I have read the guidebook and know some of the story, should i still play?


Apr 15, 2009
Ok so im having abit of a problem with this decision.
I read the guidebook to FFX some time ago, didnt think i'd actually end up with a chance to play it.
So, i know all the things stated in the guide, eg rikku returns, last part of the game enter sin, simple stuff like that, but the guide doesnt give explicit spoilers.
I also know some of the story from a mag i read a long time ago...with a part "best game endings". So i know that...
Somehow, I dont know how or why, Tidus dissapears at the end.
Jecht is related strongly to sin and the endgame boss.
Yevon is evil( i think )

I know its weird, but under these circumstances, would you suggest i play the game? Played for about 3 hours so far and love the battle system, but somehow i feel a little cheated in the story dept, even though i dont know that much and there is still lots of cool stuff to find out =)

Thanks for any help! =)
Of couse you should. It's an amzing game, one of the best. Why you'd sit and read the guide before playing is beyond me though, you have kinda ruined it for yourself abit there :wacky:

But anyway, plenty of people play a game and know what happens, they either get told off someone else read up on the game whatever and they still play and enjoy it...just a shame you ruined the end for yourself really >_<

Im sure there will be SOME things you havent ruined for yourself, and it IS a great game, just get it played. Its loads of fun and an amazing story :monster:
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Hey, thanks for the quick reply =). As for why i read the guidebook first, i used to own an XBOX, and being(still am) a xbox fan, i didnt expect to have contact with FFX, ever, so what the heck, ill just read it for kicks. Who woulda guessed i would ended lending my friend my xbox in exchange for his PS2, and well FFX was there. As for the spoiler...i read that 4years ago, before i even knew what a FF was...and for some cursed reason i remember only that spoiler.

BTW, i also have FF12, which i know nothing about storywise. Should i play that instead? My plan is to play it after completing FFX
Play X first, XII's ok but can't say it's one of the best games Ive ever played, the battle system is completely different and I think the story is pretty much...non existent. It is a fun game, but X's waaay better, although there will be afew people who disagree with me there :wacky:, but the majority will just tell you XII is crap and to play X first, because its assum :awesome:
Most definitly, I would play it over and over again if my PS2 still worked cause it's such an awesome game.
I'm not one of the majority for FFXII, Kelly secretly likes it, she just fails at playing it :wacky:

Yeah, FFX is awesome. Plenty of beautiful FMV's, hours and hours of gameplay, massive story. Even if you have spoiled it for yourself in some parts, I did that with XII, months before it came out here. Still played it through, and loved it a hell of a lot.

So go for it, keep at it, enjoy it.
Hey guys thanks for all the great replies, youve convinced me to keep on playing! =)
Just still abit sad that i "shortchanged" myself
FFX is quite possibly my favorite game ever. Fuckin' great game, and by the time you beat it, you'll likely play it again and again and again. I've heard FFXII is good, although I've never played it, but play FFX first. Superior plot, development, characters, gameplay, enviroment, etc.

By the way, don't sweat it whatsoever about the ending. I did the same thing you did, going on a site like this or something, and reading about Tidus' departure, and about someone else's departure... But just the same, those things hit me just as hard as if I didn't know. The twists are too good not to enjoy it still.
Still play the game, because you might of missed out on something and it's better to get the whole information rather than just half or some.

Plus X is a pretty amazing game and don't think that it's wise to miss out on playing the game. Plus you haven't had the enjoyment and experiences of playing through the game's battles and boss challenges yet ...

Probably one of the Forums most anti- Final Fantasy XII people, so when you asked whether you should play FF XII had to remain from screaming out loud and start beating up a chair..

But - TRYING to be un-biased give FF X a chance and if you find it too- predictable then change over to FF XII..
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Play it! It's got a powerful story and though you could probably guess what's coming after reading the guide there will still be many surprises. Plus it's just a good game either way.
Yea, deffinately play it. Many times over. Even if you know the story, it's still one hell of an experience. It's like reading the plot to a film before seeing it. It's one thing to know what happens, it's completely different when you experience it. Even moreso with FFX because it draws you in and makes you feel like you're there. I've finished it a couple of times now and I still love the game because it's such a beautiful story nomatter what. So play away XD
Definitely still play it, it seems from that, what's covered in the guide is just the main basis of the plot. I found FFX's story very deep, there's many more things to it, even more things to the story if you continue to play FFX-2. Plus, overall, it's a really enjoyable game, I've replayed it over and over and I know the story like the back of my hand. ^_^
As many have said, continue playing. Its such an emotional and moving game, it can make you cry! I have over it lol. Dont feel cheated, its a beautiful story with some brilliant characters. Please continue and enjoy it!
Of course you should! It's not about reading the game's plot, it's about fully experiencing the game by playing it. I can guarantee that it will swallow you in, and you'll not want to stop playing it.