I chickened out


Aug 7, 2007
Ok,today I told myself that if my dad was to take me to go and exchange my book at Borders for the new Fruits Basket manga,I would tell him that after the bookstore I would be going to Circuit City for awhile and to tell him to NOT follow me because I was only going to go for alittle bit (we went to a shopping place with lots of stores so Circuit City was near Borders ).

Anyway,when he got home and gave the 'ok',I chickened out.Why? I was going to secretly buy a Nintendo DS Lite at Circuit City and put it in my school bag (yes,I was actually going to bring that along) and so just having that thought about him suddenly popping up while I was paying for it just made me shiver. :P

You see...my parents hate the fact that I like playing video games (in which 'video games' means RPG's).They think it's wrong for a girl to be playing them.So,I knew that if my dad caught me,he would be angry,maybe.Plus,the thought of school clothing made me decide not to buy a DS Lite yet. *sigh* I'm...regretting it right now...I SHOULD'VE BOUGHT IT!!!!!!!! :blink:
First thing's first, you being a girl gamer is not a bad thing at all, whatsoever. I'm a chick and I LOVE gaming. I've been gaming since I was very young and am now 24 and still don't stop. Basically, the way I see it is honey, if it's your money, you should be allowed to spend it on whatever you want. I say if you want a DS then get a DS and tell your parents to shove it.

My dad tried to be like that towards me when I was around 13 and I told him that so what if I'm a girl? Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't enjoy gaming. It's no different than a girl who likes to play basketball or football or even baseball. They say it's a boy thing, well all those sports were originally boy things and now look. We have a WNBA now. Girls are perfectly capable of gaming and enjoying it without parents' jumping down our throats. I say the next time you go out, get it and if your parents pitch a fit, so what? It's your money.
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There is nothing wrong with being a girl and being a gamer. Nothing wrong in the slightest. Why should the male gender be able to do all the fun things in life, like computer ames, football, rally driving, etc? Its plain sexist and your parents IMO are being sexist about this matter.

What would they prefer? Their daugther to go and play with Barbie dolls forever? Its pathetic and your parents need to understand that there are girl gamers out there. There are loads of games made specially for the female gamer also.You do as you wish cause its your life and your money.
My dad is the reason I play FF's. He used to play every one and I'd sit and watch him play for hours. He doesn't play any more though cause he's addicted to EverQuest :P And my mom, although I'm not sure if she's thrilled, that I play games, (primarily RPG's) she doesn't say anything about it though either, and doesn't reprimand me for liking them.

TBH though, I don't care if she did have a problem with it, cause I just go about my general video game playing schedule whether she's around or not, cause damn it, I effing love it.
What the hell is wrong with your dad? o__O Girls can be gamers too, i quite like meeting girls who are gamers. Actually alot of guys dig that, because it means they have something else in common with the girl besides music or whatever, and it's something friends can always do together.

No offense...actually there IS offense meant...your dad is stupid <.<
Uh, I understand where your parents are coming from...sort of. The only problem is...too many kids in general are way too absorbed in video games nowadays; it's not just girls.
If you say that your parents don't want you to play because you're a girl, then I think they're speaking from a selfish standpoint.
Ok,today I told myself that if my dad was to take me to go and exchange my book at Borders for the new Fruits Basket manga,I would tell him that after the bookstore I would be going to Circuit City for awhile and to tell him to NOT follow me because I was only going to go for alittle bit (we went to a shopping place with lots of stores so Circuit City was near Borders ).

Anyway,when he got home and gave the 'ok',I chickened out.Why? I was going to secretly buy a Nintendo DS Lite at Circuit City and put it in my school bag (yes,I was actually going to bring that along) and so just having that thought about him suddenly popping up while I was paying for it just made me shiver. :P

You see...my parents hate the fact that I like playing video games (in which 'video games' means RPG's).They think it's wrong for a girl to be playing them.So,I knew that if my dad caught me,he would be angry,maybe.Plus,the thought of school clothing made me decide not to buy a DS Lite yet. *sigh* I'm...regretting it right now...I SHOULD'VE BOUGHT IT!!!!!!!! :blink:

Be rebellious for a couple of weeks, go to a mental hospital and continue to be rebellious. It worked for me. :cool:

If you want to play a fucking Pokemon game, play it. If you want to play Final Fantasy PLAY IT. For you must experience the awesom.

Doesn't matter if you're a girl or not, gaming is made for boys and girls. Clearly stated by the fact in lots of games you can choose to be a female or male character. And by the fact that there are females in games, aswell.

Sit down and have a talk with them. Reject their opinions as to why you cannot play video games as girl if they don't have any valid points. Get loud. Be agressive. But at the same time, try to be respectful. There's no reason as to why you shouldn't be able to play games.

If you decide to take any of my advice, good luck. But I suggest taking the above advice more than the advice stated in the beginning of my post. xD
Lol It cracks me up when people are afraid of their parents. Even so I was hoping this was a topic about you chickening out on a guy or during truth or dare or something... all you did was fail to purchase a game. Most kids have a hard time buying and drinking liquor under their parents noses. You're having trouble playing pokamon. Cripes...
Lol It cracks me up when people are afraid of their parents. Even so I was hoping this was a topic about you chickening out on a guy or during truth or dare or something... all you did was fail to purchase a game. Most kids have a hard time buying and drinking liquor under their parents noses. You're having trouble playing pokamon. Cripes...

She's only 12, Aztec. Of course she's going to be obedient and listen to her parents for the most part. The rebel doesn't awaken inside you until you're like 14-15 years old.

And I don't think that your brother's gaming had to do so much with it. It might've probably been that he appeared to be more interested in playing games than getting good grades, but it was probably a lack of interest in being around other people.

If he's older than you, I'm sure some rather unsavory conversations were held when you weren't around....
She's only 12, Aztec. Of course she's going to be obedient and listen to her parents for the most part. The rebel doesn't awaken inside you until you're like 14-15 years old.

Yes, exactly. It's tough when your growing up and want to do things your way. Your parents will always be there to protect you and want you to do the best.

Best thing to do now is continue to do your best in school. Prove to your parents that you can do well, they might go a little easier on you. They will continue to pressure you to go to college.
You chickened out...dont feel bad. I agree with whoever said it before me...the rebel and leadership begins to show itself when you are about 14-15. I used to be exactly like you two years back, but now I control my life to the way I like it, but even I have a limit to things. I dont drink, smoke or go about senslessly snogging every girl I fancy (now that one, i kinda regret. I'd never smoke or drink though)

But anyway...you'll grow up and take control of your life in your own time. its human nature.
Hm.. Your dad sounds even worse than mine! He blames everything that goes wrong on the PS2... I'm sure he has a secret fear of it! Anyway, there aint nothing wrong with girl gamers. Maybe you should stand up to your dad, and tell him your getting the DS Lite... still, I guess you know best. Just dont let other people control ya. Ber who you want to be
I feel so lucky to have open-minded parents...

I agree with the first poster, btw. I can't really speak from experience, but I think she made a good point.