Ideas for future FF games


Blue Mage
Jan 30, 2007
Purdue University/ South Florida
I'm sure at some time this has been mentioned before, but whatever, it's more original an idea than 'WHICH VILLAIN IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE THIS FORUM HAS BEEN AROUND FOR YEARS AND NOBODY HAS EVER ASKED THIS BEFORE!?!?!?'

So I've noticed that since the creation of X-box live, people are putting significantly more time into games for their head to head, multiplayer aspects moreso than their single player modes. For instance, I've played Halo 3 and COD series for significantly longer than I would like to admit, and never played through the full single player experience of either, just because multiplayer play is so much more fun. Plus, with COD, mastering certain aspects of the weapons and levels adds another layer of strategy that needs to be learned and utilized.

Well, what if Square added this, somehow, to the FF series? This would work better in a turn based system, but what if there was a way to put together a party, equip them with the abilities, skills, armor, etc. required, level them up, and have the ability to square off, head to head, against another player? I guess it would be somewhat like Pokemon, but...well...if someone were to walk in on you playing, it wouldn't be more embarrassing than getting caught jerking off to unorthodox pornography. Obviously they'd have to tweak certain aspects, particularily how much damage attacks do and item use, but it would be a fun, easy way to add replay value and longevity to the FF series.

Any thoughts? No? Yes? Welcome back Fields?
It's called an MMO, of which Final Fantasy already has two.

As for your reference about pokemon, who gives a flying fuck what other people think about what you play? I'm 19, play the game competitively, and I'm not going to change what I like just because someone else is narrowminded.

If anything, I've seen MMO players get just as much shit for being low-life basement dwellers in the same turn, so it's not going to change too much with your comparison.

As for non-MMO RPGs? No. The game has to be built around the mechanics (Like pokemon) and that would tend to take away from the story. This can be seen in squeenix's latest game Dragon Quest IX. While undeniably an amazing game, it feels like it was almost meant to be played multiplayer in some parts, which can take away from the single player experience. If you're complaining about a lack of multiplayer/replay value, perhaps this isn't quite the genre for you.

And some of us don't prefer multiplayer. After 3 years of WoW and countless hours on XBL, I have to say I'm a bit tired of prepubescant 12 year olds screaming racial ephithets at me, regardless of how fun the gameplay itself may be.
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I don't mind MMO as long as I can control MORE than one character at a time.
That is pretty much what I hate about MMO games.
I think there will be some kind of multiplayer, don't know what it'll be like though. But I definitely don't want the game to be a MMO game, just to have a multiplayer feature (which I'll probably won't use anyway).

In White Knight Chronicle there is multiplayer, and I find FFXIII and this game a little similar (because of the battle system). So there maybe a chance for something similar.
But they'll need to create a "character customizing" for that, because it is not fun when the same characters fight against the same characters.
For example [Lighting, Snow, Vanille] Vs [Lighting, Sazh, Hope]

SE didn't show any customizing system so far, and I am sure they would have mentioned something that big. They either didn't finish it yet, or not even planning one.

The bottom line, I don't really care about multiplayer as long as it stays as a bonus feature.
Eh...I wouldn't really call it MMO, as MMOs as a whole are evil. I'm just saying an arena-type dealio, where you can show off your customization skills at a higher level, in addition to the story mode. IE Halo and COD, like I was saying. I mean, I can spend all the time in the world building up my characters in any FF game to be gods, but what does it matter? You can normally beat any of the games and finish 100% without a perfect setup. However, if there was a way to make it worthwhile to continue playing competitively even after finishing the story mode? I would do that. As I said, I've been replaying FF7 this past week, and I would love to see how my party/materia/gear matches up against other peoples. I mean, I'd post about it on a forum, but inevitably would be attacked by a group of 13 year olds mad that I didn't pick Cait Sith.

And @Zerokku, you play pokemon competitively, but you're tired of hearing 12 year olds screaming? Um...
And @Zerokku, you play pokemon competitively, but you're tired of hearing 12 year olds screaming? Um...

First of all, DS Wifi lets me choose if I want to have voice chat on or not.
Second, Theres no "random" option, so I choose who I want to play against.
Third, most of the people who play it competitively are older, since a lot of the mechanics that give the game depth are not something that's likely to be grasped/enjoyed by a younger kid.
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can you multiplayer in 12, i'm not sure, but with that battle ssytem i think it'd work really well.

oh and kill the tank.
it'd make gameplay so much harder
Eh...I wouldn't really call it MMO, as MMOs as a whole are evil. I'm just saying an arena-type dealio, where you can show off your customization skills at a higher level, in addition to the story mode. IE Halo and COD, like I was saying. I mean, I can spend all the time in the world building up my characters in any FF game to be gods, but what does it matter? You can normally beat any of the games and finish 100% without a perfect setup. However, if there was a way to make it worthwhile to continue playing competitively even after finishing the story mode? I would do that. As I said, I've been replaying FF7 this past week, and I would love to see how my party/materia/gear matches up against other peoples. I mean, I'd post about it on a forum, but inevitably would be attacked by a group of 13 year olds mad that I didn't pick Cait Sith.

And @Zerokku, you play pokemon competitively, but you're tired of hearing 12 year olds screaming? Um...

But I still wonder how they gonna do that there won't be battles of the same characters, as the number of main characters in each FF is quite limited. I surely won't like seeing same party fighting against the same party. It is just... strange...
Maybe they can make a system which allows to create your own characters, BUT they will have the same weapons/equipment/abilities/status/level as the original main characters.

What is your idea? letting same characters fighting the same characters?
Or having some kind of customizing system?

Though, I don't really into this kind of thing, as I don't spend much time leveling my characters to lvl 99 and finding the best weapons.
Besides, I am sure anyone can read a walkthrough and find the best equipment/items and get the best characters combination.
Unless the upgrading system is very very very very complicated and offers so many possible combinations that there is no "best combination".
Anyway I don't see much point in it but it still can be nice - my opinion