How Many Hours


ShinRa Guard
Nov 9, 2006
how many hrs have to put into FFXII and what part are you in.

ive played about 45 hrs and im on my way to arcadia just trying to lv up anywhere i can right now most of my party is in the 30's:cool:
I put about 65 hours into it. Beat the game with three of my guys at 70, three at 40, and about half of the content finished.
Beat it at 60 hours, all characters 47. Doing a second playthrough for sides etc.
To Good To End

I wish it was 900 hours, this is a great game..and they dont come frequently, had to wait years since FFX, take your time and enjoy it:D
93 hrs

I just beat the game....i put about 93 hours into it. Allot of that was obsessive leveling up...though i did do quite of few of the hunts and got a couple of the espers. Ended up having Ashe at level 61, Pen/Fran level 50 and the rest at 47.
YAY 104 hours is me :) ... maybe thats not a good thing <.<#... but i was level 72 for vaan(because of double XP), 60 Ashe, 61 Fran, 53 Balthier, 50, Basch and 50 Panelo. I give them all the double xp item.. i forget what its called... something tippet...[SIZE=-1]embroidered tippet!! thats the one... it makes it easier for leveling, i also aquired all espers, and finished all the hunts i can find... i finished the game first at 62 hours, and then went back to the save at [/SIZE]The Port Of Baithonhem and then[SIZE=-1] finished it all off. Then i played the game again, and got the 104 hours... thats far too long, i think my girlfriend almost murdered me!! oh i also obtained [/SIZE]the strongest halberd (9999 hit every time) the 2nd time around playing, which is really good, and i was able to get Tournesol, so i had a good game 2nd time round, i advise doing it, i do it with all ff games, can't wait for FFxiii and the rest of the 3 in the series of FFxiii, should be good ^.^
I put around 50 hours into it. I'm currently levelling up my characters so I may go to Arcadia. I'm training around the Hunter Camp past the Salikawood.
34 hours

34 hours in, headed to Archadia.. Actually thinking about going to try for the Zodiac, hoping I can still get it. Vaan 34, Ashe 33, Basch 32, Balthier 30... Wanting to go and get all espers before I finish game, can anyone suggest a thread?
I am 29 hours in. My levels are 29-24. I am attempting to go from Nalbina to Archades now. I have somewhat decent weapons and armor, but there is still better, and I am dead broke. No matter where I try and get some loot, it just isn't enough. Argh....
I am 29 hours in. My levels are 29-24. I am attempting to go from Nalbina to Archades now. I have somewhat decent weapons and armor, but there is still better, and I am dead broke. No matter where I try and get some loot, it just isn't enough. Argh....

Just a suggestion : I bought the Thief's Cuffs in Mt. Bur-Omisace (3000 gil) and equipped them on my Tank. In the gambits for him, he's got < Foe : HP<1000 >< Steal > His gambits are turned on while the other two have them off.

I went to the places I knew nothing could hurt me, like the Estersands, Giza (Dry,) and Ogir-Yensa Sandseas, and just let him go nuts. Once he steals, he will power up and kill it, (as long as you have another Gambit there to attack...) After that, collect your reward and head on. Since the Thief's Cuffs let you steal rare things, it's more likely you will get something which pays off.

I made something like $20000 in about 30 minutes in the Sandsea by stealing from the Alraune. Sometimes they give you Succulent Fruit which sells for 363 gil. Those add up quick.

Good luck :)
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I'm currently at 77 hours

Main Party

Vaan - 64 - Runesword/DemonShield - Maxamillion Set

Basch - 63 - Save The Queen - Maxamillion

Fran - 63 - Persius Bow - Maxamillion

Secondary Party

Ashe - 55 - Runesword/Demon Shield - Maxamillion

Balthier - 55 - Arcturus(gun)/Dark Shot - Maxamillion

Penelo - 55 - Masamune - Maxamillion

I am currently at Fafnir in the Side Quest - Have not attempted him yet, but I shall try tonight. I saw he was lvl 68 , so this should be one hell of a challenge in my opinion.

Progression wise in the story line, I am currently asked to fly to Pharon's tower or whatever from Balfonheim.
I have 59 hours and i am at The Port Of Baithonhem. Level 36 and 35 for the whole party. Just left there and went back to hunting. I have 21 kills so far and I have 5 hunts accepted. I am gonna finish all the rank 5 and 6 hunts before I move on with the story any more.
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I put around 50 hours into it. I'm currently levelling up my characters so I may go to Arcadia. I'm training around the Hunter Camp past the Salikawood.

I'm currently doing the same but ventured to the border cave lastnight. Debating on if level 32's are ok now or should I go back and level some more.
im around 64 hours keep passn out around 4 am dont start play till like 11:30+
but How long is the game is it short cause it sounds like it... from start 2 fin storyline only how long??
im around 64 hours keep passn out around 4 am dont start play till like 11:30+
but How long is the game is it short cause it sounds like it... from start 2 fin storyline only how long??

Well, if you dont do ANY hunts and dont collect ANY additional espers, the game is only about 45-55 hours max, but if you get all the 13 espers, finish all hunts, and level up until your round lvl 80 ( which isnt really needed but you can fight a really hard boss in the other entrance to the henne mines, the bats there do 2000HP hits alone ( so be ready :P ) and its just fun to do EVERYTHING!! doing everything in the game takes 90 hours, but i kept leveling, hence me having 104 hours :P
95 hours here.....i have 8 espers, zodiak spear, the guys are around levels 55 and the girls are about 43, a little over half the hunts are done as well. and i'm a little past the draklor laboratory part...
well im at 72hrs and just finish coming from The Ancient City Of Giruvegan and talked to Reddas in The Port Of Balfonheim and he has joined my party. whew i played this game about 7 hrs in the last 2 days the story is getting interesting cant wait to find out what happens later in the story. :cool:
I played the game straight through with no strategy guide and beat it in 41 hours. Nothing really special...I only used 3 characters the entire game and got through without a problem really. They were around lv. 52 or so. Now I'll go back and try to get everything that I missed.