How Many Languages Do You Speak?

How many languages do you speak? Again l337 $p3@k doesn't count :D

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I'm proud of my two--Cantonese and English. I took Mandarin classes for 3 years and am in Spanish two, yet I can't speak two sentences at once =(

I can also curse in sign-langauge >:D
English and enough Spanish that I could get around in a Spanish-only speaking location if I needed to.
I speak fluent English. :wacky:

I took a real liking toward Spanish whilst in secondary school, so I'd like to learn that. I wouldn't mind learning Mandarin or Cantonese one day, but Spanish would come first for me. I can speak a tiny bit of Japanese, and I should really start learning more as I'm planning on going to Tokyo for two full weeks next Easter holiday with some friends. =/
I'm only fluent in English, though I could probably scrape by with German. Most of my family is Austrian, and Austrians of course speak German, so I've heard a lot of it in my life. I also took Japanese lessons for a while, and continued on my own with Rosetta Stone, so I have a baaasic understanding of that. So yeah, those are the only three I even have a hope of speaking XD;
Well, I can speak three different languages: English, Spanish and German. I learnt both English and German at school (German since Kindergarten, English since I was in 5th grade I think) and I think I can read and write in both languages fluently:P

I'm willing to learn Japanese too (know a few words thanks to my watching just too much anime ^^; and I guess that'll make things a bit easier since I'm already used to hearing stuff in Japanese).....but I dunno where I'm supposed to get the time to do that >_>
I speak fluent English. :wacky:

I took a real liking toward Spanish whilst in secondary school, so I'd like to learn that. I wouldn't mind learning Mandarin or Cantonese one day, but Spanish would come first for me. I can speak a tiny bit of Japanese, and I should really start learning more as I'm planning on going to Tokyo for two full weeks next Easter holiday with some friends. =/

Que nitido, you and I should have a conversation sometime in español sometime :neomon:

- Sephiroth
English, of course & American Sign Language. My friends taught me because it was interesting... So that makes two but I'm so-so in Spanish but not overall a great speaker but I know a few haha so It's two languages I speak xD
One language only, the only one I know is English, I don't know other languages at all, sadly. >_>

But I don't travel around anywhere, so English is all I really need to know, it'd kind of suck if I didn't know any language. XD

Well, I something that sticks out in my head of french is au revoir. :P
Well i speak Portuguese (Native tongue), Spanish (Im Spanish descendant, so i know a little, even tough im a little rusty) and English as you see it.

*Spanish is A LOT different from portuguese, some words are very similiar but the majority are very different in therms or writing and pronounce.
I speak... Well quite a lot. So yeah, Norwegian, English, Swedish, Dannish and German.

And I'm currently learning japanese and itallian.

I guess you can say I'm obsessed with languages.
Well, I can only speak English fluently. I took two years of French and failed miserably, so I just started Latin. Sadly, the only thing I can say in Latin so far is "Ecce! Puella nomine Flavia est."
I'm fluent in English and Samoan, both of which I grew up with. My Maori is passable but not great and everyone I know that speaks it uses English more so I don't get much practice.
I can speak pretty fluent Cantonese and English... although I don't use Cantonese as much anymore. Currently learning Japanese, too.
Japaese and english :). I grew up with 3 older cousins that were addicted to anything japan and all new how to speak it :P. I had Japanese down when i was about 10 :)

I had the choice of going to a school that offers japanese classes, but I turned them down. I know, stupid idea.

Man, they even had a japanese club and hosted japanese students every year! -__-
i can speak english, and i have been learning french and spanish for the past 7 years, and im doing very well in both languages
I speak English and Korean. Although Korean is often spoken in the household, my native tongue is English and I prefer to speak with it.
I can speak English and I've learned Spanish in school for several years now and I can speak it very well acing proficiency tests. I can speak very little Italian, but only enough to have a simple conversation (Like How are you? I'm feeling good, etc.)