Help How to get anima??


Jul 21, 2009
Ive looked through both help pages and couldnt see it, so i guess im fine to post. Im not a noob with final fantasy, ive played through nearly all of them...anyway im having trouble getting anima, can someone guide me through it?
Basically, all you need to do is get all the treasures in each temple using the destruction spheres, then when you go to the Zanarkand Ruins, And after you fight the monster that chased Tidus in the beginning, you should be in a room that i think has like 6 pedestals and if memory serves correctly you should just have to approach the door and then Yuna does the usual and BLAMMO, you has Anima.
I think you have to get all the treasures in all the temples with those purple spheres, ESPECIALLY Bevelle the first run. I'm not sure when you actually GET her though.
First, make sure you've gotten all 5 Destruction Sphere items from all the temples. This includes Zanarkand, you'll have to go back after you've beaten Yunalesca and you'll complete another one of those Tetris-esque puzzles to get the Sphere. Also, if you missed Bevelle's treasure, sorry, but you can't go back there.

Anima is located in Baaj Temple, which you can access from the Airship. You'll have to search for the location, which is around X-coordinate 15 and Y-coordinate 60. Circle the arrow around that spot and smash the X button and you should find it.

As soon as you land there, you'll find Geosgaeno, the fish you fought at the beginning of the game. He's not all that difficult, but having protection against petrification isn't a bad idea. Once you've beaten him, simply enter the temple and check each of the six pedestal thingies. The door should open at this point, and that's that.

Hope that helps. :monster:
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Wow thanks guys i really appreciate this help, although im going to have to start again, since you can't go back to bevelle :( anyway once again thankyou.
You may not have to re-start. I don't know if I'm absolutely correct, (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) but I don't think you can complete Bevelle without getting it the first time through. If I remember correctly the treasure blocks the exit. Check the statues at Baaj Temple to verify which ones you missed for sure.
You have to get the treausure of Bevelle to get out. It is not optional YOU HAVE TO GET IT to get out. You cant get out without it. Its a hp sphere and in the int version its a kinghts lance. So do not restart :vikki: Remember if you have int version the dark aeons will beat your ass XD
Ive started again ans obviously kept my old save file, but for now im going with a new one and trying to get them all.
This issue always baffles me. I've seen the same thing creep up in tons of places across the other FF forums. I could have sworn it was completely impossible to miss, and have seen others say the same, however the issue always seems to come up. Also why would have Square made Bevelle completely impossible to return to if it was possible to miss the first time through? Ponderous. I'm almost tempted to play through again to see for sure.
You have to get the treausure of Bevelle to get out. It is not optional YOU HAVE TO GET IT to get out. You cant get out without it. Its a hp sphere and in the int version its a kinghts lance. So do not restart :vikki: Remember if you have int version the dark aeons will beat your ass XD

There are 2 chests in the Bevelle trials. One of them is the destruction sphere chest (which is possible to be missed) and the other you have to get in order to leave. I don't remember which one has which item, but the one is a one-shot only thing.

I only know that because I have missed it multiple times.
When i get to the temple i will be using a guide just to make sure i don't miss it, on my current playthrough, i've just passed the blitz tournament and got besaid and kilika destruction sphere items :)