I power a clock, and such.


As the time passes by.
Feb 16, 2009
Inside a clock.
Right. Well, hello there. My name is Clockwork, but you may call me Clock.

Hm. Yes. I guess that is all I can say. I don't know if I will be active or not, or where I will usually post. Hm.

Let the generic welcoming commence. I'm sure I'll enjoy this place for at least a day or two.
And possibly a bit longer, who knows. :elmo:

Well, anyways. Welcome to FFF. :) Hope you do stick around for a while longer. Have fun. =)
Welcome to the forums.
Though I may call you Clockwork, just in case I commit a typo error which I can already see coming where I miss out the L. Then again having work at the end of said typo would be even worse! :O.

But hey, welcome to the forums. Interesting persona you've adapted for yourself there. Hope to see you around.
Welcome to the forums.
Though I may call you Clockwork, just in case I commit a typo error which I can already see coming where I miss out the L. Then again having work at the end of said typo would be even worse! :O.

But hey, welcome to the forums. Interesting persona you've adapted for yourself there. Hope to see you around.

I can tell this would be quite obvious for someone like you.

Thank you for the welcome, Argor. And yes, perhaps I have adopted an odd persona for myself.
Welcome to the forums.
Though I may call you Clockwork, just in case I commit a typo error which I can already see coming where I miss out the L. Then again having work at the end of said typo would be even worse! :O.

Im sure I'l fall victim to that typo plague xD

Welcome to the forums, Clock, hope you stick around more than a day o 2, you might actually enjoy the place :monster:
What?, I mean Clock, you know I'm gonna force you to stay xD

Enjoy the site, and post a lot.

I'll be lonelyish without you and Harriet xD
Im sure I'l fall victim to that typo plague xD

Welcome to the forums, Clock, hope you stick around more than a day o 2, you might actually enjoy the place :monster:

I may. It depends on if this place is worth it.

I say it has potential.

Thank you for the welcome, Mischief.
I can tell this would be quite obvious for someone like you.

Thank you for the welcome, Argor. And yes, perhaps I have adopted an odd persona for myself.

Only noticed it because of the constant terrible conversations people I know keep having, in which anything like that is used in every sentence. But it is a simple typo to make, is all I am saying. And when typing fast... I mean its a mistake I've made once in SPEECH, let alone typing. Just simple letter missing.

And odd = amazing in my opinion. I like people that present themselves as different from the norm, in that I can barely hold conversations with many "normal" people.
How do I keep getting tricked into these threads? Welcome to FFF, ya trickster!

I suspect you're quite easy to trick.

Thank you, Aztec.

Only noticed it because of the constant terrible conversations people I know keep having, in which anything like that is used in every sentence. But it is a simple typo to make, is all I am saying. And when typing fast... I mean its a mistake I've made once in SPEECH, let alone typing. Just simple letter missing.

And odd = amazing in my opinion. I like people that present themselves as different from the norm, in that I can barely hold conversations with many "normal" people.

I can understand that. I've been acting too serious tonight.

I see. I myself enjoy hanging around with "odd" people.

By the way, your signature. It is Ancient Minoan art, is it not?
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By the way, your signature. It is Ancient Minoan art, is it not?

Yep. Well it was originally, and then I made the bull purple and gave it a yellow fringe to make it look like a Final Fantasy Behemoth.
Yay for recognising it though. Most people see it as a blurry image and that is it.
Yep. Well it was originally, and then I made the bull purple and gave it a yellow fringe to make it look like a Final Fantasy Behemoth.
Yay for recognising it though. Most people see it as a blurry image and that is it.

Well, I am sort of obsessed with History and such. It explains why I thought of it as Minoan art.

Haha, You two need to get laid, I mean be more social. :P
Anyways welcome Clockwork, interesting and unique username.

Btw Argor usually talks too much and looks innocent but he is actually a dangerous person who kills innocent snowmens! >.>

I see your a Fan of the Three Kingdoms > Dynasty Warriors. :D
You sure got sig and avatar pretty quick for a new guy

Minoan, eh? Alright you Cretin, make a thread on what you know since I find that shit interesting. :monster: Cookie monster for punnage!

Haha, You two need to get laid, I mean be more social. :P
Anyways welcome Clockwork, interesting and unique username.

Btw Argor usually talks too much and looks innocent but he is actually a dangerous person who kills innocent snowmens! >.>

I see your a Fan of the Three Kingdoms > Dynasty Warriors. :D

Then we have much in common. For you see, I also kill innocent snowmens.

Not necessarily. Whatever gave you the idea that I was a Dynasty Warriors fan? I honestly have never played the game.

You sure got sig and avatar pretty quick for a new guy

Minoan, eh? Alright you Cretin, make a thread on what you know since I find that shit interesting. :monster: Cookie monster for punnage!

Indeed I did. And I shall make a thread.

It's my ennui making me do this.
Glad you decided to sign up and post around for a bit, man! Enjoy the site! :cool: