How old were you when you had your first kiss?

My first regular kiss was at the age, i think....
My first french kiss was at the age of thirteen, it was gross! Never ever french kissing again - ugh!
My first kiss was when I was 4 or 5, im not about normal kiss on the lips im on about some crazy lad trying to grope me in the cloak room at school lol. funnyest and grossest experience ever.
I can't remember when I had my FIRST kiss. That was probably around the age of 4 or 5.

But as for my first REAL kiss, I had that at age 14 at a homecoming dance. He wasn't my date but we did like each other for a long time and have dated before and everything.
Yup yup! I'm 17 indeed.:rolleyes:
So is that old?
It's still young :lol:
Right Vulcan? ;)

It's still young. I'm 17. >__>

Maybe it's just me, since most the people i know from school have had thier first kiss before the age of 14.......

Okay, and? That doesn't make Lady Ashe less of a person because she hasn't had her first kiss. In fact, I respect her a lot for that same reason.
but then again i'm not sure,maybe i already had my first kiss around 4.
i was playing with a lot of boys,so i might have tryed.

not very sure yet.