I need.....

and i need...NUTELLA! :gasp: :P

No i dont. If i did i'd be eating it right now :P

Remember that chat we had on msn about sending stuff and the price of post and packaging ;)
Post it!!!

And Wolf hunny I would send you some nutella if I had some but I don't :P

Edit: I'm not pregnant, might be depressed though through my lack of sleep :sad:
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Post it!!!

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I mean that's not what i mean't, as in get a postman to bring it to me so I can actually eat it you evil person :sad:
It's ok I just figured that if I ate any chocolate I would need sex to burn off the calories :D
Ahh you're all making me hungry now >.> xD

I want ice creammmmm. Bleh. Stupid typhoon. CAN'T EVEN GO OUT TO BUY MUH ICE CREAMZ. D:
:gasp: You live in Somerset, England, so I could technically send it...:wacky: