I cant get no sleep

Big Casino

Money for Nothing
Mar 4, 2007
/ rave

Anyone suffer from being unable to get to sleep? =/
Im not talking about people who stay up super late and say they cant sleep but really they choose to sit on the internet all night. I mean people who try to go to sleep but cant. The last month this has happened to me and i cant shake it. I didnt sleep last night and tonight i lay in bed for 3 hours but again nothing. Its the most boring and horrible feeling. Its especially worse when im restless and cant even lye still for more than 15 seconds without having to jerk my body or roll over.
Problem is that doctors dont like giving out sleeping tablets cuz theyre addictive but i cant go on not sleeping. Its pure shite to be frank

Anyone know any home remedies? Dont even think about telling me to count fucking sheep cuz it aint happening.
i'm going through the same thing, man. i just sit there in bed staring at the roof for hours when i try to sleep. and like you said, the restlessness is the worse. tossing and turning because you cant sit still just sucks.

i use to be able to just force sleep onto myself. but lately it's not working. i heard that if you consume a lot of sugars (like soda or coffee) that when your body crashes from all the caffeine then you'll be more tired. but ive yet to find anything that actually works. you can try not being on the computer for at least an hour before you try to sleep. when you jump from staring at tv or a monitor to trying to sleep, it confuses your brain. staring at the bright screen tricks your brain into thinking it's daytime. so perhaps you can try to stay away from tv/computer for an hour before bed. to give you a better chance of getting some sleep, try to read a book with the lights dim (bright enough to read, but not too bright) during said hour that you're trying to unwind.

hope it helps you some pal. :/
I used to have the same problem, but that was because I'd go to sleep at four one night and expect to be able to go to sleep at 12 the next. So I'd lie there doing nothing except tossing and turning etc etc. But when I started work over the holidays it got a lot easier, because I'd get up at a certain time and I'd go to bed at a certain time. It's all about routine.
Ay your most likely right hal. My routine has gone to fuck lately.

Didnt sleep again last night. Gunna see the doctor today and see if theyl give me some zolpiden or at least some diazepam. As long as it knocks me out.
I've had problems like this before. The lady friend gave me some really good advice that's helped me. Basically, if you can't get to sleep, just get out of bed and do something else. There is nothing worse than just lying in bed tossing and turning trying to get comfortable, getting frustrated and bored. You won't sleep well anyway so you might as well get up and it's going to be harder to fall asleep when in the back of your mind you know that the past few nights you've found it hard to fall asleep. Basically make sure that when you go to bed, it's because you'll definitely sleep, you want to associate bed with sleep and not tossing and turning and getting out of bed when you can't sleep helps to separate the 2 in your mind. I think a lot of it is psychological although I know I'm not an expert.
I've also found that it's really useful NOT to check the time when you wake up in the middle of the night as your body clock will start waking you up early in the morning. Another piece of advice that I've found helpful.

I couldn't sleep a few months ago and had to get up early but I just got up and played a bit of PS3 and tried again an hour later and it was fine. I know that is anecdotal evidence but hey.

Like Hal said though, it can be helped with a good lifestyle. A routine bed time, plenty of exercise, eating healthily, maybe even having a warm drink before bed can all be useful I'm sure.
10 hours of sleep last night :ohoho: Had to take 4 of the tahlets mind you but it knocked me right out.

I probably wont take any tonight. Il leave it and see if my body goes to sleep by itself. Hope so -______-
You realize that's too much, right...?
Aye. I wasnt worried cuz i was walking about looking like a zombie. Tried to sleep last night and managed to sleep without them. Hopefully get back on track noo.
ehhhhhh Im struggling at the moment, I seem to be nodding off alright, but im waking up at daft hours in the morning 4/5am and unable to get back to sleep. I know exactly what's causing it, it's just frustrating. Ive always had issues with insomnia though. Had a couple of sleeping tablets last week and have just plodded on with it this week. I don't normally wake up when tom goes to work, but ive already been awake when hes getting up at 5 am and its getting on my nerves.
I've struggled with sleeping lately too.

I have a schedule, but it alters on a day-to-day basis. I work some days (though often different start times), and am at university on other days. I also need to read, and I also tend to have to write and send e-mails for something or another (which by bad habit I often leave until the end of the night / after finishing other things). I guess, therefore, my mind is both exhausted and also wide awake at the time in which I actually go to sleep, yet in the morning I need to drown my brain with coffee to recover a fifth of a human being within.

I find myself either struggling to sleep at all, or waking up at 2-4am, and then finding it difficult to sleep again for hours. Sometimes I only just manage to get to sleep before I find that I need to get up again. :argor: I never log into FFF or turn the computer on when I wake in the night, as I know I'll just never sleep if I do that.

