How is this even possible?

No, supposedly you can get the Excalibur II if you reach it in a certain amount of time, but I think it was way more than 11 hours. o_O
I heard about a guy on another forum who was trying to beat Ozma at level 1. When i last checked he had gotten to Cleyra. It was possible because there are only a few battles you can't avoid that give exp.

A couple of years ago, on another Final Fantasy Forum, somebody opened up a thread claiming how they did it. I was a little skeptical at first, but when he explained the way he did it, it kinda sounded possible.

He said that he ran from most of the fights, and he would use Quina to eat the enemies he was forced to encounter. He apparently did this all the way to Memoria's Crystal Valley where he fought all the Chaos Guardians that provided him with a lot of AP and no EXP.

To beat Ozma, I think he used Zidane, Steiner, Quina, and Freya. He had maxed out Thievery, Frog Drop, & Dragons Breath, and defeated Ozma in this manner.

I know when I say it, it kinda sounds like bullshit, but when he explained it, he made you think it was doable.
:D Hahaha, four hours, is that meant to be a joke?
It is absolutley impossible to complete Final Fantasy XI in four hours.
I think you freind is telling lies.
Although i do belive in getting to memoria in under 12 hours.
A couple of years ago, on another Final Fantasy Forum, somebody opened up a thread claiming how they did it. I was a little skeptical at first, but when he explained the way he did it, it kinda sounded possible.

He said that he ran from most of the fights, and he would use Quina to eat the enemies he was forced to encounter. He apparently did this all the way to Memoria's Crystal Valley where he fought all the Chaos Guardians that provided him with a lot of AP and no EXP.

To beat Ozma, I think he used Zidane, Steiner, Quina, and Freya. He had maxed out Thievery, Frog Drop, & Dragons Breath, and defeated Ozma in this manner.

I know when I say it, it kinda sounds like bullshit, but when he explained it, he made you think it was doable.
I have heard about something like this. I tried to begin my game and go through it at level 1 and it seems possible but once I got to the black waltzes I had to train. I guess I didn't try hard enough.
Whether it's possible or not, why on earth would you want to do such a thing. I can understand maybe trying to get Excalibur II just for the sake of attempting it, but to rush through a game like FFIX out of trying to set some sort of speed record strikes me as utterly pointless.
Apparently its possible. I dont know any1 whose ever done it tho.I cudnt do it myself. I actually find it hard to believe that it is possible i was at the black mage village after 11 hours..... The question is WHY u would want to do it??? ud miss out on all the fun in the game.
It's basically impossible to get on you first try
People who get it genrally know the game in and out ^_^
i have it and it was hard to get i admit but i completed the game properly forst then i got it afterwards
Beating game in 11 hours yeah that's possible, but 4 hours!!!!! man your friend most be lieing.

I use most my time training.
It's possible, but it will take you probably quite some time to do. "Quite some time you may ask? I thought you have to do it under 12 hours?", you may be asking. I mean that you have to keep a good steady pace throughout the game and restart or reset if you run into a problem along the ways.

It's possible and has been done, but it will test the very depth of your RPG skills.
why anyone want to beat the game in less than twelve hours, let alone four hours? i wouldnt find it fun anymore if you had to finish the game in a time limit, one of the reasons why i didnt like majora's mask (yes i am ashamed>.>)
^ because you get the excalibur 2 sword which is the most pwerful in the game
It is possible to do. In order to receive the Excaliber II, you have to arrive in Memoria within twelve hours. There are guides on how to do this on GameFaqs and I'm going to take a crack at it over the Christmas break. As for beating the game in just four hours, I don't really believe it. its not. I have tried. pardon me while i get a good laugh at your post, for its false information, and misleading and thats not allowed in here. I strongly suggest that you PERSONALLY should try this startegy.
you couldnt beat the game at the levels your at my friend.
Yes, your facts on getting Excalibur II ARE indeed correct, but i have tried to beat the game with my characters at that time, and i failed. its not. I have tried. pardon me while i get a good laugh at your post, for its false information, and misleading and thats not allowed in here. I strongly suggest that you PERSONALLY should try this startegy.
you couldnt beat the game at the levels your at my friend.
Yes, your facts on getting Excalibur II ARE indeed correct, but i have tried to beat the game with my characters at that time, and i failed.

LOL, I'm sorry, but I had to laugh at your post. :rolleyes: There you go again with your "false information" stuff. >.<

Anyway, yes I do believe it's possible to get Excalibur 2 when you arrive in Memoria within 12 hours. I've read it somewhere. I haven't actually tried it yet, but I've known so many people who's tried it and have actually succeeded.
every boss has a weakness so as long as you know the stratergy it shouldnt be too much of a problem

gamefaqs is very useful in knowing a good way to get excalibur 2
^ because you get the excalibur 2 sword which is the most pwerful in the game

wow!!! i gotta laugh at that. Ud really want to rush through the game lose out on all the fun and sum of the sidequests for a friggin sword???
Oh my god its IMPOSSIBLE to reach memoria in 4 HOURS i tried to get ther asap and the lowest time i got was 10 hours and 30 mins
wow!!! i gotta laugh at that. Ud really want to rush through the game lose out on all the fun and sum of the sidequests for a friggin sword???
Erm i actually complete the game and do all sidequests before i do this task of getting excalibur2
i completed this game AGES ago
Besides i have a habit of completing games to the maximum and even do things that go to the extreme