How old were you when you played your first Final Fantasy?

Ayumi Hamasaki

It's a beautiful dream, but a dream is earned
Sep 25, 2009
I don't think there's a thread like this and I think it'd be really interesting to know.

I was seven when I tried to play Final Fantasy 7 but I didn't like it very much. Maybe because I was still learning to read? Doesn't explain why I still don't care for it though.

And I was 8 when I first played FF8 not long after it came out. And I loved it to death, even though yet again I didn't totally grasp everything. And I love it to this day.

And I never noticed that I played the numbers at what age 7 I played 7 and 8 I played 8..and for that matter I probably played 9 at 9..that's funny.

Anyway, how old were you when you played your first FF game? And of course, which one was it?
I was probably seven or eight when I played both FF7 and FF9 (Yes, I'm a two-timer).

Although I shortly stopped playing FF7 after a few weeks, since I was playing it on an emulator [in my PC] and my PC was being donated to my fresh-out-of-high-school brother.

So I managed to play only FF9 until I turned 9 and finished it. :ryan:
pretty sure I was 15, I was at my cousins and my aunties bloke passed me the control pad to play FFVII
I was 19 (latecomer to the series!), played FFIX in the summer after I left school, my brother had bought a second hand copy and I was curious enough to try it.
There's another of these but it hasn't been posted in for over a year so we might as well keep this one :)

Anyway, for me it was around about 8/9 and Final Fantasy VII (I know :() it wasn't on release though it was about 2/3 years after it originally came out. I can't remember the specific dates since it was that long ago. :lew:
I've watched people play FF when I was younger, but never got to play it myself. My mom wouldn't let me play it because it was rated T for Teen. -___-
So when I finally got and played my first FF, it was back in '06 and I was 11 years old at the time. It was a month before KH II came out. (ROFL, I was soo late! XD)
FFVIII when i was 10, my parents had recently bought me a PS1 (after much begging on my part...LOL) and shortly after, my mom picked up FFVIII for me. Playing through it right now as well and while i think FFVII is overrated, i thought FFVIII was the best FF and while i still think it's great, i'm not so sure anymore after playing through it again.
I probably was 13, 14 when I first got into FF. I just had a ps2 and only two games, then I saw a commercial from FFX-2 on tv and it looked so cool, so I asked it for my birthday, then I realised it was a sequel halfway, I already thought it was a strange way of storytelling XD (funny, X-2 didn't ring any bells) so I bought X and then other games followed.
I was about 8 or 9. My first game was FF7. Seeing my brother play it first got me interested in it. When I got to, I really enjoyed it. It made me want to get FF8 and FF9 when they came out (which I did get and played)
My first FF was IV on the SNES, I think it had just recently come out and I was 10 or 11 :hmmm: I remember my dad rented it for me from Blockbuster and I liked it so much that I had to keep renewing it to keep from getting late fees :lew: And then after getting it for my birthday or Christmas, then I moved on to VI, because that had recently come out in the video store as well ^^ I remember reading about both of them in Nintendo Power too, when they were among the most popular games out there :yay: Good memories of all of that (also of secretly staying up until 2am sometimes to play them on school nights :gasp:) :ryan:
I was 7, and I was playing FFVII. At first, I couldn't get into it since I felt waiting in front of a beastly beast to take a turn at hitting you was retarded. Nevertheless, the music and wordsy words made me love it to death.
I was about 8/9 when I played my first FF, My late cousin got me and my brother FF7 for Christmas and we played all the other games when were growing up, from 8 through to 12, it was really good for sibling bonding :)
I was 14, and the first one I played was VII, at a friend's insistence. That was in 2000, been a fan ever since. Moreso than that friend is now, actually. :)

For those of you who started playing the series really young (as in, less than 10 or so) how different was it to go back and play the games when you were a little older? Was it easier, did you pick up more things with the plot, etc.
It's been just a year since I last played my first Final Fantasy. I was 16, and I played FFVII. I heard from a lot people how great it was and so on... so I tried it out, and I loved it.
I'm proud to say I was about 8 when I played FFI :ryan:. I played it at my grandparents house. They let me have at it on their NES when I went there on the weekends.
Lol, they had a playstation to keep busy :mrgreen: Gangsterr
My first time playing Final Fantasy was Final Fantasy VII. I was 11. My dad bought it for the PS1. I had a ago and I have been playing Final Fantasy games ever since then.
I was 12 I think, maybe 13. So that was about a decade ago now. At that time I just recently got into RPGs and so I decided to try a FF game for once since I heard good things about it. I decided to play FFVIII.