That said, it's not like I can just become a night-owl and day-napper, as I need to be places in the day too, so it is all thrown out. I try to sleep before 1am or soon afterwards as much as possible. I also never seem to feel refreshed even when I do sleep for a recommended amount of hours.

I've had a lot of other personal things on my mind lately too, so that may be contributing.

I sometimes just pick up a book or something and read for a bit. Sometimes that does tire me enough to allow me to sleep. At other times, however, reading has woken my mind up instead, and I find it throbbing with activity, yet still feeling exhausted. Alas.

Counting sheep has the same effect as that for me. Counting sheep keeps my mind awake. Sometimes I've tried to imagine myself in a lovely tranquil location, and force myself to stop turning over. I just lie in this beautiful place until I sleep. It works sometimes, but not all nights are the same.
i'm getting /too much/ sleep lately and all i want to do is sleep. i hate it. i can't exactly do much if i'm tired all the time and coffee isn't helping.
I've had a lot of other personal things on my mind lately too, so that may be contributing.

Aye i think this is the main thngs cuasng my sleeping problems too. lotsa stuff on my mind and a lot to worry about.

I went tae my bed at around 11 last night and lay awake til 3am. I said fuck it and i took a couple sleeping tablets which put me to sleep until 7am. Once im up though theres no going back to sleep. So the days when i wake up at 4 are long and boring -____-

Up til recently Ive never had problems sleeping and I didnt think it would be that big of deal for people who did suffer insomnia. Il say though thats its one of the worst things you can have. When your up at 4am by the time you reach early afternoon it feels like youv been awake for so long and it should be late evning by now. That is of course on days when your lucky and did manage to sleep.
I only can't sleep when something is on my mind. Though when something is on my mind, it ravages my body. My last bout of insomnia I lost around 20 lbs. I suspect most of it was muscle, due to that's what goes first. I was eating very little (maybe 500 calories a day) and couldn't sleep for shiznit. The smell of food was different, sort of unappetizing and I could only put as much down as my body allowed. It was all psychological.

These days I suffer from some of the reverse. My mind sometimes fries when doing too much in a day. When I get home I sometimes can't pull myself to do anything but play a game. Though it has to be brain numbing, like Wow or something that is repetitive.

A lot has to do with my lack of routine, though the other part has to do with the amount I get done in a day. Mentally exhausted to the point of just passing out.
Ive been the exact same shu. I havent really eaten in months. Until today all ive had this week was half a chicken pie. Its like my appetite is dead and when i do eat my stomach just cant make room for anything. Like you said though its not a good weight loss because the muscle goes first. So you look just as flabby as before =_=
Ive lost over a stone in the last 2 months. Roughly 17lbs i think.
Yea, it's a bitch aint it. It's been a while since I had it bad, but it's like with me getting sick. I never get sick, but when I do it rocks me. Last time was a month up until my wedding in 2010.
I used to have this problem on work nights. Think it was more worrying about following day, at work. Weekends I would usually sleep quite well.
if you're having a problem sleeping take a few tylenol pms and rub one out. Or just rub one out. Furiously.


when in doubt, ask yourself "What Would Derek Do?" WWDD.

nighty night! :gmonster:
I ain't got no money, G. ROFLcakes, seriously, this happens to me way too often. I try to go to bed early because of school or whatever, and I end up staying awake even later than usual, tossing and turning. It really sucks. I find what I do most often is drink a bottle of water, and then just try to chill and watch YouTube on my phone. Almost every night for the past 6 months, I've fallen asleep while watch YouTube. If that's not an option, I guess happy thoughts would work best.
If you are in bed, want to go to sleep, but cant; get out of bed and do somehting else. Even if it is go on the PC for 10 mintues or watch some tv on the couch. After that, get back in bed and try again. Two reasons for this: 1) Changing the activity can almost reset the mode your body is in and allow it time to try to get tired again. 2) Staying in bed when NOT tired is a destructive action. Initially, only getting in bed when tired can trick your body into automatically getting tried ANY time you get in bed. Think of Pavlov's dog.

source: college psychology course and sleep study
I don't really suffer from not being able to go to sleep, though I've had my moments, but that's mostly due to work schedule. Sometimes I don't get off until after 12 a.m. and when I get home, I like to relax to some music and surf the net for a bit. So by the time I do go to sleep, it's close to 2 a.m. By the time I actually fall asleep, probably close to 2:30 a.m. Then I have to wake up at 6:45 a.m. and get breakfast ready for the kids, take my daughter to school at 7:45 a.m, etc. So it's moreso a case of being sleep deprived for me, rather than "Why can't I sleep?!"

Of course, now that I have to start coming in at 2 a.m. for work every Saturdays until January, I'll bet my Friday nights will be very rough. So tomorrow I might think about this thread while lying there in bed counting sheeps.