How many hours did it take you to beat this game?


Dec 26, 2006
I am 40 hours into the game and I just got done beating Cid in Archades, Am I taking to long to beat this game, my 3 best people are on about lvl 45-50 or so, should I be worried about making my people stronger or should I just go on with the game?
I was around 90 or so hours, with all the sidequests, training and such. But it's entirely possible just to go straight through and beat the game in such little time.
well, i beat it when i was about 120 hours in, but i was trying to do a lot of the side things. my 3 main guys were at level 87 and i WHIPPED the end guy. you could probably take on the final boss with the levels you're at right now.
I'm at all 99 lvl, and trying to collect every single item, weapon, etc in the game, plus finish all sidequests and hunts, rare game, etc. I've been at it for 220+ hrs now. Could definitely finish faster, I'm kinda SOL though, I didn't get the genji armor from giglamesh :(
I was at level 67 with my 3 main characters when i decided to finish the game at 75 hours, i just wanted to know what happened. Now i am finishing some hunts and stuff.
I was at level 67 with my 3 main characters when i decided to finish the game at 75 hours, i just wanted to know what happened. Now i am finishing some hunts and stuff.

let me know when you take down yiazmat. ;) i'm working on him now.
I have no idea where I am in relation to the storyline... I've got to be at least half way through, but I have no idea... I just reached the Phoan (sp?) Coast... and I've done a couple handfuls of the hunts, defeated Adrammalech, and have explored a bunch of the areas that I don't think I should be at yet... and I'm at about 61 hours. My characters are all between 32 and 34, except for Vaan, who is at level 42... I have a tendency to do that with every FF game I play... I always have one character that I use more than everyone else just for the heck of it :)

But yeah, I'd like to gather all the espers/summons, but I'm not big on gathering all the weapons... so I don't know how long it will take me to finish the game... heh.
to truely beat the game you needa do all those side quests & stuff so it should take you like 80hours or so. i just got this game and i'm not that far into it. i'm at the part where i needa stop those bugs from eating the power and i cant get passed it! i'll try later.
so no you arent spending too many hours doing it.
Still have to wait until February to even get to try the game (Europe!)
beat the game at lv 76, with 80 hours that lv..the last boss is so easy..
I don't know how many hours I took, but I think I was at about 65 hours. Mind you, two of that was burned on Gilgamesh (who I got everything from), and he seriously just about killed us all off. It was a hardcore grind. BUT! IT CAN BE DONE AT LEVEL 45 PEOPLE! Yes, I beat the game at level...64.

Level 64 all around that is. I levelled all my characters evenly. And they were all equipped. I found it simply fascinating to train in the Mosphoran Highwastes. Mmyes.
I finished today after ~120hrs. I did about half of the Clan Hunts, so that's why it took so long. I would say I could have finished in 100 otherwise. Characters were lvl 50 or so when I kicked the Undead's butt. Is it just me, or does the end kinda suck? I wanna see Balthier & Fran!
I finished off the Undying at level 63.It was kinda easy,so I think it could be done at 50 or so.Game time was 72 hours,including a lot of hunts and Esper quests.Now I am at level 73 with 92 hours,trying to finish all hunts and Espers.I stumbled across Zodiark earlier and fought tooth and nail for a while,only to be wiped out.Hopefully with my now higher levels and I can get him.I'm dreading Yiazmat and Omega Mark.I just defeated The Seer at the bottom of the Pharos at Ridorana.I'm excited!
it took me about 90 hours. it took ten to get the gold chocobo and get it to S ranking but it was really fun! :)