How is this even possible?

Kim Taehyung

You shine brighter than anyone ✨
Nov 30, 2006
Okay, my friend and I are obsessed with Final Fantasy. They told me that they know someone that has gotten to Memoria in 11 hours. 11 hours on the timer. How is that possible? I don't think it is, really. It's like this other friend of mine told me that one of their friends had beaten FFIX in four hours. I'm like "That's not possible. You'd only be in Lindblum in 4 hours." They insisted that their friend was able to do that. People are so retarded.
It is possible to do. In order to receive the Excaliber II, you have to arrive in Memoria within twelve hours. There are guides on how to do this on GameFaqs and I'm going to take a crack at it over the Christmas break. As for beating the game in just four hours, I don't really believe it.
Beating the game in 4 hours?? Yeah I'd have to agree I think that is basically impossible..
My uncle tried getting Excaliber II. I forgot if he failed or not. Oh wait, I think he failed because. know I really forgot.

Anyway, he found a very good way of doing a lot of damage with low level characters. He used Quina devour ability on the Grand Dragon. Once the Grand Dragon was successfully devoured, Quina gain a very strong offensive ability. He was able to beat advance quickly at such a very low level. It was extremely hard but I think he was over by just a bit or something.
I perfer to take my time with games leveling up and wondering around that way I dont miss anything. My cousin on the other hand likes to try and finish a game as quick as possible so he can brag about it but he misses all the side quests and secret stuff.

I would be pissed off if I tried to get to Memoria in under 12 hours and got there just after.
A load of bull excrement if you ask me. You can beat Resident Evil in 2-4 hours but any final fantasy fan would know that it is impossible to beat an FF game in that short a time. unless you use you AR or GS.
Okay, my friend and I are obsessed with Final Fantasy. They told me that they know someone that has gotten to Memoria in 11 hours. 11 hours on the timer. How is that possible? I don't think it is, really. It's like this other friend of mine told me that one of their friends had beaten FFIX in four hours. I'm like "That's not possible. You'd only be in Lindblum in 4 hours." They insisted that their friend was able to do that. People are so retarded.

LIES!!!!!!! ALL LIES!!!!!!!! But I've beaten FF9 in 1hour and 6minutes + 32 seconds. :cool:
I heard about a guy on another forum who was trying to beat Ozma at level 1. When i last checked he had gotten to Cleyra. It was possible because there are only a few battles you can't avoid that give exp.
I'm going to have to agree with most of you. Getting to Memoria in 11 hours, possible. Beating the game in 4? Not possible.
Okay, my friend and I are obsessed with Final Fantasy. They told me that they know someone that has gotten to Memoria in 11 hours. 11 hours on the timer. How is that possible? I don't think it is, really. It's like this other friend of mine told me that one of their friends had beaten FFIX in four hours. I'm like "That's not possible. You'd only be in Lindblum in 4 hours." They insisted that their friend was able to do that. People are so retarded.

Gameshark, codebreaker, or action replay cheats for low playtime.
Beating the whole game in four hours. It's possible if you cheat and a game mod. to lv you up to 99 and play from there. It's completely stupid and pointless to do something like that any way you'd have to skip the cutscences and ignore all of the sidequests. It's just wrong.
That would totally make it boring too...
Thats A BULLSHIT I mean come on I finished the game in 5 days...and It's Hard to beat it in 11 hours..
I mean how many boss in the game at least those guy will take 10 hours...can he finish the game in the last hour?!!!!!!!