I just beat FFIX! Here is my review.


May 26, 2007
There were a few threads that were made recently beating a Final Fantasy game. I've created a thread where you can post about your review on the game.

If you have beaten Final Fantasy IX for the first time...Please post your Final Fantasy I reviews here.

If you beat Final Fantasy IX already and still want to write a review, then go ahead.^_^
I just beat the game myself and frankly I have to say that I was a little disappointed. By the end of the game, I was just so sick of the game play that I just want to beat the game and see the ending. The storyline was very good and suspenseful until disc 4. They go into a portal not knowing what to expect and have no idea what to do when they go through. What was their plan? That they would somehow miraculously stop the mist? They certainly didn't expect Garland's help or know anything about some random crystal that was the origin of all life. And it looked like Kuja, whose motives were supposedly to destroy the crystal, practically waited for Zidane and the gang. He's just standing in front of the crystal the whole time until Zidane shows up. And why did he even create the four guardians at the time to protect the crystal when he could've done what he had come to do : destroy the crystal. You know that he was in contact with the crystal when he created the four guardians because he says himself that he "used the crystal's power" to create the four guardians. And after you beat him, some random guy who is supposedly the "creator of life" and somehow four measly mortals beat him. Also even after they defeated them all, they said it was "too late" because Gaia was still going to be assimilated by Terra because "the Lifa Tree will incite a catacylsmic destruction of Gaia" (quoted directly from Kuja) which is why they were evacuating at the end. But somehow, everything was just fine in the ending. It didn't explain what happend to Kuja and how Zidane even lived. All they give us is some cheesy line that "the will to live is powerful" or whatever. I mean what does that even mean? How does that explain how Zidane physically lived while trying to protect Kuja if he even tried at all.

I personally liked the Gameplay when it first started except the whole Trance thing which was pretty annoying because sometimes you would trance in some random battle and you wouldn't get to keep it after the battle. Especially when the enemy puts you in trance just as you're about to finish it off with an attack. It was also very slow even with high tide. Not to mention it was completely useless in the end with the exception of double white/black magic because practically everything did or did close to 9999 (thievery, dragons crest, shock, bahamut, no mercy). What I did like was that everyone had their assigned roles like monk, knight, white mage, black mage, summoner, thief, dragoner. The sphere abilitiy concept was good. Treno is by far the funnest city to be in, especially because of the auctions. And I did laugh more in this Final Fantasy more than others mostly because of Quina (hes hilarious) and I loved the ATE's. I loved how stealing from bosses for rare items really helped you learn abilities very early in the game. The accessories were much better than ff7's and I did like the concept of learning abilties from weapons/armor/armlets/accessories. And the effects of the equipments were also more enjoyable than ff7. But really I feel that the game just died in disc 4 because I was bored out of my mind at the end. I mean it was so exciting when Lindblum and Alexandria was destroyed and when Bahamut and Alexander appeared but i truly feel that they could have made it much better near the end. This reminds me of the season 1 finale of Heroes ; /. I'm sorry to say this, but this is by far the WORST ff Ive played (only played 7 to x-2 and tactics). But I'd still consider it better than most other games other than ones from the ff series. And o yes, I loved the medieval style. Guns make ff seem unrealistic at times :P.
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First of all, all the ff i played were good enough to stick me to the tv screen for months. This one was the first ps1 ff i played (i started with the tenth) and i have to say it could be far worse.

As for the storyline, it can get a little annoying somtimes - some parts make it look like its a kids' adventure. However i think that the summoning chapter is definetly the most explored part comparing to other ff that i played (and what would be ff without summon and a good story supporting it?), but the 3rd Cd (my favourite without doubt) can be great, especially because of kuja's role.

The battle system is good, although i think it could be somewhat faster...and yes, trance is damn annoying, but its always effective. As for the equipment, it couldn't be better - weapons that teach abilities, acessories who can teach eidolons, some skills like schock or stock break that can tear the fiends apart...Synthesis was great too, and it really helps getting the best equipment. Then we have the other type of abilities such as auto-haste, auto-float, jelly and stuff that can turn solo battles even against malboro very easy (if your underleveled, because after lvl 45 you beat almost every fiend with two attacks).

I haven't found many side events (only those stellazio, chocobo treaure hunting and ozma) i guess the game could be better in this point...instead of creating only one great boss, the producers could have done something like ff7 with those Weapons that require leveling and good tactics (i know everybody can beat them with death penalty or caith sith's limit break but what do you prove by doing that?)

