Help How to overkill Jecht?


Chocobo Breeder
Jul 4, 2009
Can't seem to do it. Have played through multiple times and always seem to stick to the same strategy. Trio of 9999, Knock Jecht out of his first form with slice and dice at 9999, then kill him with Aeon overdrives. I think last time I got him down to about 2,000 HP and then brought in Anima for Oblivion, which caused about 12,000 damage, but still no overkill. How much damage do I have to do to get an overkill and what can I use to do it?

All characters and aeons are at overdrive.... no Celestial weapons for this playthrough.
Uh, and the point of Overkilling BFA is..? Just to say "Yeah, I did it."?

Anyways, maybe just train Yuna more and upgrade Anima's Attributes so that Oblivion does more damage. That would be my advice. Although I don't even think Overkilling BFA is possible.
Interesting acronymn for him. lol. I can only assume what that stands for.

It's possible. Saw it on youtube. But the guy did some serious stat maxing of both characters and aeons. He brought in both Magus and Anima at overdrive for multiple hits of INSANE damage points. Was wondering if it was possible by conventional means, although now that I think about the damage limit without celestial weapons on both characters and aeons, probably not possible at all. Oh well. I don't have either the time or patience to spend that kind of time training. I read JungleJim's stat maxing FAQ which was like quantum physics to me.
You can upgrade Bahamut's strength if you like, since he already has break damage limit, upgrading his strenght will make him do 99,999. Or you can go back to Besaid and get the first Aeon's other overdrive which will also overkill Jecht.
BFA stands for Braska's Final Aeon, the official name for Jecht inside Sin.

Yeah, with the Celestial Weapons it would be easier cuz of the Break Damage Limit ability. And maxing Aeons? Even I wouldn't do that, it would take a crapload of items. can get the World Champion and Attack Reels, then hit him with that. With a fair amount of STR you'll deal over 120K damage. If obtaining those items is too long for you, get the Caladbolg and use Blitz Ace....although you'll need more STR for this to be an overkill.

I've never actually understood Bahamut's overdrive - even with almost max stats it dealt a mere 45000 damage, whereas his normal attack dealt 99999...the same occured with Auron's overdrive, Tornado.
They work entirely differently. Attack, and for that matter, Impulse, are based on Bahamut's Strength and the enemies Defence. Mega Flare, on the other hand, is based on Bahamut's Magic, and no form of defence has any effect on it. The only thing that can reduce it is Belgemine's Ixion using his super-defensive move.

Bahamut needs at least 92 Magic to hit for 99999 with Mega Flare every time, and at least 88 Magic to have any chance at all of hitting for 99999. Therefore, if his Strength is very high but his Magic is low, you may be getting 99999 with Attack/Impulse but not much with Mega Flare. (For the record, he needs 201 Strength to guarantee 99999 on BFA without critical hits, or 151 if BFA is armour broken)

Just for the record - all storyline aeon overdrives work the same way. The aeon's magic stat increases damage, and they ignore defence. However, some are more powerful than others, and thus some will require higher or lower Magic stat than others in order to guarantee 99999. The weakest is Energy Ray and the strongest is Energy Blast. Energy Blast aside, each aeon is more powerful than the last with it's overdrive (if they have the same magic stat), with the exception of Ixion and Shiva - their's are equal.

Optional aeons, on the other hand, have overdrives that are affected by Strength, and do *not* ignore defences. So that's why, while Mega Flare will do the same damage to any enemy, Oblivion will do less damage to enemies with high defence.

As for Tornado, that one's a bit stranger, unless Auron has the Masamune equipped (since ultimate weapons ignore defence with physical attacks, but not with overdrives). Depending on which version of the game you have, Tornado may be slightly stronger or slightly weaker than a regular attack, all else being equal. In the American version, it's either 25/16 the normal power or 20/16 the normal power, depending on if you enter the buttons correctly or not. In the PAL version, it's either 20/16 the normal power (if you DON'T enter them), or 15/16 the normal power (if you do). However, keep in mind that in the PAL/International version, if you do enter the buttons right, it hits twice, therefore the overall damage is just under double that of a normal attack. However, the only reason there'd be a significant difference is, as mentioned before, if Auron has the Masamune equipped. At 100 Strength, ignoring the damage boost/reduction that Masamune has based on Auron's HP, an attack with the Masamune would do about 31000 damage to BFA (since it ignores defence), whereas Tornado with successful button input on the PAL version would do about 12000 per hit (since it doesn't ignore defence).

Enough of the explaining, now to answer the original question:
To overkill BFA, you must finish off his second form with an attack that does at least 20,000 damage (how you kill the first form does not matter). It doesn't have to be in one hit, as long as it's in one attack. By far the easiest way to do this is Slice & Dice or Blitz Ace (since unlike Wakka with Attack Reels, Tidus will never hit the Yu Pagodas with these and thus land less hits on BFA) , unless you can acheive it with an aeon overdrive.
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I have Overkilled BFA several times now, so yes its possible... Of course, Yuna could do max damage(99,999) without an Aeon so of course its much easier... Aeon stats go up with Yuna's stats, or are at least affected by her stats, so a stronger Yuna means stronger Aeons... Attack Reels can do w/e 12 X 99,999 is, so it can be VERY useful in any boss fight... And the Magus Sisters' Overdrive is useless as soon as any one of them can 99,999 damage, b/c then its more efficient to attack normally than to waste all of their turns in one attack...

And even if you don't want to use them, its very beneficial to get everyone's ultimate weapon as some of them affect an Aeon's ability to break their damage limit... The only 3 Aeons that start off with it are Bahamut, Yojimbo, and the Magus Sisters, all the others need a fully powered ultimate weapon of one of the characters in order to break damage limit...
My Tidus and Auron tayks 99, 999 damage on every hit, so it`s yust to trayn more...
I have Overkilled BFA several times now, so yes its possible... Of course, Yuna could do max damage(99,999) without an Aeon so of course its much easier... Aeon stats go up with Yuna's stats, or are at least affected by her stats, so a stronger Yuna means stronger Aeons... Attack Reels can do w/e 12 X 99,999 is, so it can be VERY useful in any boss fight... And the Magus Sisters' Overdrive is useless as soon as any one of them can 99,999 damage, b/c then its more efficient to attack normally than to waste all of their turns in one attack...

And even if you don't want to use them, its very beneficial to get everyone's ultimate weapon as some of them affect an Aeon's ability to break their damage limit... The only 3 Aeons that start off with it are Bahamut, Yojimbo, and the Magus Sisters, all the others need a fully powered ultimate weapon of one of the characters in order to break damage limit...
Anima starts whit it to....