How Many Discs!?


Fortune Favours The Bold? Yeah Right, Lucky Me
Jul 26, 2008
The Hideout - Lindblum Theatre District
Ok we all know that SE announced at E3 tht XIII is coming to the 360, this was great news for me as i have a 360 and cant afford a PS3, but what puzzles me is that blu ray discs are about 8gb and there was meant to be a few discs for the PS3 version, so just how many discs will the 360 version be? it will have to be a lot of discs to make up for the size of the blurays.
Actually, a BR disc can hold 50gb, a dual layered DVD would be closer to the 8gb range. If XIII comes on a single BR disc, then given the downgrade in graphics, it is possible that it may come on four dual layered DVDs for the 360. It would be just like VIII and IX came in four CDs. Or perhaps two dual layered HD DVD discs.
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Or they could use one of the new CD/DVD special layer compact res discs, they can normally hold around 90-120gb but that would put the games prices up heaps because these disks are expensive to make.
7 million discs and you'll have to change them every 20 minutes :neomon:

Personally, I've never understood it when people complain about having to change discs. I never minded it on the PSone or PS2 (nor do I know anyone else who did), and I always looked at it from as a sign that I was getting alot of content. Honestly, does it really matter that much? Are people so lazy these days that they can't be arsed to get up to change a disc?
7 million discs and you'll have to change them every 20 minutes :neomon:

Personally, I've never understood it when people complain about having to change discs. I never minded it on the PSone or PS2 (nor do I know anyone else who did), and I always looked at it from as a sign that I was getting alot of content. Honestly, does it really matter that much? Are people so lazy these days that they can't be arsed to get up to change a disc?

Say what?


I'm not really bothered by having to change discs either, but it shouldn't really be necessary for the PS3.
Let's just hope that the amount of content and game length isn't reduced just to fit it all onto one disc.
They're on about how many disks it will be on the 360 version xD
I think it's impossibe though to guess how many disks it will take up because no one knows the size of the game for the PS3 yet.
i am kind of excited to see an xbox 360 game with more than 1 disc because there aren't very many.I wonder if there will be places for the discs to stay in the case, the reason i say that is because the 360 games that have more than 1 disc are just placed on top of the other discs
well nomura did say that this project is bigger then ff7 and that this is the biggest ff that he has put his time into and now its for the ps3 and xbox 360

and true it depends how much is on the game it could have 3 or 30 disks.
30 discs is a little unreasonable, maybe the 360 will make a hardware piece that plays Blu-Ray, nvm that was a dumb idea. I'm thinking 5 discs at the most
I think it'll be around 4 Discs...

Lost Odyseey had two correct? It's reasonable to think that a game like FF13 will have around 4.
I reckon it wil likely be on 3 discs... maybe 4... 2 is too few, but I think 5 is too many.
Hahaha,this makes me always laughing.Next Generation FF on X-box and in DVD.Hmm,wheres now disc 8,i cant find it darn.Oh here it is,arggh its nine dammit.
Actually this thing isnt as annoying as it seems but still,when one console has it on one disc and other in four,it is kinda funny and makes console with more discs feel crap.I am no fanboy of PS3,but i am a fanboy of FF,and best FF games in my eyes have been on PS brand so it may make me think that PS is the right place for FF-s.(just said to not start any console wars here).

30 discs is a little unreasonable, maybe the 360 will make a hardware piece that plays Blu-Ray, nvm that was a dumb idea. I'm thinking 5 discs at the most
Sony owns the rights of Blue Ray,so most likely no Blu-Ray for X-box.Not atleast in this gen(and also it would pay as much as Ps3 then,and that wouldnt have any point to buy it.Better get PS3.)

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Speculation favors multiple discs.
Here's some food for thought.

Technology evolves constantly.
Just look at the strides we've made just in the last decade.
When technology evolves it's predecessor becomes obsolete.
This happens continuously.

With that said...
It's possible that compression technology could potentially
double before Final Fantasy XIII' release
which in turn could potentially reduce
the need for multiple discs.

I might mention that companies such as
Phillips are constantly developing
software for mass media storage.
It's possible that this port can be done almost flawlessly
without the need for additional storage

Just a thought.

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I hear that theyre using two blue ray discs.Which is good,because trying to store everything on one disc is like having two wives.

Sony developed Blu-Ray.
So I promise you Square won't be porting the 360 version onto Blu-Ray discs.

If you mean the PS3 version than please specify, but I believe we're
talking about the 360 version at the moment.
Sony developed Blu-Ray.
So I promise you Square won't be porting the 360 version onto Blu-Ray discs.

If you mean the PS3 version than please specify, but I believe we're
talking about the 360 version at the moment.

Oh,Okay sorry then,The PS3 version is rumored at two blue ray discs,and the Xbox at two or three normal discs.
But thats expected really
A Dual Layer DVD can store up to 9 GB of data.
A standard Blu-Ray disc can store up to 50 GB of data.

Suppose that Final Fantasy XIII was 50GB.
It could fit onto a single Blu-Ray disc without room to spare.
It would take 6 Dual Layer DVD's to a single Blu-Ray Disc.
If the game itself is less than 20GB than it could easily
fit onto 2 Dual Layer DVD's with a little room to spare.

So let's assume that the game is under 20 GB, and Square
is wanting to maintain cost efficiency.
It would be idiotic of them, and might I mention more costly
to put the PS3 version on two separate discs.

So economically the smart thing to do assuming the game doesn't exceed
50 GB is to leave it on a single Blu-Ray disc.
That would be my guess.

Actually, a BR disc can hold 50gb, a dual layered DVD would be closer to the 8gb range. If XIII comes on a single BR disc, then given the downgrade in graphics, it is possible that it may come on four dual layered DVDs for the 360. It would be just like VIII and IX came in four CDs. Or perhaps two dual layered HD DVD discs.

50 gbs is correct. The graphics on the 360 will be just as good as the ps3. Why do you think Square Enix has made the Star Ocean series exclusive to the 360 and Started a new series called The Last Remnant exclusively for the 360.