I have beaten Final Fantasy VII! [Spoiler warning; tags included]

Isn't the third disk just pretty much the end of the game? All you do is go to north crater and fight Sephiroth...

You can get lost in the Crater.......no wait all the paths lead to Sephiroth. Yeah it's impossible to get lost in the Crater.
i pretty much know the story, i just neva had the paitience to cmplete the game, probably cos im a bit crap at it lol. Also i like the game and the battle system is good at first, but it does get on my nerves a bit after a while
Hey man, this is a moment that you'll remember for the rest of your life... I mean, you are now in the elite group of people who have completed Final Fantasy 7 instead of giving up half way through... Well done! Now all you've got to do is complete the rest of games... I wish you the best of luck, pal... However, since Final Fantasy 7 is argubly the hardest game in series, I'm sure you'll have no problem. *Two Thumbs Up*
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Congrats on beating FFVII, i havent played that game in ages, but when i did beat it, it felt like an accomplishment. Great game, great story, great characters. now you should go watch the movie for the hell of it to.
It was many many days after I started it. I broke the 3rd disc by accident so it was awhile before I went down to beat Sephiroth. When I started this game out, all my friends (Myself included) did not know Final Fantasy. I didn't think they would get into a game quite like this. (This was 8-9 years ago, I was in 4th grade), one by one, they liked it and I had an audience of 7 friends when I took down Sephiroth for the first time. This game was sooo good. The experience was unlike any other.
I remember when i first completed FFVII i was level 99 had goten everything except beating Ruby and Emerald, took me a good 6 mounths if i remeber correctly.
the first time i played FF7 was couple years back, no offense but, sounds like you guys were kinda dumb at first(1.like i said no offense 2. i mean the people who posts i read)Myself, I was lucky and firgured the w-item clone thingy out on my own(didn't have internet at the time)so i had 99 megalixers and also i was smart enough to lv me and my materia very well, so i had like everyone with mega all materia and like only needed one or two hp pluses to get 9999 hp so i did fine on the last boss, I honestly thought he was a MASSIVE!!! I MEAN MASSIVE PUSHOVER!!.....
The first time I beat it. Cloud's HP reached 7777. Apparently, this activated some kind of hidden skill that anyone could use. Cloud just started wailing on Sephiroth repeatedly, every hit came out as -7777 HP. Then I beat him. I didn't know what the hell just happened there. I thought that was supposed to happen when you get that far in the battle, so I didn't ask any questions.
I don't think I've ever played a game that I was more satisfied to beat than FFVII. The ending didn't dissapoint, it was built up from start to finish, and it was one of the games that took the longest to beat. It took me 2 months to just beat the game, and it took me an additional 2 months just to beat the WEAPONS.

The only game that I think was right up there with VII, was Xenogears.
Hi all i'm new here.I beat the game Final Fantasy VII twice now.It gives a darn long time to lvl up all my characters to the limit lvl 99 and their Level 4 limit breaks is kinda hard to find.The most easy limit break lvl 4 to find is Clouds limit break the "Omnislash" at the battle arena and the rest is a problem for me.And can someone tell me how to defeat the damn Emerald Weapon because I died a lot when fighting it.
Hi all i'm new here.I beat the game Final Fantasy VII twice now.It gives a darn long time to lvl up all my characters to the limit lvl 99 and their Level 4 limit breaks is kinda hard to find.The most easy limit break lvl 4 to find is Clouds limit break the "Omnislash" at the battle arena and the rest is a problem for me.And can someone tell me how to defeat the damn Emerald Weapon because I died a lot when fighting it.
Your characters are level 99 and you have problems. I beat it and my characters were around level 80.
This is easily my favourite Final Fantasy game. An excellent storyline that really drew me in, and it felt awesome when I finally best the game.
I picked up FFVII for the first time whilst nursing my fully broken leg...>_< before it i finished IX, X and X-2 in that order, i've beaten the last verision of sephiroth first time, but i did have a LOT of time to level up.....has to be the best final boss fight in a FF, One Winged Angel ROCKS!!!:D
The first time I beat it. Cloud's HP reached 7777. Apparently, this activated some kind of hidden skill that anyone could use. Cloud just started wailing on Sephiroth repeatedly, every hit came out as -7777 HP.

