How Many Languages Do You Speak?

How many languages do you speak? Again l337 $p3@k doesn't count :D

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I took Japanese at University for a semester, so I can hold a basic convo. And English, as it is my native tongue. I learnt a bit of Spanish and Italian through school, but have forgotten almost all of it. Japanese wasn't so that difficult to learn for me, but remembering nouns and stuff was. The grammar and sentence structure makes so much more sense than English
I speak English (duh), French, and Japanese. My French is slowly slipping away from me -__-. I probably couldn't speak to someone very well, but I can understand when people speak to me in French. I can also read it. a work in progress. I can read a bit more than 500 kanji, and I can somewhat understand when people speak, but I have trouble expressing moderately complicated thoughts.
I speak English, and I took a year of Spanish, that worked very well for me. I tried to have a conversation with a friend, who took Spanish for three years, and she coudln't keep up with me, lawl. I also can speak Italian, which I decided would be easier to learn since it's similar to Spanish (Although not as similar as I initially thought, :D). I'm working on learning Greek, but I've been a bit lazy as of late.
My first language is English. But I can swear and curse in German, Japanese, Korean, Samoan and Spanish. I guess its not really speaking huh? more or less just communicating.
I can't speak fluently in Japanese and Italian.

But i can speak a few words...Even though i've been learning Italian for 7 years. :wacky: Pay attention is school kids!

But i can also speak English very well. :monster:
I voted for 2 ^^
English is my first language, but I've been learning French depuis j'avait cinq ans et donc, je peux parler la langue près de parfait XD
I'm half Armenian also, and because I live with my Armenian grandparents I've picked up some of the language, although I'm nowhere near fluent...
I also learnt German in school for a few years, but I can't remember much of it anymore, apart from the basics...
And I'm teaching myself Korean n___n; 안녕하세요!
English is an obviously yeah for me, but I took 4 years of Spanish in High School and another year of it in College so I'll add that in as my second language. I can't speak it fluently by any means, but I can form the words together pretty good still if it's an easy enough phrase. If I hear someone speak it fast though, i'd be lost.
English is an obviously yeah for me, but I took 4 years of Spanish in High School and another year of it in College so I'll add that in as my second language. I can't speak it fluently by any means, but I can form the words together pretty good still if it's an easy enough phrase. If I hear someone speak it fast though, i'd be lost.

I guess if I bump into you then, english it is! I speak spanish quite rapidly, as does a good portion of my people XD.

- Kuja
Im puerto rican. I speak English and Spanish fluently. Growing up, I was somewhat ashamed that I was hispanic because people made fun of me for it. But then I matured and realized I was stupid for thinking that way. I started speaking spanish with my father, and eventually learned, in High School I managed to pass a college level Spanish Course with ease /bragging off :D.

~ Socrates the Great
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I can speak 3 languages: Romanian(first language), English and French(a bit rusty actually). I want to learn Japanese because, with the first opportunity that comes up, I'm gonna go there and leave Europe behind.:wacky:
私は日本語と英語とフランス語を話せる!Japanese is my first language but I am also fluent in English and French because Im half japanese, half haitian. I also know some haitian creole but not much because my mother mainly speaks to me in French and English.
I know about 2,500 kanji but i am slowly forgetting how to write and read Kanji (japanese writing system) because i attend english language university in Tokyo. Kanji is hard for most of us japanese tho.
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私は日本語と英語とフランス語を話せる!Japanese is my first language but I am also fluent in English and French because Im half japanese, half haitian. I also know some haitian creole but not much because my mother mainly speaks to me in French and English.
I know about 2,500 kanji but i am slowly forgetting how to write and read Kanji (japanese writing system) because i attend english language university in Tokyo. Kanji is hard for most of us japanese tho.

French and Creole are similiar right?

Kind of like how Spanish & Portuguese are similiar but not the same oui?

- Kuja
Well, I live in Colombia, so First there is Spanish, My father is from Taiwan and my mother from China, which adds Chinese to the list. My school is bilingual, thus adding English (If I didn't know English I don't think that I would be here, XD) And as a bonus, I do speak Portuguese (a lil' easier due to speaking spanish). Other than that, my bro speaks German, my cousin French and they both are learning Japanese, so I usually grab some of the things and learn a bit. Aditionally, I am learning a bit of Italian. However, I only voted 4.
I speak Spanish, English and Japanese
Teehee, hard to believe these were all self taught
I'm so proud of mah self when I think about that xD
i can speek english obviously but i can speek some french
i'm rubbish at speeking or listening to french but i can read and write about the same amount and its alot easier
English, Cantonese & French, all fluent (ish xD)

I can speak mandarin as well, but I didn't include it as it's basically simplified Cantonese and some would argue that they're "the same".

I'm better at speaking cantonese but better at reading/writing mandarin too :_:
I voted 3. Dutch (native), English and Japanese, but I can understand alot of German aswel. So maybe I should have voted 4, since I can have a conversation in al 4 languages... anyway
When I finish College (3 more years) I'm planning on learning French. I know the basics of it but not enough to have conversations. And maybe after that, I'll try and improve my German. And after that who knows.