 Minutes (129:02). :lew:
another accursed year....

I curse 2010 as I would every year since 2001.
2000 was my last good year.

As for discussing it, I won't bother as whenever I do on gaming forums people assume I am seeking sympathy.
And sometimes ridicule me for saying too much, in their view, about my personal life.
I don't seek sympathy from gamers.So I won't discuss specifics.
Just that's it's another godawful year that I hate.One in a line of many.

But I do hope that those who read this who have had a bad year have a better year next year.
And I who have read that post of yours, hope your next year is a better year. :) I am sorry in recent years things haven't been going so well for you... :sad3:
Hahahaa i cant wait for tis year to over honestly. This year i've been dumped and cheated on from all my 3 ex's this year, all of them just used me for sex and my sexy 06 mustang gt lol.

I hope next year womens mature
Well, was more bad than good really

It started out bad, I was at the art academy but I hated it there, they were mean to me and it just wasn't what I wanted. So I quit, and had a half a year off.
Nice 6 months vacation you think, I wanted to have a job but I was so extremely tired all the time. So went to the doctor in april and heard I had a too slow working thyroid and a shortage of B12 vitamine, that sucked since I had to take medicines and shots for it, still nto feeling really energetic.

Also lost contact with a friend, turned out she was angry at me because she thought I didn't want her anymore and we didn't contact each other for a while, but now it's cool again and we're friends again after half a year

Also found a new education which I started in september and I like it so far, so I'm happy about that, also got more social around people. And will start a job soon, so that's going fine.

My mum started to loose her mind late october, we dunno what it is, but I can't really handle being around her that much.

And having money issues, we don't have much money on our bank account.

If I read this back I realize this is one of the worst years of my life o_O
I'm actually surprised that for a year where I spent hours lying around and not doing anything, it went by pretty quickly. I can't really complain about anything that happened. It was a great year because I finally finished High School. :awesome: Longest four and a half years of my life. I finally got a PSP. That was something. And this was the year that my parents finally let me take their cars and go out driving by myself. So, like I said, it really hasn't been that bad of a year. The only thing I found frustrating was the "whole failure to find a job" thing. Eh, wasn't that bad I guess.
Been pretty shitty, in all honesty...

My mom moved back to the US around July and she still hasn't found a job out there, so I don't get to see her as often anymore and my dad's the only one supporting me. I also haven't really seen my sister again this year...and I got into a monumental argument with my grandpa and have now concluded that he is a complete asshole to his own family. That's a whole 'nother story for later though. :P I've also come to the conclusion that I have some fake friends who drink, listen to music, and play certain games because that's what everyone else is doing and they're just trying to fit in. It's sad, but at least that ain't me.

On the positive side, I've gotten better at guitar, I can now legally drive, I've rediscovered my passion for music and I have a general goal of what I want to do in life.
I dont know, lets see;

First half year was meh. School was awfully boring and just not right for me, so i quit. Problems with the boyfriend, plus major issues with his family (me and his mom dont exactly.... get along, plus me and my sister-in-law (boyfriends brothers girlfriend) got into a bit of an argument). Because i quit school i was now home pretty much all the time, for a straight 3 months. at home things were changing because i was so cranky all the time. Because of it all i fell out with a couple of friends.

second half year was a bit better. first i decided to patch things up with my sister-in-law, sent her a message asking her to meet up some time. (she agreed, we had a lovely day =)) decided to grow up and ignore my mother-in-law and only speak to her when i needed to. Trying to help my boyfriend solve some personal issues now.
Started a new education which really suits me better plus my classmates are awesome so i'm really happy i did this =). And because i was so much happier I decided to reach out to a couple of friends and we're all getting along fine again.
and because of it all everyting's going better at home.
Really learned to accept things i cant change.
Definitely more high points than lows, the only negative point I can think of really was splitting up with my girlfriend after 18 months which had quite a horrible impact on me for a good number of weeks between July-October but we've recently got in touch again recently and we are looking to see if it'll work out next year.

Passed all my A-Levels with good grades, got into university, met some awesome people whilst I've been there so far and all my grades and courses are going fantastically well. Hopefully everything will roll on into next year as well. :)
It's been the year from hell, and at the same time, the best ever.

Some serious shiteee has happened, and if it wasn't for the highs being on par with the lows, I think I would of hung myself

2010 got off to a bit of an odd start really, getting myself into something I still have no idea how it happened, then it was over just as fast, then Dave happened. Again. Followed by ace times, then dark times :-)rage:) Then a very unexpected shock death in the family which knocked me for 6. Then Luke. Who was a cunt, and has randomly reappeared, the fuck? Muse was ace though, even though I was debating on not going, James the weekend was utterly amazing - the weekend in general was really. I FINALLY got a job ,which I enjoy.. so yeah, its been full of ups and downs really, cant say I wont be glad to see the back of it, but at least the good stuff was amazing, at least it appears to be ending on a high
Good points:

Seeing my dad and family in Australia
Getting a new job
Getting a new boyfriend
Seeing Muse
Becoming a freelance blogger for a gaming site

Bad points:

My ex wanting me, then changing his mind
My ex becoming buds with his previous ex
My ex finding someone else and keeping it a secret from me
My mini depression phase

This year has been an odd one. A rollercoster of a freaking year. The bad parts are mostly my ex and I just want to get this year over and done with. Ive managed to have some happy moments this year and for those Im thankful. But Ive had enough of 2010.
Hehe, so I'm kinda late, okay I'm a few years late. I would still like to tell everybody about my 2010.

2010 for me, was a life changing year. I started it off by doing my usual stuff. Going to school, eating ice cream, taking naps, etc. But by the middle of the year, stuff started to change. I graduated from the first year of middle school (it's a complicated system), went to prom, and said goodbye to all my friends as I was about to go down the road that led me to where I am sitting right now.

I went to Madison Square Garden for my first WWE show in over 2 years at that point. I always call that day the end of my old life. Looking back now, I kind of regret some of the decisions I made. But the past is done now. After that day started my new life. The rest of the year went on. I was just doing my thing still. I was going through some very emotional times after losing all my friends, but that's not a problem anymore.

I closed out the 2010 year by being forced to participate in a Christmas party with family members I really don't give a damn about. Luckily, when they tried to push us around again, my Mom finally stood up to them and kicked them out! I was like a kid in a candy store when she did that! :D

Ahh, 2010 was such an emotional year. While it did provide me with some memories I will cherish forever, I'm just glad it's in the past.
2010 - Falling in love for the first time.
2010 - Being destroyed my lover 6 months later.
2010 - Fell to depression

It's 2013, I don't know what to say here.