I just watched the Super Mario Bros movie

Some things just can't/should never/????/PROFIT!!! be turned into movies. :mokken:
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I remember that move came out when i was about 11 or 12 and I knew it would be crap.
Why would you do that to yourself? Voluntarily watching the live action Super Mario Bros. movie is like deciding that you're going to cut off one of your fingers with a scissors.
I'll be the odd person out and say I fucking love that movie. :awesome:
omg that movie,i remember it,i always use to laugh at it cuz the actors were funny.Bowser/koopa looked horrible,even the goombas. It just made me laugh hard to compare it to the series.
Why would you do that to yourself? Voluntarily watching the live action Super Mario Bros. movie is like deciding that you're going to cut off one of your fingers with a scissors.

I was trying to relive fond memories of my childhood :'( Unfortunantly, that aspect of my childhood should have been left in the past. And as I watching, it was horrible but I couldn't stop.

Lol Edea how could you like that movie XD Though, I think it would have been totally awesome if they gave Mario that voice in Mario 64.