As for leveling, well, it sucks really...after getting to lvl 60 it takes ages to level up even if you go fighting yans (or ians i don't remember very well)

Anyway, i liked this game...it ain't as great as other final fantasies but its definetly a good game, its worth getting and can entertain you for a very long time...
I have beated the game for dozen of times,and want to make a review.

The game returns to the roots of Final Fantasy.Flying ships, summoners, chocobos, a crystal and a lot more.
The game itself is one of the best looking games for PSX.The cutscenes look really good and inside graphics arent bad neither.
One of the most memorable part from Final Fantasy IX is definately the story.Queen Brahne of Alexandria has begun using highly-advanced magical weapons to terrorise neighbouring kingdoms.Her daughter, Princess Garnet, runs away from the castle and befriends a group of good-hearted bandits lead by skilled thief,Zidane,who intends to end the evil queen's desire to dominate the world.Soon after embarking on their quest, they discover that the queen's threats merely cover a far more sinister plot.For the sake of mankind, Zidane and his friends must put an end to the Queen's reign before she and the evil forces that accompany her can out the deadly plan.Offcourse this is only the beggining.
The gameplay is solid too.It's really easy to get used to.
This games good sides are definately the gameplay, story, easy to get used, minigames, a good ability learning system and a lot more.Still this game has some bad things.It's way too easy,atleast for Final Fantasy fans.Offcourse,if you are new to the series,its actually a good side.The story is at some points not enough described and told, so you will most likely get a bit confused.But still this game is a masterpiece that every gamer and fantasy lover should have played.
Well, I finally beat FFIX so it's time to drop a review.

Characters: I loved the characters in this game. All their personalities and backstories were so endearing and lovable. Each character contributes something to the story (except Quina lol but at least she's fun to watch). Of course, there were some things that annoyed me like Amarant's lone-wolf track of mind (even though he's a good character and I like him), etc. But other than that the characters are gold.

Story: It's a good story overall and it has a strong theme though sometimes the dialogue felt a bit too corny. Other than that the story is ace. I wish some plot points were explained a bit more (like Necron for example)

Gameplay: Slow battle is slow, lol. That's my only gripe with the battle system in this game. Oh, and that the command attack becomes useless at the end of the third disk when you have Shock, Thievery, Dragon's Crest, No Mercy, etc. There should have also been a way to avoid random battles, because sometimes the encounter rate could be crazy and when you want to just get from point A to point B is annoying. FFVIII and FFVII both had a way to avoid random battles at the end of the game.

Sidequests: I loved the sidequests. Chocobo Hot and Cold is one of the best minigames in FF ever. Ozma is a fun battle though it relies too much on sheer luck.

So yeah, overall FFIX is a great game.
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I havn't played FFIX fully myself but did a 50-50 play with my friend.

I have to admit i was the person who played most of the story line and really got into the characters (BTW i personally think FFIX is ta greatest FF eva but I havn't played all the FF's yet, only 7 8 9 10 11 and 12) While my freind was more interested in leveling up and getting every item and ultimate weapon and geting all the chocobo stuff (she's a perfectionist) , which actully made it easyer for me because at the end of a place your almost certain to run into a boss so it was always easy to kill them.

I found i liked the idea of walking around the world and finding places. I know that every final fantasy and its grandma has this but i especially think so in FFIX. And there where also places that you did't have to discover but when you did it was a nice little surpise, like vivi's grandads home and some of the gates. But one thing that did bug me was on then 4th disc when the mist came back i decided to go to all the places in the game and they had all been covered over with vines! there was litterally nowhere you could go!

I also have to admit that my friend was very anoying and printed out walkthoughs of the internet. I personally like playing games and having things surprise you even if it makes things more dificult for yourself. But i couldn't have done it without her attention span to level up. I get bored a LOT with those sort of things. And the fact that i could fly on my chocobo before i even got a boat made things even more usful! :)
Hey I played this game a few years back but never got around to completing it so about 2 weeks ago i picked up my controller and started playing!. Its alot different from the other final fantasys and it takes a turn to the old side of the games. I must say that it was very enjoyable but it felt a bit repetative at times. Its basicly, Run to a place whilst fighting 5 enemys and repeat. I also like many people said wanted to get the game over to see the ending. Also, is it just me or by the end of the final fantasy games do the creators seem to be high or something!? we always go into these weird portals and all and i think it ruins the games a little the only game that wasnt too far fetched at the end was 7 imho. Overall its a great game, it could of been better in some aspects but i gave it a 3.5 out of 5!
I love FF9 and it is really underrated game storyline characters and it felt like the old Final fantasy's but my problem was the trance did suck you trance and then the battle is over and you dont keep it for the next battle and it is to me the easiest FF game ever.
So I started IX 4 months ago, finally got round to finishing it!

