I like this game!


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
Although the game play is abit point & clickery, I am actually suprised that Im quite enjoying the story so far.
Iv just found out about the Judge of Wings being called Mydia and that guy being dead
And Im actually quite gripped and am really enjoying it. Infact now Im used to the controls (kinda) Im finding it to be rather enjoyable on the whole :monster:

Was anyone else suprised they eneded up liking it. I honestly thought I was gunna hate it, I almost wrote it off when I first started playing it but Im glad I stuck it out

Or do you all just hate it and theres only me that likes it lol?
Im going to agree with ultimator, in that I havent played XII either, but really enjoy this game. Im ALMOST done with it at 91% complete!
Tbh, you don't really need to have played XII to know what's going on in RW. Altho, you should really give it a whirl

Im on chapter 8 now, and Im already finding the story more interesting than that of XII's :monster:
I kinda got bored of the game shortly after that part near the start where Vaan tries to steal the airship, and you summon lots of monster thingies :|

I guess I'll try and get back into it one day, but the gameplay just seems so...boring D:
It does get better, I didn't like it all that much at first, I think you might be pleasantly suprised by the story, it doesn't take as long to start as XII does :wacky:

Im on chapter 8 now, and Im rather stuck lol
well if you thought this was hard you might not even want to try XII cuz thats on a whole different level i loved XII but its one of the hardest FF games ive ever played
Course it won't take long to start...it's a DS game. They never do. Eh...I know it's part of the Ivalice Alliance, and although I do like FFTA, I wish some of the monsters and enemies weren't exact replicas of some of the things you see in FFTA. :/
I should get into playing it more, but, Chocobo Tales and FFVI own my soul.

People haven't played XII? Tut, go out and do it. Now.
well if you thought this was hard you might not even want to try XII cuz thats on a whole different level i loved XII but its one of the hardest FF games ive ever played

Iv already completed XII, ages ago :monster:
Nintendo DS :monster:

It is worth it, Im right near the end now, I love it altho I see the game over screen an awful lot...
Kinda agree with Kuhn. It's fun, but I don't get this epic feel like I did with FFXII >.<
I completed it at long last, not with out some swearing and almost demolishing my DS.

I thouroughly enjoyed it, I don't know why but the more infuriated I get with a game the more i seem to like it :wacky:

I think it probably could have been as epic if it was the same story but with all the benefits and extras of FFXII
I saw many writing the the game is bad and such, so I thought it'll just be quite bad game. Still, I wanted to finish it before playing FFTA2.

But it was so different from what I have expected.
The characters were so amazing, as well as the plot.
And it is the only strategy game I don't hate :P I even liked the battle system.

Plus, FFXII is my most favorite game. So the fact that most of RW's soundtrack is the same as FFXII's, made me feel again the epic feeling of FFXII and to like the game more.
I preferred it over FFXII, although I'm not a fan of the battle system, I prefer TA2 though it's similar. I preferred the storyline in RW though over FFXII but sometimes it seemed to drag on a bit, especially when you're trying to get the Espers/Summons, I thought it was harder than FFXII as well as I died far many more times in RW than FFXII, though I presume with the latter it was because it was easy to overlevel. I'm not a huge fan of RW but I thought it was better than XII. :monster: