I was just watching the end of FF7...


Chocobo Breeder
Sep 27, 2007
You know I was just watching the final battle on Youtube.com when you fight One Winged Angel. Just the quality of the music and the atmosphere and the fight it just amazing. The music gets you so into it. I really hope they have some type of climatic battle ending music that NOT HARD ROCK LIKE in 10 THAT WAS HORRIBLE.

For the ending battle, and I hope the story of 13 gets you riveted. They need to make a another mega hit again, the ending music since after 7 has sucked since.
that battle is important. I mean Sephiroth came back and everything. However I agree with you. That music is way too... you know. Now that you mentioned it, that music is stuck in my head ^ ^'
This topic has more to do with FF music, not FF13. Please pay attention to where you post things.

And just for the record, FF9's ending boss music was awesome and it wasn't rock.
Well... I've never been disappointed with the music in most FF's, in fact, it's one of the elements I love most about 'em. Even though I wasn't a huge fan of the music in XII, I still enjoyed it as well. So, with that said, I don't think they'll disappoint in this area. *crosses fingers* ;)
What would be cool is that you can fight Sephiroth in FFXIII as a secret boss :D
The final music theme in Final Fantasy X was horrible when you were fighting Jecht. Sorry a guy SCREAMING in the background did not get me in the mood fight.
i don't agree that the ending music sucked since VII. i loved IX, X, and XII's ending music. unless your refering to strictly the battle music, i'd have to agree. but indeed, XIII NEEDS to have good music, if you noticed all the games with the good soundtracks are the ones the fans enjoy the most.
i don't agree that the ending music sucked since VII. i loved IX, X, and XII's ending music. unless your refering to strictly the battle music, i'd have to agree. but indeed, XIII NEEDS to have good music, if you noticed all the games with the good soundtracks are the ones the fans enjoy the most.

Good observation about that. It's the music that gets you in to the game, and sets the mood.
Yeah I agree music does play a vital role in setting the mood of the game and hope that this one doesnt disappoint. If the music sucks, it will draw you out of the gaming experience...

off-topic : Personally I loved the Zanarkand blitzball theme is one of my top favorites when it comes to music from RPGs
I liked the Jecht boss music, but then I like that music anyways (is it Rammstein???? I think it is but i'm not 100% anyway's I like them so.....)

I also love one winged angel, it gets my heart pumping and ready for battle when I hear it, it's an edge of the settee jobbie.....I like a good sound track on a game ;)
13 does need to have good music, i though 12's was really bad..totally drawed me away from the game. And i disagree too that ending music has sucked since VII, although it wasn't the ending theme but Eyes On Me from VIII was the best i've heard. And The Extreme from the ultimecia battle was brilliant too! And X's was amazing too..