How Many Discs!?

Was it ever stated how many disc will it be?
I think I read, somewhere, about 6 or something... doesn't really sound logical IMO.

I don't get why a PS3 game comes in more than one disc, while the PS2 FFXII (which has+100 hours of gameplay) was one disc.
It just makes me wonder what ever FFXIII gonna be really HUGE game or something.
I heard that they are cutting out some of the original dialog to make the game fit on an xbox 360 disc. So I'm guessing it'll be one disc... sucks for us PS3 owners who have more than enough room for the entire game. :(
I heard that they are cutting out some of the original dialog to make the game fit on an xbox 360 disc. So I'm guessing it'll be one disc... sucks for us PS3 owners who have more than enough room for the entire game. :(
It'll be multiple discs for the 360, Last Remnant is 2 discs and Star Ocean: TLH is 3 or 4, I can't remember so realistically since Final Fantasy is still the main series in Square Enix they should be looking at 4 discs minimum. Plus, as far as I'm aware the 360 version is a port so the only version that would have to have cutting down is the 360 version, hence the reason that it's possible for Japanese voices as well on the PS3 version, and not the 360 version.
It'll be multiple discs for the 360, Last Remnant is 2 discs and Star Ocean: TLH is 3 or 4, I can't remember so realistically since Final Fantasy is still the main series in Square Enix they should be looking at 4 discs minimum. Plus, as far as I'm aware the 360 version is a port so the only version that would have to have cutting down is the 360 version, hence the reason that it's possible for Japanese voices as well on the PS3 version, and not the 360 version.

It's not a port. XIII is being made with the "Crystal Tools" set, which has cross compatibility between both platforms. If anything both are technically getting PC ports.
I'm just going on the fact that in half the articles that mention the 360 it says "port".
Either way, people with both a PS3 and 360 would find it much more beneficial buying the PS3 version of the game.

"Motomu Toriyama, starting off, he reconfirmed that, "We haven't changed the direction of the development. We're making the PS3 version first, and then porting to the 360 later."

"The director also reassured PS3 owners that the game's quality would not suffer due to the 360 port."
It depends on how lazy Square is I guess. If they take the short cut and include lots of pre-rendered video in the game, the Xbox 360 version will easily span several discs. If the Crystal Tools engine is actually as good as they say it is and can actually render highly detailed CGI in real-time, then I don't think we'll see more than 2 discs. Maybe only 1 if we're lucky.

The thing about Japanese developers is that they love their pre-rendered in-game CGI which takes up a lot more space than raw data. Which is why you get games like Lost Odyssey and Star Ocean spanning several discs, whereas western RPGs of a similar scope (and often with better visuals) such as Mass Effect and Fable fit onto 1 disc.
Rockman X said:
Personally, I've never understood it when people complain about having to change discs. I never minded it on the PSone or PS2 (nor do I know anyone else who did), and I always looked at it from as a sign that I was getting alot of content.

That was me right before FF8 came out. "Whoa, this game has four discs? FF7 only had three! This game must be AWESOME!"

sherbert said:
Why do you think Square Enix has made the Star Ocean series exclusive to the 360 and Started a new series called The Last Remnant exclusively for the 360.

You're making me sad right now because I want Last Remnant for PS3 so badly.

I don't see this being an unwieldy number of discs for the 360. Like others have said, we've had three- and four-disc games in the past. I don't think it's going to take away from the experience for 360 owners.
According to this article, so far Square have estimated 3 discs, but since they haven't finished the 360 verison yet, it could be more.

Sorry if it's already been posted by someone else =P And sorry in advance if it turns out the article is wrong 8[
I mentioned it in the news section but that was just giving general information about it so it's more than fine to post it here too! :awesome: I'm surprised at the lack of disks mind you, I though it'd be at least 4, especially when Star Ocean 4 has 3 and FFXIII is supposed to have 50 hours worth of storyline on it's own, without the sidequests etc >.>
Lost odyssey had 4 discs, clearing that up for who ever said there was only 2 a few posts back.
And for the 360 version, im guessing around 3 discs. just because the 360 version is dumbed down a bit graphically, thus, taking less space for more more of the games content. which is a great idea. I hated changing discs for 7 just because that means there's a higher chance for me to loose one of them, making the game implayable. This happend to me on several ocasions where I'd moved, let a friend borrow the game, or just plain lost the disc. very upsetting.
As for the ps3, there most likely will be more than one disc considering that ps3's blu-ray is used for not just data, but for fine detailing in the game. its just an overall better quality thats output from the disc, but if there is more than one, you install on the HDD anyway, so there's most likely going to be changing one time for about 10 minutes all together.