how old r u

I'm afraid to say, you have a poor grasp of the socio-economic groups.

Derek is in a band, and has a job.
Nice white girls, don't sleep with people that work at laundromats, and are never groupies.
Trailer park whores are only liked by trailer park boys, so they are quite willing to have a good time with a person with a job who plays in a band. Also he plays guitar, guitar means goods with his fingers, along with job, he is therefore irrestible

I'm afraid to say, you have a poor grasp of the socio-economic groups.

Derek is in a band, and has a job.
Nice white girls, don't sleep with people that work at laundromats, and are never groupies.
Trailer park whores are only liked by trailer park boys, so they are quite willing to have a good time with a person with a job who plays in a band. Also he plays guitar, guitar means goods with his fingers, along with job, he is therefore irrestible

So true. Haha
I'm 16. I've always felt older though. I think it's because I read. (if you read Douglas Clegg, message me and we can chat on horror and massacre).
Are they hawt?

kind of.... like meh, really. Like you'd hit it, but not nearly as hard as you'd hit Jessica Alba:neomon:

I'm afraid to say, you have a poor grasp of the socio-economic groups.

Derek is in a band, and has a job.
Nice white girls, don't sleep with people that work at laundromats, and are never groupies.
Trailer park whores are only liked by trailer park boys, so they are quite willing to have a good time with a person with a job who plays in a band. Also he plays guitar, guitar means goods with his fingers, along with job, he is therefore irrestible

lol :wacky:
I'm 16 and I get asked for proof of age when i buy films that are 15's. :gasp: As if i look 14. >_>

Although when I was 14 i got away with buying a lottery ticket... talk about reverse order. -__-
Me too :gasp:

Oh how I miss my tom boyish days of tree climbing :gasp: