Help how to do selphies limit break


Jan 26, 2010
not saying
im confused here. i mean rly confused how to do this and wht it means. i also heard she has "the end" how do u cast tht. i rly need to know for the upcoming omega weapon. :O

Selphie's limit break is called Slot. Essentially it is a slot machine in that you get a random spell and a random cast number. These spells are not restricted by what she has in her magic list or, if she does have it, how many times she can cast it. For the record I have never seen a spell cast number above 3.

The spells can be attack, curative or support. Stronger spells appear as you level up, often with lesser cast numbers than their weaker counterparts. Mixed in with these are her 'special' spells: Full-cure, Wall, Rapture, and The End. The availibility of these specialty spells relies on her level. Full-cure is availible at the moment you get her. The others will appear later on as she levels. These spells happen on the same panel as the other options so you should keep an eye out for them. A good way is to look at the cast number. The specialty spells always have a cast time of one, or at least i think since I've never seen it higher.

Full-cure does what it sounds like- it heals the party to full health. Wall casts protect and shell on the party. Rapture removes an enemy from the field and will not work on bosses. On thing to note though on Rapture. I havent tested it out on a Granaldo. He appears as a boss once but later he is just a normal enemy so I dont know if it will work on him. The End is her ultimate limit break. It is very rare but the higher her level the higher chance it can show up. It essentially kills every enemy on the field including many bosses.

Additionally one other thing I've heard about as I've played VIII is about a crisis meter. This crisis meter determines several limit break aspects: Squall's finishing move, Zell's time limit, Irvine's time limit, Rinoa's Angelo ability used, and Selphie's possible spells. The crisis meter measures based on...well, the crisis your in. If all your characters are in the low yellows then the crisis meter is pretty high, even more so if a character is dead. The higher the crisis meter the better/longer the limits can be.

Something I will say though is that I would not rely on Selphie's The End to pull you through Omega Weapon. The chances that you could actually pull it off are very slim since he has the light pillar, meteor, etc. In fact the only way you would be able to have time to sit and look for it, without dying then, is if you threw a hero on her or a holy war on the party and look for it then. Of course then you would need to throw aura on her at the beginning and you forget that if you do it like this the crisis meter would be very low, impeding your chance to pull it out. Otherwise you would need to time the invincibility just after a phoenix down on her and the death of the rest of the party to maximize the crisis meter.

It can be done but I would suggest not trying to beat Omega based on luck of her slot. Hope this at least helps you understand Sephie's limit a bit better. And yes Omega Weapon is rape in a very, very large package. I'd estimate about 2 tons of rape. Not fun by any means.
As Gavin said it all comes down to luck casting the end spell but all in all it can be done on Omega Weapon.

Youtube video:

To tell you the truth it's the cowards way of killing the strongest enemy in the game. I also class using Hero's, Holy Wars as the same way. Try not to use them and get the satisfaction of killing the weapon without these cheap ways.

Side Note:
The End will not work on undead enemies and the final boss.
you mean all that time i spent fighting omega and i could of used selphie to win guess thats what i get for playing favorites
then wats a not cheap way to kill omega weapon?

What ever suits you but without items such as Hero's, Holy Wars and also limits breaks including Rinoa's Invisible Moon and of course Selphie's The End. Feel free to use these items and limit breaks but in my opinion it defeats the challenge.
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They all will wear off but do keep in mind that hero only affect one person the other two affect the party.

As to a not cheap way to defeat him it takes a touch of research but u can do it without invincibility. Omega weapon has a pretty standard rotation for its attacks with only a few deviations. All you need to do is find the rotation and plan the attacks accordingly.

As for characters make sure to have GF on each of them and have Cerberus, Eden and Doomtrain on the fastest summoner but on different ones. Doomtrain weakens its defenses and Eden blows a hole in it. Cerberus allows for youre character to cast multiple spells. Keep casting and boosting Eden at different intervals to keep the high damage going.

I'd also advise to have magic on each of them with a full stock of full life as a definite. You will be using it alot so dont junction it to a stat. If hes not immune to gravity then triple casting demi isnt a bad idea to do either. Aura is also a definite to have in there; the quicker you start pounding him with limits the faster it goes. If you dont want to risk GFs then put meltdown in your list as well to hit omega with vit-0. Include curaga as well to quickly bring the party back up to health. It also might be a good idea to stock cura as well as this fight could become prolonged and your curaga stores will easily get depleted. Other than that magic isnt the best way to go about taking him down so whatever else you want to fill up and junction to your stats. The only reason I dont suggest Ultima is because it junctions so well to your stats; for that I would give it to either Squall or Zell for their shear number of performed attacks in their limits.

Round out their abilities with recover and revive for quick full recovery. Note that if you choose to have Rinoa in the party dont use her Angel Wing limit break and that you cannot control what move Angelo uses so you might end up with invinvible moon anyways. Also Light pillar always hits for 9999 without fail and the damage cannot be mitigated so you will have to revive them and quickly heal them; a single meteor can take them out.
Here are the fixed pattern of attacks that Omega Weapon will use on you below.

Lv5 Death (only used once)
Medigo Flame
Terra Break
Light Pillar
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You can (if your playing on ps1) press the open button on the ps1 and the game will proceed to play, giving you endless time to find "the end" limit break for Selphie. Or any of her limit breaks you are seeking.

Its a glitch but if you don't want omega to kill you a hundred times searching for the end, use this technique.
hehe. ummm. well whats that attack that gets on everybodies nerve.....ummm

Yeah forgot bout Terra Break. Its completely physical damage so if you have the ability defend put it on the character with magic and and use defend just before the terra break. Once it comes double cast full life on the others and keep going. Defend will completely block all physical damage.