How long did it take you to get back to the game after... (MAJOR SPOILERS)

Lol, you knew stuff was bad when the Jenova Boss fight kept the same music playing through.

Actually, for a game to do, especially at the time, that piece was done brilliantly. Something terrible had just happened, something that kind of just left people in awe (especially if you didn't know it was coming). The music kicks in, and really adds to the this kind of depressive mood that was presented. You view the characters reaction, and in most cases, feel for them after what happened. So you're kind of left in this mood to mourn--YET, realize that the fight goes on, and you have no real time to do so yet, as you have to face Jenova/Sephiroth. It is then, that you know you have to carry on with your mission, while at the same time, unable to help but think over what you've just experienced. Only to lay her to rest AFTER taking care of what has to be done.

I don't know, I think it was a genius thing for them to do. They didn't take a step back, and say, "Okay, we'll let this death play out, and that'll be it." They kept perspective, stayed true to the plot and characters, and gave no rest to the weary.

I mean, not to cause a stir, but it reminds me of the Sirius incident of HP & The Order of the Phoenix, in that manner.

Sorry for that. I kept playing, even after. I hopped right into Disc 2.
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It didn't do anything to me or my game. The first time I saw it happen to Aerith, I was like "Wtf...?", 'cause of something like that happening in a game, but she's never in my party unless I had to, so it didn't take any leveling up for other characters. =/ It didn't do anything to me personally either.

As many of you already stated, I was addicted (and still am), so I just continued playing like the idiot high on cherry Coca Cola. x]

The game has had alot of impacts on me though... So... =/
Damn that Sephiroth! He went killed my precious Great Gospel! Now I need gameshark to beat those Weapons *grumble*

Also, Aeris wasn't that bad of a char, but bad things happen to good ppl.
Actually, it didn't take me any time at all to get back to the game.... i mean yeah i was a little sad but not nearly enough to make me stop playing the game or anything like that. Who wouldn't have been sad? I had chosen all the options so far in the game to make it to where Cloud liked Aeris/th instead of Tifa so i was kinda disappointed when all that effort went to waste..
I was shocked and pissed the 1st time i played it in lik grade 3 or 4
I was lik or shit sum1 died in a game, i wasnt even expecting it neither i was so rattled.

i was pissed becuz she was one of my mains :P
The first time through, I was 14 years old (12 years now......shit I feel old....) I saw that scene and was in complete denial. I tore up Jenonova Life, saw the burial scene in the water, and continued playing through until it finally hit me in the beginning of Disc 2. "Those Squaresoft sons of bitches actually killed her!" I thought to myself. So I continued playing, and then when I went to equip cloud with the Ribbon and didn't find it, it really hit me, "THAT BITCH DIED WEARING MY MOTHER #$^%@ RIBBON!!!!
It took me no time at all, I was hoping they'd bring her back later(I never understood why a phoeniz down wouldn't work)...
It didn't have any effect on me. I was neither happy nor sad. I didn't know she was going to die, but I wasn't so interested in her and hadn't played her much, so I was pretty much like "...yeah whatever." I never had any problems with materia healing and Aerith's limit breaks were mostly centered to healing, so... just kept those better fighters with me all the time and Aerith was there just during the scenes. ^^'

Though I think it's pretty good she's not one of my favourite characters. It could be quite annoying to play without the fav one in the party.
I felt somewhat sad. Still kept playing the game, though.

Vengeance is sexy, especially in deliverance.
OH man, When Aeris died... I pretty much dropped the controller and left the room. It didn't take me long to get back to the game though. I came back, defeated jenova and turned it off after I saved. Aeris' death kept me from playing any of the other FFs for years, though. I was waaaaay attached to aeris and it was a big hit to me. I still can't hear her theme song with out being sad.

