I need help with a research


Feb 17, 2009
saudi arabia "ksa"
i've been aske by the uni to make a research about the " effect of the watter temrature on the human boddy"

i can'f fine anything sinctifec or worth to incloud in the search ,

if any one can help me wiht it , or have an artical , plz do

the artical could incloud this topics

the best temrature for watter in summor , winter , after sport ... etc

the benifet and harmful stuff ... etc

This is in the wrong section >_>

i've been aske by the uni to make a research about the " effect of the watter temrature on the human boddy"

i can'f fine anything sinctifec or worth to incloud in the search ,

if any one can help me wiht it , or have an artical , plz do

the artical could incloud this topics

the best temrature for watter in summor , winter , after sport ... etc

the benifet and harmful stuff ... etc


Translation (I couldn't help it. D=)

I've been asked by the uni to do a research about the "Effect of the water temperature on the human body"

I can't find anything Scientific or worth to include in the research, if anyone can help me with it, or have an article, please make sure (it should be so) the article would include these topics: the best temperature for water in summer, winter, after sport . . . etc.

The benefits and the harmful stuff . . . etc (insert gay smilie here)

Anyway what I have to say is that some kind of science for real? <_< the best temperature for water? o_O I know if it was after sport then the water should be quite cold since your body would be overheating >_> but I never knew there was such science tbh. <_<

And I'm sure google will get you some useful stuff, you just have to collect it and link the words together and you will get a research about that.
I've been asked by the university to research about the " effects of the water temperature in the human body" I can't find anything scientific or worth to include in the research.If anyone can help me with it, or have an artical, please link me to it.

The artical could include these topics:
- The best temperature for water in summer, winter, after sport e.t.c.
- The benefit and harmful stuff e.t.c.

Thank you.

I don't really understand what you're trying to ask for, I think it's going to have to be a bit more specific than "effects of water", and in the right section D:
thanks all ,

hhh i know i'm asking to much , but i have one last thing to ask,

i need an msn program for my mobile sony arecson "g900"

it's so hard to fine ,

thanks again and i'm sorry for my weak Englishetooo hhh:)

best wishes