I Can't see Images.

Well, what browser are you using?
It could be that your cache is full so nothing new is coming, but my cache was never full so I cant really tell.
I cannot see ANY images posted on ANY threads. Why? Before anyone says it, yes I do have show images ticked in my options. If anyone saw my previous help thread about signatures I'm sure this relates. Please help!


Most obvious option would be to refresh your page. I have this often - you just have to get the hang of when to press the refresh button. Honestly, it'll just be random when you get to see them.
He mentioned ANY threads, and since when you visit a new page, it refreshes so it might be everywhere, anyways try using a diffrent browser to check if anything changed!
Maybe it's you graphics card. If it's a bad one, pics may tak a while to load.
I am using Firefox because I cannot use internet explorer because it is so slow.
nicely said:P
anyways it happened to me when i was using the library comps in my school, the speeds were there for you to laugh your ass off at
for me it didn't get any pics
Try configuring firefox preferences, if it still dosent work, reinstall it 0.o

That doesn't matter for if he still didn't touch the settings. Chances are it is on default. Reinstalling would do nothing.

Like people have said before, it is your internet connection, not your browser. Chances are your connection is overwhelmingly full due to you have a full cookie box or cache box. I recommend wiping those clean before attempting again. Slow computers have a tendency to ignore images if they are too big, which may be your case. If you do have a fast computer, recheck your settings once more.

Now, there is one more thing. If your computer permits images from other sites, then if you have a firewall, make this site accessible to it. Sometimes the firewall discards images that are on certain sites.
How do you get a signiture picture anyway

Off topic.

If you want a signature image, please go to your User CP and go to signature. Do you see the upload section at the bottom for images? Well, there you go. Find a image you want an upload with the preferences of the site. If you want a personally made signature, go to the signature shops in the "Creativity Inspiration" section.

Please refrain from posting off topic. Make a new thread with your question next time. ;)