Yes, I'm messed up :D

Vengence in video game form, how ever worthless, felt good.
I think that conversely it can have the opposite effect and make you want to play MORE. Sure, if you were really taken with Aeris perhaps you'd feel like you want to put the game down for a bit if you can't play her any more and you know you have two more discs to go through without her, but... I've never been particularly attached to her and as a plot point it was engrossing.
I was shocked, but I wouldn't stop playing a game because a character died.
If anything, it made me want to progress further and find out what will happen without her there.
Let's how long was it that it took me to get back to it after that...ah yes, it was 0 seconds exactly. :P

I liked that Aerith character, she had that innocence about her, and was likeable, and I was surprised to see that event unfold, but I didn't shed any tears over it, as far as party formation wise, I didn't really use her, but the story was interesting, then that huge sword just got thrust through her back...

I know this may not seem right, but I actually was a lot more impacted the whole story with Nanaki, being filled with anger and hatred when he thought of his father who he thought was a coward that ran away when the Gi tribe attacked Cosm Canyon.

Leading right up to that, after arriving at Cosmo Canyon, and going through that Cave of the Gi, where Nanaki finds out the truth of what his father, Seto, really did, defended Cosmo Canyon with his own life, alone, taking them on himself without a soul in the world helping him in the fight, 'til finally he got turned to stone from the poisoned arrows that struck him (I'd like to see a cutscene of this battle when there is a remake).

Then it cuts back to the rest of the party, about to leave Cosmo Canyon, acting as though it is the end of the road for Nanaki, that he wouldn't be continuing along with them on their journey.

I nearly flipped, then I saw his name and "Wait!", followed by him rushing down the stairs and to the party, then I was finally relieved, he isn't going to stay anywhere, but continue the fight to save the planet from Sephiroth. ^_^
When I first saw this, I was about nine or ten. So I cried; purely because some creepy guy with long hair just dropped from the sky and pushed a sword longer than their height through a person.
But now when I watch it, I kinda don't care at all. I'm pro-Tifa. So when I died I was like SNAP she's in. :P
Aeris just got to me a bit. She was just a bit too forward with her "Hey Cloud, I wanna bone yoou" attitude. Just annoyed me. So yeahh I didn't mind.

But I did find it hard to play after Cloud turned into a rambling vegetable. I just couldn't grasp playing as Cid for a while. I like him, don't get me wrong. But I just found the way he ran, and not having Cloud in the party a little .. weird.
Unfortunately as my sister had played it first I already knew Aeris was going to die. I would have probably found out online too, a lot of websites don't care about giving spoilers.

That didn't deter from the impact though (or not too much at least), it was still a very sad and emotional scene. :( It was done really well, the fmv sequence, dialogue, music, the way it cut into a battle. I really hated Sephiroth then! It felt strange how one of your main characters was killed like that, one as kind as Aeris was. You don't expect that from a game, you don't expect a good main character to die and to become emotionally attached to them. I felt really sorry for Cloud. There was obviously something between him and Aeris that I was hoping would continue. He hadn't seen her in awhile and when he finally finds her....

From what I remember I didn't stop playing. In fact I wanted to carry on even more so I could find out how the story progresses and what happens after she's gone, how they deal with it, etc. It does feel like a part of the game was taken away though. Lol I guess some people can become too sad/angry to keep playing.
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It was a little upsetting, but I really didn't want to stop playing. I wanted to see where the story took me from there, how this event affected the rest of the group and most importantly get some revenge by killing Sephiroth at the end :D
Honestly, I find it a little strange that people DID stop playing. I completely understand having an emotional impact from a fictional character. From video game, movie, or book, you get attached to them. It was sad and shocking. The scenes were really well done, even though they might look God awful now. They still do have an impact as well. Afterwards, I remember actually shouting out loud, "That BASTARD! He killed Aeris!" Yeah, Kenny moment, I know.

After I stopped being sad and shocked by what happened, I was pretty pissed. I wanted to take Sephiroth out, though in the game I've never gotten that far. Maybe with this playthrough XD. But anyway, I kept playing, though I admit it was actually a little emotionally draining. I probably left that dungeon place, went to wherever the next place was supposed to be, saved and shut it off for a day. I came back to it the next though.
I was pissed, and not because she died. It was because someone had spoiled the fact for me that Aeris had died. I was so angry because it would have come to me as a surprise. But other than that, I didn't really like her too much as a character. She came across as annoying to me...