I wont be getting a PS3 until this game comes out!

Devil May Cry IV - Gonna be on 360
Grand Theft Auto IV - Gonna be on 360
Metal Gear Solid IV
Tekken VI
Burnout V - Gonna be on 360
Silent Hill
Final Fantasy XIII - Gonna be on 360 (probably)
Since I have always been a Playstation guy, I would have no problems spending money on a Playstation 3 just for Final Fantasy XIII. Unless something else comes out that looks really cool, I will probably buy the ps3 simultaneously with Final Fantasy XIII.
I am buying a PS3 just because I love Sony so much. haha. Plus, I am getting FFXIII and whatever else Sony has exclusively.
I am strictly a playstaton person...I have expressed my feelings about Xbox before >.> I hate it. So I have no problem buying a PS3 because I know there are other games that I'll buy besides just FFXIII.

However if the only reason you'll buy a PS3 is for the game then think hard on it, because wouldn't it suck if the game wasn't that good after you spent all that money just to play it? Yeah..

But if you were to choose now, based on my opinion of the game, then yeah buy it because it looks good enough, especially FFvXIII
Hmmm. I think it'll be worth it.
I wasn't highly impressed with FFXII since it didn't portray any outstanding amazing features...it was just like FFX with a different (incomplete) storyline, and it was on the same console, so nothing new was expected.

I would play FFXIII just to see what this "white system" is capable of.
Nah, it's hardly worth buying a console just for one game. Especially with the PS3. I'll just wait and see what happens next.
As i own a 360 im really hoping FFXIII does make an appearance. But if it does stay a PS3 exclusive, then i may consider buying a PS3, but when they are a bit cheaper.
As i own a 360 im really hoping FFXIII does make an appearance. But if it does stay a PS3 exclusive, then i may consider buying a PS3, but when they are a bit cheaper.

Yeah I fully agree...waay to expensive right now. I won't be buying one anytime soon unless I have extra money from my summer job x.x