I wont be getting a PS3 until this game comes out!


Chocobo Breeder
Dec 7, 2006
By the time this game comes out the ps3 will be cheaper and have a more decent selection of games. Right now I am happy with the ps2 rpg's and still there is persona 3 and rogue galaxy to look forward too!

What about you?:)
Difficult one this, there is less and less games coming out for the PS3 that would make me want to buy the console with GTAIV, Resident Evil 5 and Assassins Creed moving to the 360 as well.

FFXIII and FF in general for me isn't the draw it was when I first started and the heading back to the FFVII/FFVIII futuristic settings isn't very appealing either so it won't make me buy it, not that I think that it'll be a bad game but isn't a system seller for me personally.
this one doesent intereast me much and its not because of its futuristic setting its just not gonna dominate the console because games like mgs 4 are prob gonna be better. Beside final fantasy didnt really dominate the gaming market for a long time only on ps has it really dominated the market.
For me, no other game can bet a Final Fantasy one!

MGS4 and RE5 do look amazing as well though.

I'm perfectly happy being cheap and playing my PS2 for another year or so.

I really want to play FFXIII (and possibly Versus), and that's about it for the PS3 right now, as far as I'm concerned. Thus, I will wait for those games.
With SE producing rpgs for the 360 now. I'll just have to wait and see. I love the FF series, but depending on what happens there, who knows. If I ever get a PS3 it will most likely be for FF, but if the 360 rpgs are good enough I may even bother with them until FFXIII is on the $10 game rack and PS3 has come WAY down in price.
Difficult one this, there is less and less games coming out for the PS3 that would make me want to buy the console with GTAIV, Resident Evil 5 and Assassins Creed moving to the 360 as well.

Isn't Assassins Creed scedual to be released for Xbox360, PC and PS3?:P
I'm in the same boat as you Bro. I know for a fact taht many games are coming out for the PS3 that look great, but I don't need to blow a big wad of $$ on a PS3 until I absolutely have to; and that would be when the FFXIII Compilation comes out. I bought a PS3 at lauch to sell on eBay and it totaled $634 in price. I sold it and only made about $50 total profit, so I'll hold off on getting another PS3 for a while.
As long as I see a Final Fantasy title, I just have to buy it. So I will buy a PS3 eventually...just not now. Maybe next year, when FFXIII comes out.
As long as I see a Final Fantasy title, I just have to buy it. So I will buy a PS3 eventually...just not now. Maybe next year, when FFXIII comes out.

Same here. As long as the series continues on the playstation platforms I will get them no matter what. I won't be getting a PS3 anytime soon, however it is inevitable because of the Final Fantasy series. They are the best games I've ever played and to not play them would be inexcusable. Sure, Final Fantasy games come out on Microsoft and Nintendo consoles but they're not the same games. Playstation have THE FF games that excel above the other experiences on other consoles.
I'll hopely get it for FFXIII...

must have the game *drools*

I'm in the same boat as you Bro. I know for a fact taht many games are coming out for the PS3 that look great, but I don't need to blow a big wad of $$ on a PS3 until I absolutely have to; and that would be when the FFXIII Compilation comes out. I bought a PS3 at lauch to sell on eBay and it totaled $634 in price. I sold it and only made about $50 total profit, so I'll hold off on getting another PS3 for a while.

i'm surprised you managed to get your hands on one.
I'm definitely waiting a year or so before I buy a PS3 maybe even longer at the moment there aren't any games out for it that grab my attention and the pice is way to high for me. The main reason I'll be getting a PS3 is for FFXIII and Versus they both look great ^_^
I'm primarily an RPG player, and since the PS3 just doesnt' have anything near my sphere of interest out, and since I personally hate the price tag and all of the hype Sony made about the system, I'm not buying it until a good RPG comes out. Anyway, I don't want to be paying $500+ American just to say I've got the system - I think it's got a lot of superfluous stuff, anyway (I'm not impressed by the Blu-Ray drive).

Plus, I bought my original Playstation (really late) to play Final Fantasy IX.
I bought my PS2 to play Final Fantasy X.
I think it would be odd to break the cycle now that it's started.
After what I have seen so far for FFXIII..I have no desire to buy a PS3 for this game - I will still get one but not right away - not until the PS1 game errors for the ff titles get sorted out.
PS3 has glitches anyways.
Probably the next set that comes out will be modified better.

And so far I don't see any games worth buying a glitchy PS3 over. :)