Some sources say Cloud's been injected Jenova cells and showered in Mako, which should be exactly what normal SOLDIER candidates go through. Other sources (or the same ones, even) say it's Sephiroth's cells that have been injected. Perhaps it's not really contradictory, as Sephiroth has Jenova's cells, but I don't think it's mentioned if/how does the result differ between the injection of Jenova and Sephiroth cells. Supposedly the purpose was to test the Reunion Theory, but why Sephiroth's cells? I don't really understand the concept of [Sephiroth] clones. It was attempted on Zack as well, albeit unsuccessfully, meaning that theoretically there is a difference.
- So, [why] is Cloud stronger than the usual SOLDIERs? (Looking for an in-universe explanation, as he's quite obviously stronger.)
- What's the difference between Jenova and Sephiroth's cells, when it comes to injecting them to people?
- Did the experiments have any effect on Zack?
- Explanation of anything else that is relevant is welcome, as I have no clue what is anything even about, even though I've played FF7, CC, seen DOC's cutscenes and read some shit about FF7.