How Long Does It Take You To Make A Signature?

It takes me along time to suck.

Oh yeah? :awesome:
Best to savour the moment, right?

I know I'm not qualified in graphics enough to be posting in here etc (is this just for clans etc? If so then I'm sorry, just posting as I saw others!), but I only really make sigs when I feel a need to reflect an idea I have in my head or an image or something.

As I suck with effects etc it normally looks naf, but it reflects something anyway. It took me about an hour to do my behemoth leapin' sig coz I had to colour in the bull to make it look like a behemoth and then cut out my head and stick it on to make me the leapers, then change the colour of my head to make it fit. Then I had to make it look all pixelly to make it look part of each other.

It fails really, I'd probably go over it and do it better, but I don't have the skills.
I know I'm not qualified in graphics enough to be posting in here etc (is this just for clans etc? If so then I'm sorry, just posting as I saw others)
You can't see clan threads so you're more that free to post here. :awesome:

At the moment, I'd say 20 minutes at most, mainly because a lot of my work at the moment is working with colour and lighting opposed to effects which is what a few of my other sigs are like. The effects are horrid to use when focusing on lighting because they have to be precise...and that's nasty ;_;
Gah depends on the quality of the picture I'm using and how well I want to do it but normally it take me around 45mins but if I have a really bad stock or something it can take me easily over an hour to get a result I'm pleased with.
I don't take that long to be honest.

I think the longest I have taken to do a signature is up to an hour and considering the majority of my work is in avatars it doesn't take too long to finish one of those.

There's less area to worry about and therefore a lot quicker than a signature. XD

However I'm still using basic effects and not complicating my signatures too much while I'm still learning. When I start to try new things it will probably slow me down a bit.

I usually make a few slightly different versions of the signature/avatar I'm creating as well (different lighting, different borders etc) and I think the longest and most annoying part would have to be deciding on which one I'll use. XD
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Hm....That's a good question.
It must really depend on what I'm doing really.
If I have an idea of what I wanna make then perhaps 20 minutes or maybe a little more? If I don't have any idea of what I want to do or how I want it to look in the end, then I might take up to an hour or maybe even a little more. If the signature contains animation then that's when my time bashes up the roof. ._.;;
For avatars its the same thing, but since they're small graphics then really it doesn't take me long at all. Maybe 15 mins or even 20, I'm not even sure.
xD I dun time my self, I just enjoy the moment!
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It depends on what i am doing.I sum up what i am doing/watching into a good joke and use that.I might begin to use pics in the future to show the jokes.sometimes i will right things that make no stay on topic,this usually takes 5-10 mins
I think it would really depend on what I'm doing and what for. Like, if someone is commissioning a graphic, then probably at most an hour or an hour and a half for backgrounds, for sigs, maybe at most an hour, and avis 30 minutes. These are at most - then again I could get lost in the work and be spending my whole day on it, hahahaha XD

Usually I take about 30 minutes though for backgrounds and sigs, avis about 20 minutes maybe. :3
It depends on what I'm making.
Signature... I'd say about 20 to 30 minutes. I do a lot of experimenting with things so I could spend a lot longer with things.
Avatars... about half that to make a signature.
It all depends, really. Sometimes I can pull something together in about 10 minutes that I'm really happy with, other times I'll work at it for an hour straight, and then spend about two hours wondering off and tweaking it when I get inspiration. It all depends on what type of signature I want to make, and how much I care about it.

The more I care about what I'm making, the longer it'll take. The less I care, the more of a rush-job it'll be. xD
Hmm, never really counted. If I'm truly focused on it, 30min to an hour. If I'm posting and things like that it'll go over an hour and a half v_v
I've found that some of my plainer sigs take 15min. Half the time is spent perfecting things, though. :wacky:
an hour to two hours, depending on how well it goes.

if it starts to take too long though, I just give up >_>
Recently, it's been taking me around 2-3 days to be satisfied with the finished product. I like to sleep on things and wake up refreshed and more receptive to new ideas that will help create a more dynamic feel for the project. I always end up scrapping a layer or two filled with effects the next day and replacing it with something totally different. Yeah... I like taking my sweet time, hahahaha.
It depends on what I'm doing. There are times that I find a great render or make a great render but can never come up with a "theme" for it. If that's the case, I usually end up scrapping a bunch of times, which could take me anywhere from an hour to three hours.

I seem to do my worst whenever someone is requesting something though. I think it's the general pressure of getting it "perfect".

Generally though, it takes me about 45 minutes to create a signature and only about 30 minutes to make a wallpaper.
My current one is an experiment with Rain animation....and it's disastrous. :gasp:
I never realized that GIF images have sooo much criteria that you have to meet. So far, this one's my longest work yet at over an hour, and I'm still going.
It depends. If I have a render/stock and an idea/theme in mind I'll probably work on it for an hour or so.
If not I can be working on it for 2+ hours :gasp: Also, sometimes I'll change my mind half way through a piece and start over again -__-
For a sig, it usually takes me 15-30 minutes. LPs take longer though. Mainly cause the image is big and it takes longer to load stuff.
I think I've posted here before, but I'll post again because I noticed my editing time has changed. >_>

I take longer nowadays, ranging between 45 minutes to an hour and a half. The avatars take a little less time. I think it could be because I've developed a taste for stranger color schemes and it's harder to be contented and say, "I think this is finished, I'll stop here.". On a positive note, I think I put more thought into the steps I take, unlike before. I find it really rewarding in the end, but it's a disadvantage because it's quite slow.
I takes me way too long now for some reason. Maybe I've just been away from the program for too long. But anyways, it takes me anywhere from 2 to 3 hours (?!) per signature. I dont' know whether it's because I want the thing to look cool and complicated that I'll add like 50 or so layers to it or whether I'm just too lazy to go at a quick enough pace, but either way I think that's way too long to spend on a 350x150px piece of work.
On average it takes me about an hour. If I'm just playing around with effects it takes like 2-3 hours at the max. I usuaslly like to manipulate and find new ways to manipulate which is what takes up most of the time