How long did it take you to get the Sun Sigil?

Kim Taehyung

You shine brighter than anyone ✨
Nov 30, 2006
It's taking me forever to get the damn thing! My best time I've gotten was 18.6 after the subtrations. I grabbed 9 balloons and got hit by 2 birds. I've got a new best time on record, but I wasn't the one who got it. (my friend got it as an attempt to get me the Sigil, but quit when he realized that I wouldn't be earning it.) So, how long did it take you?
OMG I hated doing that! I don't remember exactly how long, just how much I kept on getting so extremely frustrated with it. Never want to do that again, lol.
I'm not going to tell anyone how long it took me, but I will tell you it took more than a day.
I never got it I wanna know what abilities Caladbolg has on it and I will make it myself. Anyways I got a time (after the subtractions) of .01!!! I hated it and I haven't tried again since. I probably should because I'll probably win. Anyways It's taken me 13 years to get it because I never did.
I tried for days and kept on failing miserably... So I got a friend to do it. Took him a few tries, but he did it. ^^
*lets out a low, frustrated growl* I think I'm just going to let my friend grab it. That and the thunder plains. that SOB game... *repeats growl*
i dont think i got that coz i knew it was gonna be a hassle.

that said, i shouldnt have done the onion knight thing as well. i wasted a good day of my life i believe.
Very long. Probably a day worth of trying, but I ended up watchign a buddy of mine attempt it on my Save File and he nailed it on the second try since he had done it not too long ago. I was ticked that I didn't get to do it, but was happy the Sigil was now mine.
Forever. Haha, I've got it now but I spent 2 hours worth of trying.

Stubborn as I am, it helped me cause I was just not having it, lol. I eventually done it, after I had threatened to eat the PS2.

Yeah, I get annoyed.
I remember sitting down one Saturday morning and saying to myself, "Today, I will win the Sun Sigil." Very determined.

It took me about 45 minutes of trying. It wasn't so bad, really. It was more funny than frustrating. I mean, why are these birds flying so low? It's not my fault they were drunk. I was really happy when I won it, though.