Dirge of Cerberus How much did you pay for DoC?


Your friend.
Mar 4, 2007
Ok. I bought FFVII DoC from Beats and Bytes, a 2ND hand technology store. I bought FFVII DoC there for 5 DOLLARS!!!! Omg....It was used, but the disc was in a condition like new! It apparently was owned by an 8 year old girl. Some slip was filled out at the back of the manual with a girl that was 8 and some hotmail address. I couldn't read the address. So I sorda bought that for an outragesly cheap price. heh...How much did this game cost you?
I bought FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus when it first came out so it was pretty expensive. For me it was around 50$ i think. It has been awhile since i got it so i dont know the exact price (Price is in Canadian money xD)

Ya it wasnt too bad of a game since i saw my friend play it so i thought it looked awesome. Then it got farther into the game and i didnt like the part where you play as Cait Sith :monster:
I think they sell the game in the stores for 20$ used now so that was a good grab FF Forever xD
I haven't played it yet. I am waiting for christmas. (My dad stole it from me and hid it until christmas. =,(

Nokoi, please put more effort into your posts. Thank you!-Lady Aerith

I've seen the game sell as little as £11, second hand at games stores near me. I'll probably buy it in the January sales this year, since it could be even cheaper then xD

Edit - and I edited the thread title, so people don't go completely off topic and post about other games they got cheaply :P
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I got it on release I was walking past Virgin on the day it came out and spied it so I paid 29.99 (my stupid pound sign doesn't work =/)
OMG I'm such a fool. I got it second hand at Playtime for £19.99, only to find it was selling brand new at Tesco for the same price:mad:

It's weird, lately since it's been Christmas there's a lot of DoC being sold in Tesco. And considering that I live in a rough area of Leeds, I have to wonder how many chavs are buying it, fu fu fu fu...
I can't remember. I think I paid the full price for it... Between £16 and £30. I have a weird feeling it was £16. :unsure:
Second-hand reduces value, no matter how great the condition of the product. That's still an amazing bargain, though, considering you did manage to get a good copy. Not many people care about the quality/value of their collections.

I took the idiots route and bought this game for £29.99 when it was first released. I must admit, though, it's one spin-off for which I am happy to pay such an amount.
i went into gamestop this summer to buy ffx and x-2 and they told me it waz buy two get one free! so i got doc for free but it waz used and they gave me a box that didnt have a manual in it
I got it for $50 Australian, on sale brand new, in American, it would be around 40.
OMG I'm such a fool. I got it second hand at Playtime for £19.99, only to find it was selling brand new at Tesco for the same price:mad:

It's weird, lately since it's been Christmas there's a lot of DoC being sold in Tesco. And considering that I live in a rough area of Leeds, I have to wonder how many chavs are buying it, fu fu fu fu...

Haha genius, you can just imagine some chavs in the park with £2.99 vodka speaking about how they 'brapped up' some monsters with 'that goth guy'

any way i got it in the christmas sales last year for £27, i remember because it was a weird price, i suppose i got ripped off for a sale but it wasnt even in the sale anyway, and it only came out the month before