I admit it it, I do not like this game.

I remember reading reviews like "So many twists in the game to keep you entertained. There is only 3 twists.

1. Vossler's betrayal - I was a bit shocked but not that shocked. They pulled this one way too early to get that much of a suprise out of me. They probably should have held this one off a bit and let him turn against you near the end.

2. Balthier reveals his past - Wasn't really that shocked, more pissed off as I thought it ruined his sky pirate gimmick and after this scene, he didn't seem the same as he was at the beginning, more dull I think.

3. Balthier's father - They never really made a big deal out of this except Vayne mentioning it afterwards, that was it.

None of these really kept me interested in the story that's for sure.

I personally thought there was more. Like... I dunno... the twin thing? Granted, it was towards the beginning, but it had a lot of people fooled when they first learned about the game.

I'm biased since I'm a Balthier fan - I liked the reveal of fact, but I would have loved to "see" it rather than "hear" it. I think the "dullness" came from the fact that he realized he was becoming his father - to a point, and was trying to deal with it. Kinda like Luke Skywalker syndrome. :P
Too slow? You want slow, play FFX lol. That was slow, although rather decent.

I agree. FFXII wasn't that slow, especially the battle system. I didn't like FFX's battle system as it done away with ATB and to the earlier FF battles except you can see who has the next attack.
I liked the game, granted that it wasn't as driving as an FF game should be.... but I love the freedom that it gives you during gameplay!!! I mean to be able to get lost on a map during the first of the game is great to me....but thats just me. I really love the battle system... it is very unique and I think that it could have been a little better if they could have done something different with the espers..... I like that they created new ones but they could have made it better on the battle field when you summoned them.....

I did get bored with this game when ya had to go through the desert (thats when it started to get boring to me) but I kept at it!!!..... I don't like to just stop a game and start another one when I haven't finished it..... (even though I have recently stoped playing Rogue Galxey to play Xenosaga I for the second time) but that's beside the point.....

As for the men looking like females...... um..... I can see your point on some of them.............. LARSA is the big one for me..... when I first saw him I could have sworn that he was a girl!!!! :O
As for the men looking like females...... um..... I can see your point on some of them.............. LARSA is the big one for me..... when I first saw him I could have sworn that he was a girl!!!! :O

Well, Larsa is a young boy who probably hadn't hit puberty yet or was just starting to... and young boys like are typically less manly than someone like, say, Basch. :P I guess Larsa's long hair didn't help either. But he's still cool.
Well, Larsa is a young boy who probably hadn't hit puberty yet or was just starting to... and young boys like are typically less manly than someone like, say, Basch. :P I guess Larsa's long hair didn't help either. But he's still cool.

Aswell as his voice, and his earrings. :D
As I played through Final Fantasy XII, I had to occasionally check the seat of my pants to make absolutely sure I didn't shit myself. Something sure stunk. It turned out to be the game.

The story is unbelievably dull, as are the characters. The battle system isn't a complete failure, but it did little to keep me amused. Battles seemed more like a chore than anything else.

So yeah, I'm not a fan of this game by any means.
i really do agree with this. everyone says that the battle system is better but it just doesnt seem like a final fantasy unless the battles turn based. i also agree about the story, i mean it was ok...but it definitely was one of the least engrossing stories in the series. haha and the fact that vaan looked like a girl didnt bother me as much as the other stuff i mentioned.
Overall the game just wasn't amazing for me, it was just good. The story in the game is definately the reason I have lacked motivation to play the game. Don't get me wrong, the story isn't a total shambles and is told quite well with nice voice actors and narrators at intervals. The story was told and choreographed more cinematically than previous instalments. However, the story wasn't a FF story and because of this I started to drift from the game.

The thing that's keeping me playing is the gameplay. The gameplay is great. I love it. The real-time/turn-based battle system is very nice and I find it quite addictive; flowing from one battle to the next is a great change. It's re-invented but still doesn't feel like the mindless swordplay of other games. The monsters, hunts, traps and ally fighters on the field were all very neat ideas that made the gameplay an enjoyment.

Overall, the game is a letdown because the story isn't great and I felt quite bored of it compared to that of FFX. It just wasn't FF and it's because of this that this is the first FF that I've actually put down in dissapointment. I'm playing it slowly but surely but I don't feel the enthusiasm I did when I played the others.
FF12 is one of those games where you either like it or don't like it
I personally like it ^_^
I'm not a great fan, by any means. Moving away from turn-based, random encounters to something more fluent is a step in the right direction but the execution of the system was just lazy. The game lets you build characters any way you want but favors building them all the same way. The game contains a wealth of magical abilities and techniques, yet plain physical attacks are almost always more effective. Quickenings are far too easy to abuse for most of them game until they become next to useless towards the very end or when facing the game's later hunts. The game's story has a lot of trouble supporting its length; it would have been alright for a game who's story section spanned 30 hours or so, but not 60. The game's playable characters range from redundant to under-developed. The plot is very poorly paced, with nothing much happening within the first 40 hours and the blunt of the story being explained in the last 20. I would go on but most of the other things are pedantic flaws that I found somewhat irritating and not really that important.

Eh, at the end of the day the game feels like they spent all their time making a breathtaking, expansive world and then forgot they had to fill it with something. Production value is great and if you stick at it, some of the battles at the very end and a few of the elite marks are actually pretty fun to fight. Unfortunately, you have to make your way through an otherwise very tedious game to get to them. It's not a bad game, I haven't played a FF game that I could truly say was 'bad'. However, if I was to rank all the titles within the series, it wouldn't appear particularly close to the top. It's mildly entertaining and I hope a few elements introduced within the game make their way into later installments but at the same time I hope we get something a little more substantial in the future.
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i dont like this game either

i must say. the only reason i own it is because im a huge FF Fan and well its part of the collection
I'm not very into the story line. I've had my fill of star wars to date, and I wasn't expecting the empire to make an appearance in FFXII.

I love this game solely for the wonderful game play. The battle system, the licenses, the espers and hunts...
It's great for passing time...

The only outfit that I wasn't fond of was Ashe.
It looked horrendous. The colors were nice, but it was too rigid.
I disliked the pink hooker skirt, and the black belly piece. I think her neck piece and belly piece should have been a solid piece of under armor.
I enjoyed the battle system. I also liked the Storyline even though it was a bit off it had more of a...... Mature theme goin' to me. Also the amount of weapons im pressed me aswell. So I didn't think it was a bad game, but it could of been alot better. I do miss the days of bad ass main characters and kick ass anime style hair styles
I enjoyed the lack of sappy romance for once, not that romance is bad but jeezus.

the storyline imo was pretty good although sometimes it did get a bit boring, but seriously not everything can be what you want it to be

the character costumes well...er...some I wuv, some I think are blasphemy to the eyes

all in all, I stand by Rulia
The only FF that had sappy romance was FFVIII; Squall and Rinoa were too bent up on one another for the plot to have any seriousness at all.
Closely following in that category is FFX...Tidus and Yuna did a good job ogling over one another too...namely Tidus...

The outfits in XII are...alright. They reminded me of a mix of Vagrant story and FFTactics. I was kind of iffy about Ashe's outfit and...maybe Balthier's grape-smuggling pants.
I don't like the story, I almost fellasleep when there was a cutscene again xD But I do like the hunts and battles =)