Work has just been too busy for me to actually sit down and finish it... Until last night!

Firstly two things; 1) I don't think I've got Ark before, I've only played through IX to the end twice now and think I missed Hades first time round. Ark is a mighty morphing power ranger! The summon did take ages though, but guaranteed a maximum attack I suppose.

2) I'm not even sure if I got the mace of zeus for vivi and therefore doomsday. Can anyone explain it to me? It seems to attack everyone in the battle or something?

Ok, and now on to the main course - I find IX a much better game now I have played through it again. I suppose the first time I played it I was 15, and even then I raced through to disk 3 then got the flu so was bed ridden for 2 1/2 weeks (the only time I've ever really had flu) so that also fragmented my play and I think I forgot about the good bits of the game, or didn't understand it!

The story flowed together really well, and you end up with a great affection for everyone (even including Quina). And I think I even had forgotten the ending! Until a friend reminded me :dry:

Zidane was a great hero and Kuja a wrothy adversary.
Even though after all Kuja has done, Zidane realises he was just afraid and Zidane considers he may have done the same if he was given the same situation and opportunity. Which shows an even greater test of the hero's character, nobility.

Anyway it's definitely raised my opinion of it and maybe if I play through XII something similar will happen. All I have left to do is train up and go beat Ozma and I'm planning on moving on to VIII! and now work isn't as busy, I have my life back!:P
Anyway it's definitely raised my opinion of it and maybe if I play through XII something similar will happen.

Usually a postive thinker, but don't give your hopes up.:P

( Jokes aside )

Never gotten Ark either, and played through the game 3-4 times and kept on missing him by addicent. Kept on getting glued in by the story and then forget about getting the Ark summon..
FF 9 was awesome. Probably in the top three if I could choose. It is underminded, and most people think it's one of the worst ones, when really, if you actually give it a chance, it turns out to be one of the greatest games of all time, just like FF 7.
I havn't beat it recently, but I played "back inte the days" when it was released and have replayed it three times since then.

When I first played the game, it struck me how easily I got attached to the characters. Unlike FF7 and FF8, the main hero was not intreverted and lone wolfish with too much thoughts in his head - but a outgoing flirty thief with some sense of humour. When I look back at it, I think the party felt more like friends with their own choices and lot more individual than in FF8. My favourite character in this game was Garnet though, She was so... human.

The graphics where awsome - I won't compare it to a game released after itself, but compare it to the games that was released at the same time. Graphics always improve.

The Story were great until the last "chapter". In the end of the game, you just kept playing to beat it, but it had no "cliff hanger" reasons enough to even do so.
The sidequests where few, and there wasn't that much you could do that just follow the main story. I loved it in FF7 when every little urge of exploring led you to an deeper understanding of the characters! The only two quests in FF9 I can remember did this was Garnets real name and Vivis Grandpa. The moogles letters was awsome.
spoiler: I remember however that I loved that you always where led to the lifa tree, even in the end when Zidane does his "skating" down the roots, falls and sees Kuja lies where you earlier in the game beat the crap out some other boss...

The gameplay was alright - I remember that I could get really annoyed at all the random encounters. It was quite easy and not so playful, I never looked at FF9 as a tactical game.

The card game was not that fun, but the Auction in Treno where enjoyable.

To sum this up I would have to say that I really loved everything in the beginning. All the interactivitaty as the theatre, walking around with vivi, and the whole introduction where amazing. But somewhere after all the characters had appeared, lindblum and alexandria had fall, and you had that oglop (Cid) released from his cage I think the story lost it's speed. At the time for CD4 you already had got a lot's of answers but no new questions! And still the game was running towards a point beyond your understanding... But at least, you got to see Beatrix in the end - and I really loved the ending scene, finally something that's a happy ending.
This game beats the crap out lot's of other games in the same genré!

It's a great game worth playing and to enjoy!
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What is the best Final Fantasy for PS2?

I've just beaten Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX for the gazillionth time and I've got to say the best Final Fantasy for the PS2 is IX. Here is why.

