I spent

I don't think I've ever seen one up here, but there's one in every shopping centre in England. -_- Same with Morrisons, whenever I go down South I ALWAYS go into a Morrisons...

I like Asda... in particular smartprice.. *drools* Although smartprice cola is horrid, it's practically just gas, it made my friend's eyes water. :wacky:
You have to be careful with a lot of the stuff but you can't really argue with 23p for a decent sized bar of chocolate or 14p for a pack of bourbons, I mean really.:neomon:
i still prefer asda its cheap and the foods nicer :monster:
and once again, the thread goes to the Englanders! you gaiz do this alot, y'know! i don't mind, its nice to learn your ways of living. it sounds nice over there. hey, do you gaiz have strong accents!? accents are hot...
Yes we all have accents, sip our tea and say spiffing. Alot
And of course have handlebar moustaches, wear top hats and monocles and carry canes and are called things like Lord Geoffrey of Southington. And we all own land.
Morrisson's hot food counter is ace, eating chicken nuggets whilst going up and down the aisles can't be beat.
those smart price yogurts re nice O_O
That they are. :monster:

I'll argue with your bloody chocolate though. >>
Pffft, I'm eating a bar right now and it's heavenly. x_x I actually prefer it to cadburys. :monster:

and once again, the thread goes to the Englanders! you gaiz do this alot, y'know! i don't mind, its nice to learn your ways of living. it sounds nice over there. hey, do you gaiz have strong accents!? accents are hot...