I like apples.

I quite like pears, as long as they are really squishy. There's nowt worse than biting into a hard one
There are squishy pears? I've only ever had the hard ones. D:
I thought if they were hard they weren't ripe yet. They are always hard when my mum buys them then they go soft.....eventually :gasp:
Someone at work just asked me if I get hungry after eating an apple (I was eating one at the time) because he said it makes him more hungry?!! Anyway apples should be firm! more juicy that way too!
We were talking about pears. D:

Unless there are squishy apples too?
Squishy apples are too ripe, squishy pears are juicy pears, which are perfectly ripe.
However the firmness of pears changes on which kind of pear it is, which is determined by where it was grown.

Or something like that.