Let's start with the characters. The main character, Zidane Tribal, is totally different from previous main characters, even in the NES and Super NES Final Fantasies. Zidane has a cocky, perverted, and upbeat attitude, yet he has also shown compassion, leadership and commitment towards his fellow companions. In Final Fantasy VII and VIII, the characters involvement in the game seemed very little. In VII, the whole focus was on Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris, while the rest of the characters were basically ignored and just there for battle purposes. Same thing with VIII. We don't see huge importance in characters like Zell, Selphie or Quistis. The whole story revolved around Squall and Rinoa. In IX, we see how each characters develop during their journey with Zidane and see the importance of Zidane's involvement with each character's problems. Every character in IX starts off with their own unique flaws. Zidane changed Steiner's loyalty towards one person to a whole kingdom. He showed Amarant the importance of teamwork. Eiko, who was always alone, found the meaning of friendship and love. We also see interactions between the sub-characters as well. The master and servant relationship between Vivi and Steiner, sisterly bond between Eiko and Garnet, rivalry between Freya and Amarant (which made the realization of the importance of teamwork so much more powerful during their fight with one of the 4 guardians). There was even a little love triangle between Zidane, Dagger, and Eiko. We also see that Zidane isn't so perfect either during that powerful scene at the end of the 3rd disc. Zidane, upon learning that his sole purpose was to destory everything he loves and cherishes, falls into depression. It was great how all the characters Zidane helped helps him in the end.

I also loved how IX took it back to the whole medieval settings. When I think of Final Fantasy, I think of swords, knights, castles, princesses and such. It's great how VII and VIII had the whole futurific look because it worked for a lot of people, but it just didn't make sense to me that a motorcycle and a chocobo exists in the same Final Fantasy world since they would both have the same purposes.

I've always loved the job class system in Final Fantasy. It worked so well in IX. We would think that job classes are only important during battles, but I thought it was awesome how great it worked with the storyline as well. It is highly unlikely that a lowly thief would be the main character in Final Fantasy. It's usually the Cecil and Terra who is chosen as the main characters. By Cecil and Terra, I mean characters who are highly powerful and has a reputation.

I don't think any other Final Fantasy can compare with the soundtracks of Final Fantasy IX, not even X. I thought the songs were highly memorable. I can still remember the tune for each town because it fit the settings so well. The Lindblum town always had that "another long day of work" type of tune. It matched the whole low working class theme of Lindblum. Treno which represents the town of nobles and the city that never sleeps had the whole upbeat, classy, night life theme to it. Some of my favorite tunes were Loss of me/Rose of May (because it just reminds me of the scene where Steiner and Beatrix worked together to protect Alexandria), You're not Alone (because it's just so epic), Daughter of Madain Sauri (because its very happy and it feels very...Eiko. Although she was very sad in the inside, you would never guess with this tune), and of course the world map theme (because it sounds so adventurous).

The battle system in IX was ok. I thought VIII had the best battle system. I loved the whole junction system, but IX's wasn't bad. It just seemed too...normal.

Oh and let's not forget, the best villain, Kuja. Not Sephiroth. I thought Sephiroth was very over-rated. Yes, he killed Aeris, but he accomplished nothing. Sephiroth just went on a rampage and such, but Kuja seemed more cunning. Manipulating Queen Brahne, kidnapping Dagger, and creating black mages and creating havoc within Gaia destroying half the planet. Wait, let me fix that. Destroying a whole planet (Terra) and a half.
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Don't get this confused now. Final Fantasy 9 is my favorite game on the PS1. FF7 is by far the best one that's actually on the PS1 but FF9 is my favorite.

The Characters: Every character had something symbolic about them and about their life. They lived their own way and tought each other character something throughout the journey. Vivi was obsessed with Life and Existence. Zidane was all about Helping people. Dagger was very meysterious and her transition from a spoiled princess to a normal human being was awesome. Steiner the same almost, changing from some arrogant knoble knight to just a warrior and a friend. Kuja, ahhh Kuja, my favorite Antagonist/Bad Guy, or should I say "Anti-Hero?" Yes, I belive Kuja to be more an Anti-Hero and not really such a bad person. A bit misunderstood and lacking of love and friendship, but still did something good right before he died.

The Gameplay: A bit different from previous Final Fantasy games, but for the most part was the same. The Battle System was still Turn Based which is what I like to see, the ! when there was a secret was a nice little improvement. The Card game was well thought and innovative.

Graphics: Well this is not important at all when reviewing a game, but I must say the graphics are what I would expect out of a PS1 game.

Replay Value: I play this game at least once a year, and my children will play this game as they grow up, and their children, and their children, and their children, if you get my picture.