thats the lucky seven ability! ive only ever got it once and it was the first time i played it when it came out! its really rare to actually get it...its great against the ruby weapon if u havent already beat it as it gives u the master materias.
I hadn't played it in about 3 or 4 years, so four days ago i went out and bought it again...i just beat it a couple hours ago xD

I must say...this game was VERY easy and VERY short (my end time was about 58 hours, i'm guessing, and that INCLUDES getting a golden chocobo). I was already pretty high level and was owning all the bosses with minimal difficulty and barely taking any damage (Big Guard + Regen ftw). Ultimate Weapon was a wimp, i beat him when i was still in my 40's. Ruby and Emerald...i didnt beat. And i'm wondering HOW i beat Ruby 4 years ago...because i know i didnt lvl up as high as i did this time around and i didnt have as many good attacks.

I also decided to go get a Golden Chocobo which i didnt do four years ago. Knights of the Round + Mime wipes out Jenova Synthesis in one turn. It wipes out Bizarro Sephiroth in one turn as well. It does NOT wipe out Safer Sephiroth in one turn though -__-

God how i HATED sitting through his Super Nova attack...ugh, i thought KotR was a long summon but god, Super Nova is a full 30 seconds longer. But he was still a wimp. I just kept Big Guard set up the whole time and i had 99 Megalixers thanks to that W-Item glitch, so for half the fight i was off doing something else whilst Barret or Vincent summoned or cast spells and Cloud mimed them xD

One thing about the ending confuses me though, or rather, AC confuses me about it. Remember Bugenhagen telling Cloud and the gang about how it would be up to the planet to decide whether humanity was good or bad for it? Well, when it shows that "500 Years Later" thing after the credits, it seems to me that the planet DID decide humanity was bad for it but deemed Red's kind worthy. It just kinda looks like humans are gone, everything is back to its natural peaceful state, birds flying through the air and vegetation covering whats left of Midgar. But AC kinda throws all that out the window...i think my version makes more sense <.<
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I didn't die against sephiroth because I got lost in the crater and by the time i found him cloud, barret and vincent were at lvl 99! and i had there
ultimate weapons lvl4 limit breaks and knights of the round! mwahahaha!!

I hadn't played it in about 3 or 4 years, so four days ago i went out and bought it again...i just beat it a couple hours ago xD

I must say...this game was VERY easy and VERY short (my end time was about 58 hours, i'm guessing, and that INCLUDES getting a golden chocobo). I was already pretty high level and was owning all the bosses with minimal difficulty and barely taking any damage (Big Guard + Regen ftw). Ultimate Weapon was a wimp, i beat him when i was still in my 40's. Ruby and Emerald...i didnt beat. And i'm wondering HOW i beat Ruby 4 years ago...because i know i didnt lvl up as high as i did this time around and i didnt have as many good attacks.

I also decided to go get a Golden Chocobo which i didnt do four years ago. Knights of the Round + Mime wipes out Jenova Synthesis in one turn. It wipes out Bizarro Sephiroth in one turn as well. It does NOT wipe out Safer Sephiroth in one turn though -__-

God how i HATED sitting through his Super Nova attack...ugh, i thought KotR was a long summon but god, Super Nova is a full 30 seconds longer. But he was still a wimp. I just kept Big Guard set up the whole time and i had 99 Megalixers thanks to that W-Item glitch, so for half the fight i was off doing something else whilst Barret or Vincent summoned or cast spells and Cloud mimed them xD

One thing about the ending confuses me though, or rather, AC confuses me about it. Remember Bugenhagen telling Cloud and the gang about how it would be up to the planet to decide whether humanity was good or bad for it? Well, when it shows that "500 Years Later" thing after the credits, it seems to me that the planet DID decide humanity was bad for it but deemed Red's kind worthy. It just kinda looks like humans are gone, everything is back to its natural peaceful state, birds flying through the air and vegetation covering whats left of Midgar. But AC kinda throws all that out the window...i think my version makes more sense <.<
thats because advent children is only based 3 years after FF7
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