How long did it take you to beat the game on your first try?

about 100 hours, but im not one of those people that has to rush through games JUST to finish it, i would rather take my time and explore n stuff
it took me a while cuz i went off without thinking a lot of times and i would die or i would forget to do something or anything along those lines
For those who ask yes I passed it without doing sidequests. I didn't even had celestial weapons for beating harder bosses like Seymour Omnis and Jecht.
about 70 hours cause I felt I needed to level everyone up way past what I needed to win, though I do that in all the RPG's I play lol. Always trying to be ready.
It took me about 120 hours to complete. I am a level freak and decided to beef everyone up for the end.
Over 100 hrs cant remember precisely, i just wanted to end it, but i loaded up where i left off to level up so i can complete some things which i haven't finished yet. ^_^
I sped through, not completing much outside of the main quest. It took me close to 40 hours to complete.
first time it took me 80 hours and i completed the whole grid with tidus, and about x-2 its sorta different but id have to say X is better
Took me about 50-60 hours or so. It's pretty easy when you start to figure out how to win the boss battles and such very quickly.
About 72 hours for the main game, around 155 to do everything including monster arena, dark aeons, whole sphere grid etc.