Rating: Two thumbs up. 5 stars out of 5. 10 out of 10. Get my point?
My Review of Final Fantasy IX

The root of all good games and movies alike is a strong, compelling story and FF9's story is strong but im afraid it lacks a little somthing that would have it at the very pinacle of the FF mountain. FF9 does have all the ingediants, a lead with a mysterious past, a love intrest, a mysterious evil villain, another mysterious villain ...or is he? and so on now the question is "Why does this story not have what FF7 and FF8 have?" I'm not quite sure why to be honest. It has it all there but something just doesn't click. The problem maybe to do with pacing or maybe even the fact the characters don't work aswell as they should? The story is still good dont get me wrong, and i do enjoy the older style of FF story telling it just doesn't quite make it into the epic story lines. 8.5/10

We now come to the games main strength and the reason that myself and so many other players love the game. It is just so playable. It's easy to pick up, easy to control, nothing hard to understand and has some of the most memorable places in the hole FF series. Only one word is needed to describe it "fun". 10/10

The characters of FF9 are clearly nothing new. They seem recycled and sometimes rather iritating, but, and this is a big but, some of them are impossible not to love. Whether its the incredibly cute and naive Vivi or the poor misfit Steiner who is only trying to do his best, some of the characters just make you smile and make you want to keep playing. The game's lead character takes a twist from the previous games, they have there dark, pretty, bad attitude leads, where as 9 has a happy friendly lead character. Zidane is not my favorite lead but i do like him and i do enjoy his relaxed attitude. 8/10

Amazing. 9 has a soundtrack that may even top the phenominal FF8 score. Some of the peices in this soundtrack are addictive and i can put on the CD and listen to it all day i really can. 10/10

FF9 has my all time favorite FF graphics. It has the colourfull, anime-esq graphics that look amazing and really suit the games "lighter" style. When this game was first released at the later end of 2000 it really was something and it took the PS1 to its very peak. 10/10

How can you not enjoy FF9!? It is a marvellous adventure that looks stunning still to this day. 10/10

9.25/10 FF9 gets a very high score because of its amazing gameplay, graphics and soundtrack.
Characters~ I loved the characters, they all had something to fight and live for. Zidane seemed to be holding them up throughout the game until he falls into disappear after knowing about his true existence. So in turn, his friends kept him up and his head held high. Oh and each character goes through their troubles as it all connects into one.

Story~Wonderful, touching. It just kept unveiling itself and opening more doors to many questions. Great plot and everything, though at the end, I really couldnt understand where this"Crystal"thing came from. Kuja mentioned it a few times but just didnt seem like it was developed enough. Kuja appeared to be the main villian in the game.

Music~ Fits alongside the storyline and game wonderfully. I often find myself adoring the music more and more. Especially the really touching songs like"Bittersweet Romance" from that play they had in the game which was clever I might add :)

Graphics~ I have heard that many couldnt stand the graphics because it looked well too chibish or some sort, But in my opinion, I would have to say that it wasnt bad at all. Infact they did a great job with the cutscenes even in gameplay. The Battles were good, just a little slow but not too bad xD

Humour/Etc..~I love the Humour in this game. Zidane and his wonderful flirting habits, definitly stands out from most of the main guys we have seen in the games.He has his own flavor and outlook on life. It made me chuckle at times.Quote--"Ohhh Soft!" --Zidane grabbing Garnet's leg by MISTAKE xD "Thats right! we are going to kidnap the ugly brahne..wait!? not her!" -->Baku. Lol that part had some um unpleasant words but it was funny =POh and the chocobo sidequest was cute! Loved it! :D Also notice the similarity of the romance in it? Its similar to movies like aladdin where the thief falls in love with princess, but cant marry her unless he is a prince. Theres also a tradition I think its based off of or country.

Overall Rating~
I would give this game a 9.5/10
i started playing this game when i was in elementary school because of a friends older brother owning it... sadly enough i didn't get to replay it till i got the money to buy it in middle school, and even then a little brother of mine scratched the fourth disc so i couldn't see the ending of the game until high school(forgot to look it up on the web lol).

I personally think that this makes my opinion on it biased, i played through it though and beat it finally getting to see the end, which is perfect, i fell in love with the charcters and races(poor buremecians), i loved the different people and their individuality as characters(unlike ff7-8's any and all approach)

overall i give this game a 9/10, and on a second play through a 10/10, it has one of the best, and commonly overlooked, storylines in the ff games. The cut scenes at the time were top of the line beating out some of the earlier ps2 games bar none. the one thing that could have made it better would have been voice acting(i will never know what princess garnet sounds like)
but that can be forgiven with all of the extras they put into it.

Long story short, play it, it wont disappoint you

P.S. on a side note, kefka and kufa were almost like father and soon except kefka actually blew up the world, just my opinion
P.S. on a side note, kefka and kufa were almost like father and soon except kefka actually blew up the world, just my opinion

Actually, Kuja did blow up a world. He completely destroyed Terra if you don't remember. It was one of the greatest cutscenes I've ever seen. However, if Kefka and Kuja teamed up... Everyone would be screwed. O_O