Suggestion Idea for Survivor


Dark Knight
Dec 9, 2007
From experience, the rest of the forum usually dies down when Survivor is on. So I thought for a bit of fun we could have a betting system of some sort where people not in Survivor and those eliminated can bet their gil on who they think will win. They could also bet on the teams they think will win each challenge an' shit.

In the past, those not in survivor have been asked to participate in challenges in some way or another. So this would be a good incentive. Plus it would add a new element of strategy if those in survivor could bet on other people to win it. :hmmm:
I think this is a very good idea SaCha Lizard.
I'm on board with this. there's always been talk about who thinks which member would win, and this would add a fun element to it. Good idea!
This sounds like a great idea :)
I like it, but I think it should be placed before survivor starts, or maybe have a bracket kind of deal on who will survive... other than that the people in it, signed up so no they cant bet :mokken:
I don't see why they cannot bet, unless 17 or 18 of them conspire just for the precious gils. But @wethestaff will probably have to organise it, using @FFBank to pay the winners. Unless the GLAWAAS bank got involved.
I like it, but I think it should be placed before survivor starts, or maybe have a bracket kind of deal on who will survive... other than that the people in it, signed up so no they cant bet :mokken:

What I was thinking was to have it throughout survivor to keep it interesting and so that people can re-bet if their original picks get knocked off early. Then adjust the pay-out odds as people get eliminated.

For example, if you pick the winner from the beginning, you get a big pay-out but if you pick him/her when there are only 4 people left it only pays 2.0 etc..

My 2 cents :monster:
maybe you could add it as a sort of lottery option.

you might need @belazor's assistance to make this great idea a reality.