If Aeris didn't die...

Although i loved Aries and thought she was great im glad she died!
Now before people start PM'ing me with death threats and so on so on...
I am glad she died becase it brought a great element to the game.. the element of suprise! I bet when every one was playing this for the first time they had no idea she was going to die and it hurt people, everyone got a little emotional when the sword struck. Square knew this and used it their full advantage, the story and game is as good as it is because of her death.

If she hadn't died, they probably would had her summon holy and the lifestream(if needed) at the end of the game. They probably also wouldn't have given her the Great Gospel limit break, or have made it much harder to get.

When Square decided to kill a character, it was either going to be Aeris or Barret. This was before all the other characters were added to the game and they didn't want to kill the main character. They chose Aeris because they felt Barret would have been too predictable.

How would the story have gone if Barret were killed instead? Probably wouldn't have had much of an impact. Barret's big role was more at the begining of the game and most of the characters could have replaced him attack wise.
my views on Areith dying are simple if she did'nt the story would have stopped there pretty much and although she is good for healing because of her limits especially she is still annoying and crap at dealing damage.
i recon the readon she was made so powerful was because they was gona kill her off if they wasnt going to i recon they would probly of weakened her
She'd probably be an eternal White Mage. I can't picture Aeris standing there attacking for big damage on enemies. When I think of Aeris, I instantly think of her White Wind ability for Limit, and her as the keeper of the White Materia.
Ok for all of you that say that Aerith is a crap physical Fighter watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SlJjf5ehaA its Aeris pwning Ruby weapon By HERSELF using NO magic and NO KOTR.

the only chears active in that video were Aeris in party, so yeah Aeris could pwn as much as the rest of them :)

Um, I hate to break this to you, but with that set up the person had, anyone could have owned Ruby. Plus, there was a number of hero drinks consumed, just basic overpowering and having auto haste and a high speed.

Now, back to the subject, if Aeris didn't die.... My point is, if Aeris had lived, then you lose the main focal point of the plot of FFVII. Aeris's death was the main reason why Cloud and crew were determined to put an end to Jenova and Sephiroth. Had she lived, there's a possiblity that the plot would have continued on, there just would have been less of an impact on character development cause then Aeris may have just been there to poke and prod Cloud into going here or there. In interviews, the makers of FFVII wanted this game to be about life. And since Aeris was done with Holy, the only thing she could have done was to talk to the lifestream directly, hence the need for her to die. And at the time, Sephiroth thought that by killing off Aeris, then it would also kill the hopes of the planet.